Analysis of Variance in Matrix form

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• Multicollinearity occurs when explanatory variables are highly
correlated, in which case, it is difficult or impossible to measure their
individual influence on the response.
• The fitted regression equation is unstable.
• The estimated regression coefficients vary widely from data set to data
set (even if data sets are very similar) and depending on which predictor
variables are in the model.
• The estimated regression coefficients may even have opposite sign than
what is expected (e.g, bedroom in house price example).
STA302/1001 - week 11
• The regression coefficients may not be statistically significant from
0 even when corresponding explanatory variable is known to have a
relationship with the response.
• When some X’s are perfectly correlated, we can’t estimate β because
X’X is singular.
• Even if X’X is close to singular, its determinant will be close to 0
and the standard errors of estimated coefficients will be large.
STA302/1001 - week 11
Quantitative Assessment of Multicollinearity
• To asses multicolinearity we calculate the Variance Inflation Factor
for each of the predictor variables in the model.
• The variance inflation factor for the ith predictor variable is defined
1  Ri2
where Ri2 is the coefficient of multiple determination obtained when
the ith predictor variable is regressed against p-1 other predictor
• Large value of VIFi is a sign of multicollinearity.
STA302/1001 - week 11
Rainfall Example
• The data set contains cord yield (bushes per acre) and rainfall
(inches) in six US corn-producing states (Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois,
Indiana, Missouri and Ohio).
• Straight line model is not adequate – up to 12″ rainfall yield
increases and then starts to decrease.
• A better model for this data is a quadratic model:
Yield = β0 + β1∙rain + β2∙rain2 + ε.
• This is still a multiple linear regression model since it is linear in the
• However, we can not interpret individual coefficients, since we
can’t change one variable while holding the other constant…
STA302/1001 - week 11
More on Rainfall Example
• Examination of residuals (from quadratic model) versus year
showed that perhaps there is a pattern of an increase over time.
• Fit a model with year…
• To assess whether yield’s relationship with rainfall depends on year
we include an interaction term in the model…
STA302/1001 - week 11
• Two predictor variables are said to interact if the effect that one of
them has on the response depends on the value of the other.
• To include interaction term in a model we simply the have to take
the product of the two predictor variables and include the resulting
variable in the model and an additional predictor.
• Interaction terms should not routinely be added to the model. Why?
• We should add interaction terms when the question of interest has to
do with interaction or we suspect interaction exists (e.g., from plot
of residuals versus interaction term).
• If an interaction term for 2 predictor variables is in the model we
should also include terms for predictor variables as well even if their
coefficients are not statistically significant different from 0.
STA302/1001 - week 11