Customer Service Training

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Transcript Customer Service Training

Customer Service
Lesson 6
Customer Relations I
After this Lesson you will…
• Be able to explain what is meant by customer
relationships and its components.
Be able to explain the role company policies
and expectations play in customer service and
customer relationships.
Understand the do’s and don’ts for providing
exceptional customer service.
Learn how teamwork can improve Customer
• Added Value Added value is the extra, over and
above the basic product or service offer that an
organization makes to its customers. This added value
represents extra benefits that can truly delight the
customers and keep them loyal.
• Behavior The way an individual does things. You do
things in a particular way because of the way you feel,
what you want, and how other people treat you.
• Business Protocol The expected way to act in
business including company policies, protocol, and the
culture of the company. Examples of this at Job
Corps are: Standard Operating Procedures and
Minimum Standards
More Terminology
• Complaint An expression of dissatisfaction.
• Customer A customer is somebody who receives
customer service from a service deliverer. Generally
it is easier to see a customer as a person but
sometimes an organization can be a customer. In most
cases a customer or his or her organization is paying
directly or indirectly for the service that is being
• Customer Loyalty Some customers tend to return to
the same service deliverer and this is customer
loyalty. Customer loyalty can be built up if the
customer experience of an organization has been
Even More Terminology
• Customer Preference Each customer is an individual and
customers tend to have different likes and dislikes. Sometimes,
in order to deliver consistent customer service, an organization
chooses to do things in exactly the same way For every
customer. It is possible to offer a customer options so that his
or her customer preferences can be taken into account the way
the customer service is delivered.
• Customer Relationship The relationship a customer has with an
organization, business, or individual that is providing a good or
• Empathy The degree of caring and individual attention you show
• Teamwork Collaboration of individuals working together for a
cause or to accomplish a goal.
Customer Loyalty
• Customer Loyalty is valuable to an
organization because it is generally less
expensive to repeat business with an existing
customer than it is to find a new one.
Some organizations choose to reward
customer loyalty by making special customer
service arrangements and offers for repeat
customers. Generally customer loyalty means
that if an organization has a problem with a
customer there is a better chance of keeping
that customer afterwards than there would
be with a new customer.
The Key to a Successful
Business is a Steady Customer
• Successful Businesses typically see 80% of
their business from 20% of their customers.
• Too many businesses neglect this customer base
in pursuit of new customers.
• The cost to attract a new customer is
significantly more than to maintain your
relationship with existing ones, your efforts
toward building customer loyalty will pay off.
Remember Customers Names
• Know Their Names. Remember the
theme song to the television show
• Get to know the names of regular
customers or at least recognize
their faces.
• Everyone in the organization has to think
teamwork when it comes to customer service.
The customer does not classify individuals
based on their business unit, department or
position. They see them as one entity
It’s important for everyone in an organization
understands the companies policies and
expectations for customer service. Customer
service affects all levels of any operation, and
everyone involved needs to have the same
mindset and follow the same policies and
There is no “I” in team.
The Do’s and Don’ts of
Customer Service
• Strong customer service is a valuable
asset, especially in today's high-techoriented, increasingly impersonal
business world.
• Be aware of customer service mistakes
and avoid them, you may strengthen
your position in a competitive market.
• Don’t talk over your
Don’t just say no
Don’t continue what
your doing when a
customer is near.
Don’t seem
preoccupied when
dealing with the
• Do Listen
• Do try to find an
alternative solution and
be prepared to offer
an alternate solution if
the customer is
Do stop what your
doing to help the
Do pay full attention to
the customer, smile
and make eye contact
The Golden Rule of
Customer Service:
Put yourself in the
customers shoes and
remember, “do unto
others as you want
others to do unto you!”