Transcript Document

Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world
Reading 1
Ⅰ Brainstorm
•What do you think life will be
like in 3000?
The robot is serving d____
for the master. He can do a
uman beings
lot of things for h________,
for example, they can help
ousework they
people do h_______.
will make people’s lives more
onvenient What’s more,
robots can help people do
boring or dangerous work so
that people can have time to
Where are the
passengers going?
Do you believe that
traveling to the
Moon would be just
like traveling to
another city?
If you have a chance,
would you like to fly
to the Moon or
another planet?
What are the people
in this picture doing?
How old is the man?
Do you think people
can live that long in
the future? Why or
why not?
Because of genetic research
Human beings
aliens are
having a meeting to
business affairs
between other
planets and the
Earth. They also
talks about the
issues in the
Ⅰ Brainstorm
Do you like the film?
Can you imagine how you feel
when you are actually in the film?
Would you like to watch films of
this kind?
Virtual reality could change the
way we watch films.
Ⅱ Skimming
• What is the name of the product?
A virtual reality cinema called RealCine
• How many of the viewer’s senses
does this product excite?
All five of our senses
• Who went on a virtual trip to
My ninety-year-old grandfather
Ⅲ Scanning
1. Decide whether the sentences are
true or false.
• The technology behind this
product is virtual reality.
• Upon reaching the top of
Qomolangma, the cold, the
tiredness, the food, the smells, the
sights and the sounds of the
mountain will be experienced.
•F A straw sensor delivers smells into
the viewer’s nose.
•TVR can provide teenagers with
another way to experience the
F• some people think that viewers
will be disappointed by RealCine
because VR is not interesting.
• Firefighters could be trained using
RealCine without the risk of being
sent into a burning building.
Ⅲ Scanning
2. Answer the questions according to what
you have read.
1) What do viewers wear so they
feel that they are actually in the
2) What did the teenager experience
in RealCine?
3) How could RealCine be used in
1. What do viewers wear so they feel
that they are actually in the film?
They wear special VR headsets
and gloves.
2. What did the teenager experience
in RealCine?
He attended a World Cup final as
the captain of the Brazilian
football team and scored the
winning goal. He was asked to sign
his name for his fan.
3. How
could RealCine be used in
• Teachers could bring history
alive by placing students in a
famous battle. They also could
teach biology by allowing
students to be a whale or an
ant for a lesson.
Ⅳ Detailed reading
How can RealCine excite the viewers’ five senses?
Sense Things needed
Effects in RealCine
Sight Special VR headset Viewers can see a world of
3d animation all around
Sound Special VR headset Viewers can hear the sounds
clearly all around them.
Smell Small openings in
Smells are given out.
the headset
Viewers can touch people
Small gloves
and objects in the film
Taste A straw sensor Special food and drink chemicals
are placed into the viewer’s mouth.
1. What product is the proposal about?
The proposal is about a virtual reality
cinema: Realcine.
2. What technology is behind this product?
The technology behind this product is
virtual reality.
3. What do viewers wear so they feel that
they are actually in the film?
They wear special VR headsets and gloves
4. What delivers the special food and drink
chemicals into the viewer’s mouth?
A straw sensor delivers the special food
and drink chemicals into the viewer’s
5. What did the teenager experience in
He attended a World Cup final as the
captain of the Brazilian football team
and scored the winning goal. He was
asked to sign his name for his fans.
6. Why do some people think that viewers
will be disappointed by Realcine?
Because VR is not real.
7. How could firefighters be trained with
this new technology?
They could be trained using Realcine
without the risk of being sent into a
burning building.
Ⅴ Structure
What information about RealCine does the
proposal give?
Para. 1
Para. 2,3,4
Para. 5,6
Para. 7
Para. 8
The introduction
How RealCine works
Why RealCine is better than
ordinary cinema
How RealCine can be
used in other ways
Word study
Guess the meanings of the following words
from the context.
1. extraordinary (line5)
2. character (line 8)
3. monitored (line 18)
4. via (line 20)
5. delivered (line 24)
6. put forward (line 35)
7. thrilled (line 40)
8. fantastic (line 46)
a suggested, raised
b very excited and pleased
c through
d watched and checked
e extremely good
f a person in a book, play or film
g not ordinary or usual
h sent
Dear Mr Cai,
Thank you for the proposal about(1)________
virtual reality
Cinema. I’m very interested in Realcine.
However, before using it in my next film,
there are some points I would like to mention.
I think (2) _______
viewers will be impressed by a
film that allows them to be a (3) __________
in the film. The example of climbing Mount
Qomolangma left me with a deep impression.
I think it is wonderful that the (4) ______
temperature may be felt by the viewer, but
I’m not sure how the sense of
achievement will be experienced (5) ______
virtual reality. It seems to me that it all
depends on the viewer who is watching the
film.I like the idea that virtual reality can
provide teenagers with a way to experience
the world, for example, by experiencing the
role of a (6) football
_____ player. I think my
grandfather will be (7) thrilled
_____ by the idea
that even old people can be sent on (8)
fantastic !
adventures . It’s (9) ________
But I don’t know how much money will
be needed to develop such a film. I’m
worried Realcine may be too expensive
for ordinary people to afford.
risk of
We are not ready to take the (10) _____
investing in Realcine yet. However, I have
talked about your proposal to other
people in my company, and the idea is
being considered by them. I will let you
know our final decision soon.
Yours sincerely,
Cheng Yige
Ⅵ Reading strategy
What do you think of the language used
in these sentences?
• I believe you will be amazed by the RealCine
experience, and will agree that this is an
extraordinary piece of technology that must be
developed further.
• Viewers will be surprised at how real it feels.
• RealCine works by making the viewers feel that
they are actually in the film.
• A am sure that you will agree that RealCine
provides a fantastic opportunity for the filmmaking industry.
Reading strategy
A business proposal Clear and persuasive
should be:
Detailed information
A good proposal
usually includes:
Convincing facts
To make the proposal Passive voice is
frequently used
Underline all the sentences using the passive
voice in the passage after class.
1.Not only is every step of climbing
Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer,
but also …… Inversion:
• 否定词放在句首,主句用局部倒装
• 常见的否定词有:never, hardly, seldom,
• scarcely, barely, little, nowhere, in no
way, at no time, not only,in no case,
not until等等。
Eg. Never shall I do this again.
• Little did he know who the woman was.
• In no way can they leave freely.
• Nowhere could they find the lost child.
Not until the early years of the 19th century
________what heat is.
A. man did know
B. man knew
C. didn’t man know D. did man know
(MET 90)
Not until I began to work _______ how much
time I had wasted.
A. didn’t I realize B. did I realize
C. I didn’t realize D. I realized
Not until all the fish died in the river,
_______how serious the pollution was.
A. did the villagers realize
B. the villagers realized
C. the villagers did realize
D. didn’t the villagers realize
Never before ________ in greater need of
modern public transport than it is today.
A. has this city been B. this city has been
C. was this city
D. this city was
2.Upon reaching the top of the mountain,
a feeling of happiness and a sense of
achievement will be experienced.
upon/on +n./doing :as soon as sb. does sth.
On my arrival, I went to see my former
=As soon as I arrived,…
On hearing the scream, all rushed out to see
what was happening.
=As soon as they heard the scream, all rushed
out to see what was happening.
3. pass on:
(1)hand or give sth to sb. else将某物交给某人
pass sth. on to sb.
Do not pass on the pain you suffer to those
who care you.
(2)die,pass away 去世
I’m sorry to learn that your dear grandmother
has passed on.
(3) move on, not stop继续前进
The police ordered the crowd to pass on.
(4) turn to (another topic)转移到另一个话题。
Let’s pass on to the next exercise.
pass the exam
pass a law
pass away 死亡;(时间等)消逝,(不安等)消失,
pass by
pass down 把……传给后世
pass off
pass through
Eg. Translation into Chinese or English
Whenever I talk about the topic, she always
tries to pass it by.
Has your toothache passed off yet?
My ancestor passed the song down from
generation to generation.
4. add to : increase 增加, 扩建
The bad weather added to our difficulties.
add sth.(to sth.): put one thing to another 添加
If the tea is too strong, add some water (to it).
add A to B/add A and B (together):
put …together to get a total把A和B加起来
Add 4 and 5together,you’ll get 9.
add sth. up: find the sum of 加起来
Please add all the figures up.
• add up to:
• (1) give as a result when joined 总计,合计
• The cost for the holiday added up to 3000
• (2) mean, equal等于/意味着某事物
• What you said added up to that you
wouldn’t give help.
• 你说的话意思就是你不愿意帮忙。
1) I don't think these facts will ___________
anything,as we can see.
2) Thousands of new books from abroad
have been added
school library.
add to
3) Setting off fireworks can_______the
atmosphere of the festival.
4) You must have made a mistake when you
added the bill _____,
up because the
added up to
than 1000 yuan.
5. give out(P42):
(1)send out 散发(光,热,气味等)
The flowers in the garden give out pleasant smell.
(2) be used up用光,耗尽
When my boy made the same mistake again,
my patience gave out.
(3) be tired out精疲力尽
After climbing up the mountain, I gave out.
(4) hand out分发
In order to go to school, the 7-year-old boy
made money by handing out leaflets in the street.
give away vt. (1)送掉,赠送;(2)泄露(秘密);
( 3) 丢掉或错失(良机);
give back vt. (1) 归还,恢复;(2)反射(光线、声音)
give in vi. (1)屈服于,投降于(感情、压力、请求)
give in to sb./sth. (1)向某人/某事屈服 2. vt. 提出
give off vt. 放出(光、烟、气味等),散发
give over vt. 交付,托付 give…over to 把…交给
give up
放弃(尝试,想法) give up +n./doing
give sb. up 放弃(病人等),对某人放弃希望
Translate the sentences ,paying more attention to
the phrases in red.
1.Don’t trust him. He is sure to give away your
2.I remember having given back the money to you.
3.He is so kind as to give away a large amount of
money to the poor.
4.The wild flowers around the hill give off a nice
5.He left giving the suspect over to the police to me.
6.If only I could give up sweets!
7.By no means will we give in to the enemy!
(2005 山东)
What shall we use for power when all the oil
in the world has _________?
A. given out B. put out C. held up D. used up
(2003 北京)
Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story,
or it may _______ the shocking ending.
A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off
6. make one’s dream come true:
realize/live one’s dream, turn one’s dream
into a reality
To make your dream come true, you should
above of all have confidence.
We believe what you have devoted yourself
to is sure to come true.
7.In the film, a World Cup final was being
played and the teenager was made to think
that he had scored the winning goal.
make 是使役动词。使役动词是表示使、令、
1)make/let/have sb. do
What on earth makes you laugh?
note: (sb.) be made to do
She is made to laugh continuously by a doll only.
2)make/let/have sth. done
Wait a moment and I will have the doll repaired
You should understand the traffic rule by now.
You’ve had it ________ often enough.
A. explaining B. to explain
C. explain D. explained
(2004 全国 I)
Helen had to shout ________ above the sound
of the music.
A. making herself hear
B. to make herself hear
C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard
8.put forward
(1)put before people for consideration 提出,建议
It’s reported that Nanjing has put forward the
general plan for city-building.
(2) set forward拨快
The clock has stopped. Please put forward
the hands of it.
(3) put sb. forward :recommend 推荐
I’d like to put one of my friend for the position
(2004 全国II)
You can take anything from the shelf and read,
but please _____the book when you’ve finished
with them.
A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off
The forest guards often find campfires that
have not been _______ completely.
A.turned down B. put out
C. put away
D. turned over
Before the war broke out, many people ______
in safe places possessions they could not take
with them.
A. threw away
B. put away
C. gave away
D. carried away
9.Besides films, VR might also have some other uses.
besides :prep. in addition to, as well as
辨析:1)except, besides(prep.)
except: 除……之外(但不包括在内)
They all went there besides Tom.
They all went there except Tom.
在否定句中 besides=except
I don’t care for anything besides/except this.
辨析:2)except ,except for
except: 除…之外(同类)后接名词/代词/副词/
except for: 除……之外(用以表示除外者不同于
We all succeed except him. (we ,him 属于同类)
He is a good man except for hot temper.
(man ,temper不属于同类)
辨析:3. except, but
but: 除…之外,意思同except,常于不定代词
All but him agreed to the plan.
besides 还可作adv. =in addition, what’s more
He tried two ways besides.
I don’t like the color of the dress. Besides,
it’s too expensive.
Do Parts A1 and A2 on page 96 in your
Read Part A first and then do Part B
in the writing section of this unit on
page 103 in your workbook.