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Video Assignments: Managing large submission files

Chris Boon


• Electronic submission developed for BTEC courses • Being used across curriculum areas

The problem

• Can we use this to hand in videos?

The scenario

• Level 2 Childcare course • Design an active assessment which would meet these criteria P5: Demonstrate understanding of how to interact and communicate with adults P6: Describe a policy in a child care setting that concerns confidentiality and the sharing of information M4: Explain why it is important to have a policy with respect to confidentiality and the sharing of information in a child-care setting

The assignment

• Working in groups of three make a video of one of these scenarios: • Telling a parent their child has nits • Dealing with a parent who needs a phone number • Witnessing an accident outside the childcare setting

The solution: #1

• Use the existing Blackboard Assignment tool

The results: #1

• Poor user experience for students uploading large video files • Lecturer did not have space to download large video files • Blackboard course archives became very large!

The solution: #2

• Students still upload videos to Blackboard using Assignment tool • Once the due date has passed ILT Team uploads on bulk to college video system • Lecturer watches videos on video system • Assignment files removed from Blackboard to save space

The video system

• Planet eStream launched at CCN

The video uploads

• Use Assignment File Download in Grade Centre • Bulk upload videos to eStream with common name tag – course ID • Make videos private to the lecturer

Watching the videos

The tidy up

• Use Assignment File Cleanup in Grade Centre

The results: #2

• Poor user experience for students uploading large video files • Much easier for lecturer to watch videos, but not tracked to specific student • Course archives no longer growing • Needs manual process from ILT Team

The solution: #3

• Students upload video to eStream • Students use MashUp tool to add video to Assignment • Lecturer watches video directly in Grade Centre

The solution: #3

• Students upload video to eStream

The solution: #3

• Students upload video to eStream

The solution: #3

• Students use MashUp tool to add video to Assignment

The solution: #3

• Students use MashUp tool to add video to Assignment

The solution: #3

• Students use MashUp tool to add video to Assignment

The fix

• Embed code needed to be white listed in Safe HTML Filter • Go to System Admin > Safe HTML Filters > Safe HTML Filter for Content Editor • Download default-policy.xml; add line:

The solution: #3

• Lecturer watches video directly in Grade Centre

The results: #3

• Much better user experience for students; upload shows progress bar • Much easier for lecturer to watch videos, and now clearly linked to student • Large videos not stored on Blackboard • No assistance needed from ILT Team

The lecturer feedback

• Marking process was very simple • Although 85% of students have a smart phone (May 2013) some borrowed flip cams for better quality • Students used Microsoft Movie Maker to add music, transitions, titles etc

The lecturer feedback

• Students with less confidence could make audio recordings or use visual aids • Self-selected groups allowed lecturer to get to know group dynamics of new class • Blackboard was invaluable in managing submissions – 148 students in year group

The lecturer feedback

• Students enjoyed the assignment – fun ‘ice breaker’ first task – happier to complete subsequent written tasks • Students complained about eStream but actually enjoyed it more than written task in previous year • Students learnt technical skills: useful life skills about video recording and editing

The improvements

• Give a time limit for videos – some took too long to mark!

• Don’t assume ‘digital natives’ know about video editing – more guidance needed on file formats, sizes etc • Try Group Assignments to avoid duplicated uploads

Questions Chris Boon [email protected]
