Transcript Slide 1



ArrayLists and Iterators November 28, 2005 1


• • Sudoku - still missing two, waiting to grade Test - Scheduling make-up week13 2


• But Ms. K I don’t know how many items I am going to need to store… arrays won’t work for me!

• What should I do? I want a flexible sized collection!

And in comes…. ArrayList week13 3

ArrayList what’s that?

• • • It’s an object in the java.util package A Class that implements a list - a flexible sized collection  “List” is a special Java interface (we’ll talk about interfaces later) that specifies methods and variables anything called a “List” should have It’s kind of like an array, but can grow and shrink  And it has some limitations… week13 4

Important Features of ArrayList

• • • It is able to increase its internal capacity as required, as more items are added, it simply makes enough room for them.

It keeps its own private count of how many items it is currently storing. Its size method returns the number of objects currently stored in it.

It maintains the order of items you insert into it. You can later retrieve them in the same order.

week13 5

Some ArrayList details

• • Each ArrayList instance has a


. The capacity is the size of the array used to store the elements in the list. It is always at least as large as the list size. As elements are added an ArrayList, its capacity grows automatically. The details of the growth policy are not specified beyond the fact that adding an element has constant amortized time cost.

An application can increase the capacity of an ArrayList instance before adding a large number of elements using the ensureCapacity operation. This may reduce the amount of incremental reallocation (creating the space to add new elements one at a time) week13 6

Some ArrayList Methods



( Object o) Appends the specified element to the end of this list.



() Removes all of the elements from this list.



( Object elem) Returns true if this list contains the specified element.



(int index) Returns the element at the specified position in this list.



( Object elem) Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, testing for equality using the equals method.



() Tests if this list has no elements.



( Object elem) Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified object in this list.



(int index) Removes the element at the specified position in this list.

week13 7

Array versus ArrayList

Benefit Array ArrayList Objects and primitives do not need to be cast when accessing the elements Dynamically sizeable Drawback Not dynamically sizable May not hold primitives and Objects usually need to be cast when accessing the element week13 8

Going through a whole collection

• What if we wanted to implement a “ ToDoList ” with Note Objects  If users can add and remove notes, the index numbers can change, so we want a way to list all the notes with their current index numbers.

 We also want a method called listAllNotes that can take into account that the list has dynamic size and can change a lot week13 9

2 ways to go through a collection

• • For an ArrayList, we could loop through similarly to what we do for an array (using the index to get each element) But going through all items in a collection is a common activity, so the Java API gives a way to


over contents of a collection.

week13 10


• • • The java.util package has an Iterator object An Iterator is an object that has methods that lets you step through each item in a collection one at a time This object provides two methods for iteration: hasNext and next • Example: Using this object (assume you have an ArrayList defined called myCollection) week13 Iterator it = myCollection.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ // Call to get the next object //do something with that object you got } 11

Why two ways?

• • • For an ArrayList, either way will work and is roughly equal in terms of quality For other collection classes in Java, it is impossible or very inefficient to access elements by providing an index.

The iterator solution can be used for all collections in Java, so it is an important design pattern to use.

week13 12

What does the API say about the Iterator methods?

• • • boolean


() Returns true if the iteration has more elements.



() Returns the next element in the iteration.



() Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by the iterator week13 13

Why an Iterator is even better than a for loop ….

• • • So let’s say that you are looping through your ArrayList of friends with a for loop and you need to delete two of them from the middle   What happens?

==> your counter ends up being off because you are changing the data structure as you go through However, if you loop through using an Iterator - have this problem   you don’t You can think of the iterator as an “ I ” beam - when you stop to remove something, the beam stays where it is You don’t have to decrement counter in order not to miss anything Iterators can traverse collections more elegantly and 14

But I put a String in my ArrayList…

• My ArrayList has Amnesia!

• Why does the Iterator give me an Object? What can I do with that Object? • We just learned that


class has Object as its superclass, so we need a way of saying to the Java compiler, “

Hey, this thing the Iterator just got for me isn’t a plain regular Object, it is an object that I’ve put in there, and I know that it has the data type of String”

week13 15

Casting to the rescue!

• • Remember casting from our int/int = double days?

We can use casting to do this too!  Tell the compiler what specific kind of object is stored in your ArrayList String myString = (String); I have a String not an Object!

16 week13

But there’s more…

• The newest version of Java put in something called Generics that will fix this “amnesia” problem   We won’t go into too many details, but it’s really cool You can make type-safe collections of Objects ArrayList myStringList = new ArrayList;  Now our ArrayList can hold only Objects of type String and the compiler will enforce it!

• But for now, you still also need to understand the cast of the Objects in the collection, because the AP exam may test your knowledge of it week13 17

Enhanced For - new in Java 5

• Instead of using the regular for loop to step through each element in an array or in a collection, Java 5 gives a new kind of loop: Dog[] aBunchOfDogs = new Dog[20]; //pretend these have been initialized to something for(Dog d : aBunchOfDogs){ System.out.println(d); • } Underneath the scenes, it’s really just an Iterator in a nice new package (but again, due to the AP exam, you still need to understand Iterators) week13 18


• 2004 AP CS A Free-Response Question 2  We will program the whole problem, not just the specified methods week13 19

Extra Stuff (Questions during lab)

• To check the type of an Object for casting: if(myObject instanceOf Dog) • To make an Iterator from a Java Collection: ArrayList li = new ArrayList(); • Iterator it = li.iterator(); To make a parameterized Iterator: ArrayList li = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = li.iterator(); week13 20



Exceptions November 29, 2005 21


• • • In Java, an Exception is an object that defines a problem that can usually be fixed  An error is like an exception except that the problem usually cannot be fixed Handling exceptions – can be done in different ways  Typically you catch correct it the exception and then do some action to If the exception is not handled, the program will crash and produce a message with information about what happened week13 22

Common Exceptions

• • • • • • • ArithmeticException (like / by zero) NullPointerException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException IndexOutOfBoundsException ClassCastException IllegalAccessException ClassNotFoundException week13 23

Throwing Exceptions

• • • The Java runtime environment throws exceptions Programmers can also choose to throw exceptions  Example: • throw new NoSuchElementException() Exception is a class with a default constructor with no arguments and a constructor that takes a String argument that appears in the message when the exception occurs week13 24

Making our own exceptions

• We can define our own exceptions by deriving a new class from Exception or one of its descendants public class OutOfRangeException extends Exception{ OutOfRangeException(String message){ super(message); } } week13 25

Throwing an exception

import java.util.Scanner; public class InputGetter{ public int run() throws OutOfRangeException{ Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println(“Enter a value between 5 “ + “and 20”); int value = sc.nextInt(); if(value < 5 || value > 20) throw new OutOfRangeException(“Input is out of range”); return value; //may not be reached } } week13 26

Catching Exceptions

• • If you can throw it, you can catch it… Try/catch block try{ //statements that might cause exception; InputGetter in = new InputGetter();; //throws an exception } catch(OutOfRangeException e){ //exception-handling statements; //could print an error message and exit //could try to recover } catch(Exception other){ week13 //exception-handling statements; //this isn’t needed here, but some methods could //throw different kinds of exceptions } 27

But you can also punt

• • If you don’t want to deal with an exception, your method could punt and throw it back For example, let’s say you are working with Files , just trying to open a File with Scanner can cause a FileNotFoundException , maybe we don’t want to deal with this  Our method could say that it throws a FileNotFoundException and we just ignore what could happen  For Example: public void readPuzzleFromFile(File f) throws FileNotFoundException { … } week13 28



LinkedLists November 30, 2005 29


• • Sudoku - still missing one, waiting to grade Test - make-up • Pet and Kennel Lab - missing some week13 30


• • I may have misspoke the other day when I talked about Interfaces You do not need to declare that Interface methods are abstract  A method declaration within an interface is followed by a semicolon (;) because an interface does not provide implementations for the methods declared within it.  All methods declared in an interface are implicitly public and abstract.

week13 31

List Interface (AP Subset)

• • List extends java.util.Collection

Here are the methods List implementations must supply: week13 32

ArrayLists as data structures

• • Maybe you want your arrays to have more flexibility that what we’ve done so far… How would you program the following operations for an array?

 Add • At beginning • • At end At a certain location  Delete • At beginning, At end, At a certain location week13 33

Representing data structures

• Arrays are one way to organize a list -- But they are limited because they have a fixed size and fixed references • Some collections get around this – for example, ArrayList will create larger arrays when needed and copy everything over into it (but that’s not very efficient) • But a truly dynamic data structure can grow and shrink as needed week13 34

Java Collections

• • All Java Collections can be implemented in different ways In the Java API, collection classes generally tell the collection type and the implementation   ArrayList is a list collection with an array implementation LinkedList is a list collection with a “linked” implementation - let’s look at what that really means!

week13 35


• • • ADT = abstract data type A collection of data and the operations that are defined on that data. Provides a standard interface to define what the structure does, no matter how it is implemented week13 36

Dynamic Data Structures

• • • Use links between objects to hook them together in whatever type of structure we need  Nodes to hold the data  Links to hook nodes together If we are careful, we can make different kinds of structures that are easy to search and modify, depending on our needs for the data


linearly (usually) “linked” together  – a dynamic data structure that is Mirrors the functionality of an array week13 37

ListNode definition

class ListNode{ private Object value;


value value private ListNode next; } Now we can instantiate two objects of a class and chain them together using the next reference This makes the LinkedList week13 38

Linked Lists

• And now we have a way to represent a Linked List, but we also need our list operations • Want to have a way to add nodes to the list and remove nodes from list  Insertion and deletion can happen in 3 places: • • • At the front of the list In the middle of the list At the end of the list week13 39

Insertion at front

null list 2


1 node Inserting the red node at the front of the list week13 40

Insertion in the middle

list current


2 1 null node Inserting the red node in the middle of the list week13 41

Insertion at the end



null list null node Inserting the red node at the end of the list week13 42

Special Insertion Case (Empty List)

• New node is created and inserted as the first node in the list • List pointer was pointing to null (because the list was empty) • Make sure that list pointer is set up to point to the first node week13 43

Deleting nodes

• Any node can be deleted, we just have to maintain the list and its “linked” properties • • Deleting first element  Make sure the reference to the list points to the current second node in the list before deleting the first element Deleting other elements  Find the node in front of the node that we’re deleting (have extra “previous” and “current” pointers)  Update references… week13 44

Implementing LinkedList

• • Need to program the LinkedList class  Performs all the insertions and deletions, handles special cases Need to program the ListNode class  Represents the node object  This is available at:

week13 45

Lab/Homework: Implement LinkedList

• LinkedList class: (for now a standalone class)  boolean add(int index, Object o)       boolean add(Object o) //adds to end of list Object get(int index) Object remove(int index) boolean set(int index, Object o) int size() Methods to be implemented later (For List Interface contract) • Iterator iterator() • ListIterator listIterator() • Tester class: MyCollection  Make an instance of linked list class and use its methods (test all of them) to store Objects of your choice (your CD collection, a list of your favorite songs, etc)  week13 Have a method for traversing the linked list, that will print each of object of your collection 46



More Linked Lists December 1, 2005 47


• • LinkedList implementation good?

Today we will implement MyCollection to test your LinkedList, if you haven’t already done so week13 48

More-on Linked Lists

• The LinkedList we wrote yesterday only allows us to move forward through our list what if we want to move backwards to o?

 What would we need?

week13 49

Doubly LinkedLists

• The ListNode class would need to keep track of the


object and the


object • Makes it easier to move back and forth between nodes in the list • Insertion & deletion slightly more complicated – need to make sure you maintain both links week13 50

Doubly LinkedList

• List would want to keep track of the first ListNode and the last ListNode • More efficient structure for problems/situations that need it.

Front_list null null End_list week13 51

Traversal: Stepping through a LinkedList

• Just follow the next pointers to each object until the next pointer is null • Useful for:  Printing objects   Looking for a certain object etc week13 52

Circular Linked Lists

• A LinkedList where the end node points back to the first node week13 53


Homework: Implement circular doubly LinkedList

• Use your code from yesterday to create a DoublyCircularLinkedList, which needs a DoubleNode class 54