Transcript Document

Introduction to Green Building
What is green building?
Green building is the process of designing
and building a home that minimizes its
impact on the environment both during
construction and over its useful life.
Green Home Examples
LEED for Homes Certified Home
NAHB Green Certified Home
Home Performance with Energy Star
• Many others
What makes these green?
Key Aspects
1. Team Approach (Work with Other Trades)
2. Site Selection, Lot Planning, and Preparation
3. House Design and Planning
4. Energy Efficiency
5. Durability and Water Management
6. Water Conservation
7. Green Product Selection
8. Indoor Air Quality
9. Reduce Material Use and Recycle Waste
10. Homeowner Education and Reference Manual
1. Team Approach
• Teamwork is necessary.
• Green building requires overcoming
challenges in overlaps of work, like
between plumbers and carpenters
• There will be a learning curve that you
go up quickly with just a few projects.
2. Site Selection, Lot
Planning, and Preparation
• Though not relevant to construction trades,
all should know about basics in site and lot
• Sites that decrease environmental impact
(like not building on wetlands) are preferred.
• Sites that do not increase urban sprawl are
3. House Design and Planning
• Homes with smaller footprints generally
use less materials and later, less energy.
• Constructing efficient homes reduces
• Good communication and information
between all of the new construction
trades overcomes design problems
during construction.
4. Energy Efficiency
• A green home is well-framed and
insulated and as airtight as possible.
• The windows and doors are selected for
energy-efficient glazing and air seals.
• Energy-efficient HVAC, lighting and
appliances are selected.
• So, carpenters, HVAC technicians,
electricians, and FM technicians are
especially important.
5. Best Construction Practices
(Weather Resistance, Durability, & Water Management)
•Many good practices are green, but especially
ones that create quality construction.
•Durability and water management issues are
focuses of trades that deal with structural
materials (like carpenters and masons) as
well as those trades that deal with the longterm performance (FM technicians).
6. Water Conservation
• Green homes require less water.
• The plumbing system is designed with water
efficient fixtures.
• Native drought-resistant plants and reducing
lawn area reduce irrigation.
• Innovative systems such as rainwater
collection and gray water reuse reduce
external water need.
• Plumbers and FM technicians play key roles.
7. Green Product Selection
• Several qualities of materials and
products determine whether they are
green, like:
Did it come from recycled materials?
Can the material be recycled in the future?
Was it made locally?
Did it use low energy and water to manufacture it?
• While all trades can make green selections,
carpenters play a special role because of the amount
of materials and products they use.
8. Indoor Air Quality
• Several things can affect indoor air:
Mold and moisture
Lead and other hazards
Formaldehyde and Volatile Organic Compounds
– Ventilation
• The team of HVAC technician, carpenter, and
FM technician play important roles.
9. Reduce Material Use and
Manage Waste
• Materials can be planned, estimated, ordered
and installed accurately to reduce total
amount of use and waste.
• When leftover, materials should be recycled
or reused.
• The two structural trades (masons and
carpenters) that use the largest quantity of
materials play key roles.
10. Homeowner Education
and Training Manual
• A green home won’t perform well if it is
not operated and maintained as
• All trades must provide information, but
the FM technicians play a key role in
making sure that occupants understand
it and follow through with it.
Current State of Green Building
• Many long-proven technologies are
ready to be incorporated.
• Many new materials and products are
still coming out.
• A majority of builders are familiar with
green building, and a good portion are
already using them.
Green Certification Programs
• Many programs certify homes for their greenness in
all or some of the above principles, like
– NAHBGreen
– Home Performance with ENERGY STAR
• They vary based on requirements and verification
Future of Green Building
• New materials and technologies are
coming out every year.
• Green certification programs change
requirements on a regular basis, just
like building codes.
• A majority of builders are expected to
be using green building techniques
within 5 years.
Applying Green Applications
to Current RCA Lesson Plans
RCA Text
Green Building Aspect
Site Selection, Lot Planning, and Preparation
Team Approach (Work with Other Trades)
House Design and Planning
Energy Efficiency
Durability and Water Management
Water Conservation
Green Product Selection
Indoor Air Quality
Reduce Material Use and Recycle Waste
Homeowner Education and Reference Manual
House Wiring