Optimization of Multi-Domain Queries on the Web

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Optimization of Multi-Domain Queries on the Web
Daniele Braga, Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Davide Martinenghi
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione – Politecnico di Milano
VLDB 2008
2009. 02. 19.
Presented by Babar Tareen, IDS Lab., Seoul National University
Based on Conference Presentation
Center for E-Business Technology
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
Mutli-Domain Queries
 Queries that can be answered by combining knowledge from
two or more domains
 Example
Where can I attend an interesting database workshop close to a
sunny beach?
Who are the strongest experts on service computing based upon
their recent publication record and accepted European projects ?
Can I spend an April week-end in a city served by a low-cost
direct flight from Milano offering a Mahler's symphony?
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 General-purpose search engines (e.g. Yahoo, Google)
Very large search space, yet
Not able to index deep Web data
 Domain-specific search engines (e.g. an airline’s flight search
form, Amazon’s book search facility)
Typically of high quality, but
Limited to restricted domains
 We lack the ability to answer multi-domain queries
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Scenario: a multi-domain query
Reference query:
“Find all database conferences in the next six months in locations
the average temperature is at least 28°C degrees and for
which a cheap travel solution including a luxury accommodation
exists.” a query over a set of services, fin
d the query
this query
minimizes the exp
cost according
to a give
– ected
Finding execution
interesting conferences
in the desired timeframe
via online
by the
n services
in scientific
order community;
to obtain the best k a
– Understanding whether the conference location is served by lownswers.”
cost flights;
Finding luxury hotels close to the conference location with
available rooms; and
Checking the expected average temperature of the location
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Overall Picture
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Preliminaries – (1)
 Characteristics of information sources (services)
Search services: return answers in ranking order
Exact services: indistinguishible tuples (no ranking)
Services have access patterns
Combination of Input and Output parameters corresponding to
different ways of invocation
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Preliminaries – (2)
 Characteristics of information sources (services)
Expected result size per invocation (ERSPI):
proliferative (ERSPI>1)
selective (0≤ERSPI≤ 1) services
Chunking/paging of result sets: bulk vs. chunked services
 Joins
Can be considered system services
ERSPI: selectivity of the join condition, ERSPIs of services
Product of the ERSPI values of the services multiplied by the
selectivity of the join condition
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Preliminaries – (3)
 Query plan: indicates the invocations of services and their
conjunctive composition through joins
Represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)
Nodes = atoms in the conjuncitve query (service, join)
Arcs = precedence constaints + data flows
Joins: join strategy + number of fetches per service
Directed Acyclic Graph
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Preliminaries – (4)
 Cost metrics: associate a cost to a plan
Sum cost metric = sum of the costs of each operator
Execution time metric = expected time from query input to
result output
Request-response cost metric = special case of sum cost metric
where each invocation has a costs of 1
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Optimization Approach
 Exploring a highly combinatorial solution space
1st Phase: selection of a given query rewriting such that every
service is called with one of available access patterns
2nd Phase: selection of query plan
3rd Phase: assignment of the exact number of fetches to be
performed over chunked services
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Services, access patterns, queries
 Web services and access patterns:
Services with
alternative access
• The example query (in Datalog-like syntax):
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Query plans
 Representation as DAGs
Placing a node = invoking the respective service/join
Two nodes connected by an arc = sequential execution
Two nodes without connection = parallel execution
 Graphical notation (note the parallel vs. pipe join):
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Joing strategies for parallel joins
 Nested loop: one service “dominates” the other
 Merge-scan: no a-priori distinction of services
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Annotated query plans
 In order to estimate the number of tuples in output, we further
need to know:
The number of tuples in output of each service
The number of fetches for each chunked service
The join strategy for each parallel join
 The final annotation is the output of the optimization
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Instrumented branch and bound
 Access pattern selection
Heuristic: “Bound is better” = the more input fields in the access
pattern, the better
 Query plan selection
and parallel are better” = selective services in
service combinations:
series (with increasing ERSPI) and proliferative services in parallel
α1 has more input fields than α2
Not feasible: City would
Heuristic: “Greedy and square are better”
need =toeither
be an we
to the (greedy)
query! or
the number of fetches to chunked services
 Chunked service selection
together (square)
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Final annotation of query plan
Execution time cost metric:
Service characterization:
Fetching factors:
Annotated query plan
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Query execution
 Execution environment
Service registration: signature, patterns, ERSPI, repsonse times,
chunk sizes, indication of join strategy,...
Service orchestration: query execution
Multi-threading: to leverage parallelisms
 Logical caching (speed + elimination of duplicates)
No cache = each call individually repeated
One-call cache = caching of the last call to each service
Optimal cache = all calls to all services are cached
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# of calls under varying chache settings
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Results of the optimal plan
 Screenshot of the prototype query engine
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 In this work, we have
defined an formal model for the optimization of multi-domain queries
over web services (conjunctive queries)
defined query plans similar to relational physical access plans
derived an optimization technique based on a classical branch and
bound technique
given experimental evidence that the proposed model fits real world
settings (existing web service and wrapped ones)
 Next
Generic query engine + declarative rep. of query plans
User interface for the mashup of sevices/queries
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 Very Simple Experimental Setup
 No details about Semi-automatically generated Wrappers
 How to decide which service to select for a specific domain?
 How to map Input Output parameters between different
 If we have to pre-program the system for new domains, it is
like developing a special purpose application
 How effective is the system for answering Multi-Domain
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