Transcript Slajd 1

„Any fool can write code that a computer can understand.
Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”
Martin Fowler
First rendezvous
TDD and continues refactoring
Why should you refactor?
When should you refactor?
Bad smells in code
Low level refactoring technics
Refactoring to design patterns
A bit of propaganda
• Programs that are hard to read are hard to modify.
• Programs that have duplicated logic are hard to
• Programs that require additional behavior that
requires you to change running code are hard to
• Programs with complex conditional logic are hard
to modify.
• Any fool can write code that a computer can
understand. Good programmers write code that
humans can understand.
Needless Complexity
Needless Repetition
Bad smells
Duplicated code
Long method
Large class
Too many
Feature envy.
Inappropriate intimacy
Refused bequest:
Lazy class /
• Contrived complexity
• Excessively long
• Excessively short
• Excessive use of
• Ubercallback
Bad stinks
If it stinks,
change it
Kent’s Beck grandma
about babies’ diapper change strategy
First rendezvous
• Refactoring: a change made to the
internal structure of software to make it
easier to understand and cheaper to
modify without changing its observable
TDD and continues refactoring
• Red
You create a test that expresses what you expect
your code to do. The test fails (turns red) because
you haven't created code to make the test pass.
• Green
You program whatever is expedient to make the
test pass (turn green). You don't pain yourself to
come up with a duplication-free, simple, clear
design at this point. You'll drive towards such a
design later, when your test is passing and you can
comfortably experiment with better designs.
• Refactor
You improve the design of the code that passed
the test.
TDD and continues refactoring
Keep defect counts low
Refactor without fear
Produce simpler, better code
Program without stress
Why should you refactor?
To make easier put in new code.
To improve the design of software.
To make software easier to undersand.
To make development more nice.
• It helps you to find bugs.
• It helps you develop code more quickly.
When should you refactor?
• The rule of three
The first time you do something, you just
do it. The second time you do something
similar, you wince at the duplication, but
you do the duplicate thing anyway. The
third time you do something similar, you
When should you refactor?
• Refactor when you add function.
Refactor to help you understand some code you
need to modify.
Refactor to change design that does not help
you to add new feature easy.
• Refactor when you need to fix a bug.
• Refactor as you do a code review.
Design/Technical Debt metphore and when
shouldn’t you refactor.
Refactoring and design
• You still do upfront design, but now you
don't try to find the best solution. Instead
all you want is a reasonable solution. You
know that as you build the solution, as you
understand more about the problem, you
realize that the best solution is different
from the one you originally came up with.
With refactoring this is not a problem, for it
no longer is expensive to make the
Refactoring and design
• Overdesign – design that is more flexible than
you need, it make project bigger and more
• Flexibility cost. With refactoring we move toward
simplicity of design rather than flexibility.
• You don’t know now which changes you will
need introduce to system in the future. Wrong
predicted direction of changes make some
flexibility newer used.
• Emphasis on: how difficult is it going to be to
refactor a simple solution into the flexible
• Consciousness what you can refactor easy.
So what is the strategy
• When you find you have to add a feature to a
program, and the program's code is not structured
in a convenient way to add the feature, first refactor
the program to make it easy to add the feature,
then add the feature.
• Before you start refactoring, check that you have a
solid suite of tests. Thus the refactoring should be
• Refactor the program in small steps. If you make a
mistake, it is easy to find the bug.
• Don’t optimize ahead, concentrate on simplicity of
design. Wait for result from diagnostics tools for
Bad smells in code
• Duplicated code
Extract method, Extract class,
Form Template Method, Introduce Polymorphic Creation
with Factory Method, Chain Constructors, Replace
One/Many Distinctions with Composite, Extract
Composite, Unify Interfaces with Adapter, Introduce Null
• Long Method
Extract method, Introduce parameter object,
Compose Method, Move Accumulation to Collecting
Parameter, Replace Conditional Dispatcher with
Command, Move Accumulation to Visitor,Replace
Conditional Logic with Strategy
Bad smells in code
• Conditional complexity
Replace Conditional Logic with Strategy, Move
Embellishment to Decorator, Replace State-Altering
Conditionals with State, Introduce Null Object.
• Primitive obsession
Replace data value with object, Replace type code with
Replace State-Altering Conditionals with State, Replace
Conditional Logic with Strategy, Replace Implicit Tree
with Composite, Replace Implicit Language with
Interpreter, Move Embellishment to Decorator,
Encapsulate Composite with Builder
Bad smells in code
• Indecent Exposure
Encapsulate Classes with Factory
• Solution Sprawl
Move Creation Knowledge to Factory
• Alternative classes with different interfaces
Extract superclass, Rename method,
Unify Interfaces with Adapter
• Lazy class
Collapse Hierarchy
Inline Singleton
• Combinatorial explosion
Replace Implicit Language with Interpreter
• Oddball solution
Unify Interfaces with Adapter
Bad smells in code
• Large class
Extract class, Extract subclass, Extract interface,
Replace Conditional Dispatcher with
Command, Replace State-Altering
Conditionals with State, Replace Implicit
Language with Interpreter
• Switch statements
Extract method, Replace type code with
state/strategy, Replace conditional with
Replace Conditional Dispatcher with Command,
Move Accumulation to Visitor.
Simple refactorings
• Support from development environment
for automation of refactoring VS/R#
– Rename
– Encapsulate field
– Extract method
– Extract Interface
– Promote local variable to parameter
– Remove parameters
– Reorder parameters
Simple refactorings
– Make a method (non)static
– Push/pull members up/down
– Replace constructor with Factory Method
– Safe delete
– Move type/static method
Self Encapsulate Field
• You are accessing a field directly, but the coupling to the
field is becoming awkward.
• Create getting and setting methods for the field and use
only those to access the field.
• It allows a subclass to override how to get that
information with a method and that it supports more
flexibility in managing the data, such as lazy initialization,
which initializes the value only when you need to use it.
• You are accessing a field in a superclass but you want to
override this variable access with a computed value in
the subclass.
• Make code more complicated.
Rename method
• The name of a method does not reveal its
• Change the name of the method.
Extract method
• You have a code fragment that can be grouped together.
• Turn the fragment into a method whose name explains the
purpose of the method.
• Pay attention to naming.
• Do it allways when sematic distance between method body and
method name is big.
• It increases the chances that other methods can use a method
when the method is finely grained
• It allows the higher-level methods to read more like a series of
• Overriding also is easier when the methods are finely grained.
Extract method
• No Local Variables
• Using Local Variables (copy vs move)
• Reassigning a Local Variable
Extract interface
• Several clients use the same subset of a class's
interface, or two classes have part of their interfaces in
• Extract the subset into an interface.
• Only a particular subset of a class's responsibilities is
used by a group of clients or class needs to work with
any class that can handle certain requests.
• Class has a distinct roles in different situations. Make
interface for each role.
• You want to specify the outbound of the operations the
class makes on its server.
Extract superclass
• You have two classes with similar
• Create a superclass and move the
common features to the superclass.
• Prevents code duplication by class
Extract subclass
• A class has features that are used only in some
• Create a subclass for that subset of features.
• Class has behavior used for some instances of the
class and not for others.
• Limitations:
– You can't change the class-based behavior of an object
once the object is created.
– You can change the class-based behavior with Extract
Class simply by plugging in different components.
– You can also use only subclasses to represent one set of
– If you want the class to vary in several different ways, you
have to use delegation for all but one of them.
Pull up method
You have methods with identical results on subclasses.
Move them to the superclass.
Eliminate code duplication.
If method do the same but have different signatures unify
• If method are similiar but not the same consider template
• If two methods in different classes can be parameterized in
such a way that they end up as essentially the same
method then the smallest step is to parameterize each
method separately and then generalize them.
• If Pull Up Method body refer to features that are on the
subclass but not on the superclass consider generalization
that feature or creation an abstract feature in the
Move method
• A method is, or will be, using or used by more
features of another class than the class on which
it is defined.
• Create a new method with a similar body in the
class it uses most. Either turn the old method
into a simple delegation, or remove it altogether.
• Do this if class has too much behaviour or when
classes are collaborating too much and are too
highly coupled.
Move method - mechanics
• Examine all features used by the source method that are defined on the
source class. Consider whether they also should be moved.
• Check the sub- and superclasses of the source class for other
declarations of the method.
• Declare the method in the target class.
• Copy the code from the source method to the target. Adjust the method
to make it work in
• its new home.
• Compile the target class.
• Determine how to reference the correct target object from the source.
• Turn the source method into a delegating method.
• Compile and test.
• Decide whether to remove the source method or retain it as a delegating
• If you remove the source method, replace all the references with
references to the target method.
• Compile and test.
R# make method static/move/make method unstatic
Compose method
• You can't rapidly understand a method's logic.
• Transform the logic into a small number of intentionrevealing steps at the same level of detail.
• Efficiently communicates what a method does and how it
does what it does.
• Simplifies a method by breaking it up into well-named
chunks of behavior at the same level of detail.
• Can lead to an overabundance of small methods.
• Can make debugging difficult because logic is spread
out across many small methods.
Compose method
Think small.
Remove duplication and dead code.
Communicate intention.
Use the same level of detail.
Replace Constructors with
Creation Methods
• There is a number of different, not trivial
• Creation Methods have meaningful names
• Creation Methods can have identical parameters
Create Gathering Constructor (Chain Constructors)
Compile and Run
Find a constructor Call
Create a proprietary static method
Replace constructor calls with a method
Make the constructor private
Replace inherience with delegation
• A subclass uses only part of a superclasses interface or
does not want to inherit data.
• Create a field for the superclass, adjust methods to
delegate to the superclass, and remove the subclassing.
• By using delegation instead, you make it clear that you
are making only partial use of the delegated class. You
control which aspects of the interface to take and which
to ignore. The cost is extra delegating methods that are
boring to write but are too simple to go wrong.
• You need to use functionality or implementation?
• Changing behaviour in runtime by changing reference to
object which we use to delegate functionality.
Replace inherience with delegation
• Create a field in the subclass that refers to an
instance of the superclass. Initialize it to this.
• Change each method defined in the subclass to
use the delegate field. Compile and test after
changing each method.
• Remove the subclass declaration and replace
the delegate assignment with an assignment to
a new object.
• For each superclass method used by a client,
add a simple delegating method.
• Compile and test.
Replace conditional with
• You have a conditional that chooses different behavior
depending on the type of an object.
• Move each leg of the conditional to an overriding method
in a subclass. Make the original method abstract.
• The biggest gain occurs when this same set of
conditions appears in many places in the program.
• Add a new case just by creation a new subclass and
provide the appropriate methods.
• Clients of the class don't need to know about the
subclasses, which reduces the dependencies.
Replace type code with class
• A class has a simple type code (int, String) that does not affect its
• Replace the number with a new class.
• A field's type fails to protect it from unsafe assignments and invalid
equality comparisons.
• Constrain the assignments and equality comparisons and provides
better protection from invalid operations.
• Compilation time detection for invalid operations.
• If you replace the number with a class, the compiler can type check
on the class. By providing factory methods for the class, you can
statically check that only valid instances are created and that those
instances are passed on to the correct objects.
• If type code is not pure data but it affect state consider Replace type
code with subclasses or Replace type code with State/Strategy.
• Requires more code than using unsafe type does.
Replace type code with subclasses
• You have an immutable type code that affects the behavior of a
• Replace the type code with subclasses by creation a subclass for
each type code.
• To deal with presence of case-like conditional statements which
test the value of the type code and then execute different code
depending on the value of the type code or presence of features
that are relevant only to objects with certain type codes.
• Cooperates with Replace Conditional with Polimorphism, Push
Down Method.
• Problems when type code changes after the object is created or
class with the type code is already subclassed for another reason.
In that case consider Replace Type Code with State/Strategy.
• It moves knowledge of the variant behavior from clients of the
class to the class itself. Adding new variants is simply adding a
subclass. Without polymorphism You have to find all the
conditionals and change those. So this refactoring is particularly
valuable when variants keep changing.
Replace type code with subclasses
• Create a new class for the type code.
• Modify the implementation of the source class to use the
new class.
• Compile and test.
• For each method on the source class that uses the code,
create a new method that uses the new class instead.
• One by one, change the clients of the source class so
that they use the new interface.
• Compile and test after each client is updated.
• Remove the old interface that uses the codes, and
remove the static declarations of the codes.
• Compile and test.
Replace type code with subclasses
• Self-encapsulate the type code.
• For each value of the type code, create a
subclass. Override the getting method of the
type code in the subclass to return the relevant
• Compile and test after replacing each type code
value with a subclass.
• Remove the type code field from the superclass.
Declare the accessors for the type code as
• Compile and test.
Replace Type Code with
• You have a type code that affects the behavior of a class, but you
cannot use subclassing.
• Replace the type code with a state object.
• Self-encapsulate the type code.
• Create a new class, and name it after the purpose of the type
code. This is the state object.
• Add subclasses of the state object, one for each type code.
• Create an abstract query in the state object to return the type
code. Create overriding queries of each state object subclass to
return the correct type code.
• Compile.
• Create a field in the old class for the new state object.
• Adjust the type code query on the original class to delegate to the
state object.
• Adjust the type code setting methods on the original class to
assign an instance of the appropriate state object subclass.
• Compile and test.
Composite and test-driven
• Composite refactoring is high level refactoring composed
from several simple refactoring. Strongly affect system
• Test-driven refactoring is based on tests replacement of
existance code by new code.
• Refactoring to pattern – you have to involve all
transformation to achieve a genuine improvement.
• Refactoring toward pattern – you can stop in the midle of
way to a pattern implementation if you find that sufficient
design improvement was achaived.
• Refactoring from pattern – replace one pattern by
Collapse Hierarchy
• A superclass and subclass are not very different.
• Merge them together.
• Choose which class is going to be removed: the
superclass or the subclasses.
• Use Pull Up Field and Pull Up Method or Push Down
Method and Push Down Field to move all the behavior and
data of the removed class to the class with which it is
being merged.
• Compile and test with each move.
• Adjust references to the class that will be removed to use
the merged class. This will affect variable declarations,
parameter types, and constructors.
• Remove the empty class.
• Compile and test.
Inline class
• A class isn't doing very much, it has not sense outside
the scope of certain class.
• Move all its features into another class and delete it.
• Declare the public protocol of the source class onto the
absorbing class. Delegate all these methods to the
source class.
• Change all references from the source class to the
absorbing class.
• Compile and test.
• Use Move Method and Move Field to move features from
the source class to the absorbing class until there is
nothing left.
Inline singelton
Code needs access to an object but doesn't need a
global point of access to it.
Move the Singleton's features to a class that stores
and provides access to the object. Delete the
Consider when passing object is easier than access to
global object.
Consider if you need access protection rather than
existance of one instance of object.
Makes object collaborations more visible and explicit.
Requires no special code to protect a single instance.
Complicates a design when passing an object instance
through many layers is awkward or difficult.
Inline singelton
• Declare the Singleton's public methods on your absorbing
class. Make the new methods delegate back to the
Singleton, and remove any "static" designations they may
have (in the absorbing class).
If your absorbing class is itself a Singleton, you'll want to
keep the "static" designations for the methods.
• Change all client code references to the Singleton to
references to the absorbing class.
• Use Move Method and Move Field to move features from
the Singleton to the absorbing class until there is nothing
As in first step, if your absorbing class is not a Singleton
itself, remove any "static" designations from the methods
and fields you move.
• Delete the Singleton.
Introduce null object
• Logic for dealing with a null field or variable is duplicated
throughout your code.
• Replace the null logic with a Null Object, an object that
provides the appropriate null behavior.
• Prevents null errors without duplicating null logic.
• Simplifies code by minimizing null tests.
• Complicates a design when a system needs few null
• Can yield redundant null tests if programmers are
unaware of a Null Object implementation.
• Complicates maintenance. Null Objects that have a
superclass must override all newly inherited public
Introduce null object
• Create a null object by applying Extract Subclass on the source class or
by making your new class implement the interface implemented by the
source class. If you decide to make your null object implement an
interface, but that interface doesn't yet exist, create it by applying Extract
Interface on the source class.
• Look for a null check. Overide the invoked method in the null object so it
implements the alternative behavior.
• Repeat step 2 for other null checks associated with the source class.
• Find a class that contains one or more occurrences of the null check and
initialize the field or local variable that is referenced in the null check to
an instance of the null object. Perform this initialization at the earliest
possible time during the lifetime of an instance of the class (e.g., upon
This code should not affect pre-existing code that assigns the field or
local variable to an instance of the source class. The new code simply
performs an assignment to a null object prior to any other assignments.
• In the class you selected in step 4, remove every occurrence of the null
• Repeat steps 4 and 5 for every class with one or more occurrences of the
null check.
Form template method
• Two methods in subclasses perform similar steps in the
same order, yet the steps are different.
• Generalize the methods by extracting their steps into
methods with identical signatures, then pull up the
generalized methods to form a Template Method.
• Removes duplicated code in subclasses by moving
invariant behavior to a superclass.
• Simplifies and effectively communicates the steps of a
general algorithm.
• Allows subclasses to easily customize an algorithm.
• Complicates a design when subclasses must implement
many methods to flesh out the algorithm.
Form template method
• In a hierarchy, find a similar method (a method in a subclass that
performs similar steps in a similar order to a method in another subclass).
Apply Compose Method on the similar method (in both subclasses),
extracting identical methods (methods that have the same signature and
body in each subclass) and unique methods (methods that have a
different signature and body in each subclass).
Does the method extracted as unique need abstract or concrete version
in superclass?
• Pull up the identical methods to the superclass by applying Pull Up
Method .
• To produce an identical body for each version of the similar method,
apply Rename Method on every unique method until the similar method
is identical in each subclass.
• If the similar method doesn't already have an identical signature in each
subclass, apply Rename Method to produce an identical signature.
• Apply Pull Up Method on the similar method (in either subclass), defining
abstract methods on the superclass for each unique method. The pulledup similar method is now a Template Method.
Unify interface with adapter
• Clients interact with two classes, one of which has a preferred interface.
• Unify the interfaces with an Adapter.
• Nessery conditions for refactorisation:
– Two classes do the same thing or similar things and have different
– Client code could be simpler, more straightforward, and more succinct
if the classes shared the same interface.
– You can't simply alter the interface of one of the classes because it's
part of a third-party library, or it's part of a framework that many other
clients already use, or you lack source code.
• Starting point for another refactorisations.
• Removes or reduces duplicated code by enabling clients to communicate
with alternative classes via the same interface.
• Simplifies client code by making it possible to communicate with objects
via a common interace.
• Unifies how clients interact with alternative classes.
• Complicates a design when you can change the interface of a class rather
than adapting it.
Unify interface with adapter
• A client prefers one class's interface over another, yet the client would like to
communicate with both classes via a common interface. Apply Extract
Interface on the class with the client's preferred interface to produce a
common interface. Update any of this class's methods that accept an
argument of its own type to accept the argument as type common interface.
The remaining mechanics will now make it possible for the client to
communicate with the adaptee (the class with the interface the client does
not prefer) via the common interface.
• On the client class that uses the adaptee, apply Extract Class to produce a
primitive adapter (a class containing an adaptee field, a getter method for
the adaptee, and a setter method or constructor parameter and code for
setting the adaptee's value).
• Update all of the client class's fields, local variables, and parameters of type
adaptee to be of type adapter. This involves updating client calls on the
adaptee to first obtain an adaptee reference from the adapter before
invoking the adaptee method.
Unify interface with adapter
• Wherever the client invokes the same adaptee method (via the adapter's
getter method), apply Extract Method to produce an adaptee invocation
method. Parameterize this adaptee invocation method with an adaptee and
make the method use the parameter value when it invokes the adaptee
method. For example, a client makes an invocation on the adaptee, current,
which is of type ElementAdapter:
Repeat this step for all client invocations of adaptee methods.
• Apply Move Method on an adaptee invocation method to move it from the
client to the adapterr. Every client call on the adaptee method should now go
through the adapter.
When moving a method to the adapter, make it resemble the corresponding
method in the common interface. If the body of a moved method requires a
value from the client in order to compile, avoid adding it as a parameter to
the method because that will make its method signature differ from the
corresponding method on the common interface. Whenever possible, find a
way to pass the value without disturbing the signature (e.g., pass it via the
adapter's constructor, or pass some other object reference to the adapter so
it can obtain the value at runtime). If you must pass the missing value to the
moved method as a parameter, you'll need to revise the corresponding
method signature on the common interface to make the two equivalent.
Repeat for all adaptee invocation methods until the adapter contains
methods with the same signatures as the methods on the common interface.
Unify interface with adapter
• Update the adapter to formally "implement" the common interface. This
should be a trivial step given the work already accomplished. Change all
adapter methods that accept an argument of type adapter to accept the
argument as type common interface.
• Update the client class so that all fields, local variables, and parameters
use the common interface instead of the adapter's type.
Client code now communicates with both classes using the common
interface. To further remove duplication in this client code, you can often
apply refactorings like Form template method.
Move creation knowledge to factory
• Data and code used to instantiate a class is sprawled
across numerous classes.
• Move the creation knowledge into a single Factory class.
• Connected with solution sprawl smell.
• The placement of creational responsibilities in classes
that ought not to be playing any role in an object's
creation. E.g. a client needed to configure an object
based on some preferences yet lacked access to the
object's creation code.
• Consolidates creation logic and
instantiation/configuration preferences.
• Decouples a client from creation logic.
• Complicates a design when direct instantiation would do.
Move creation knowledge to factory
• If the instantiator doesn't instantiate the product using a Creation
Method, modify it and, if necessary, also modify the product's
class, so the instantiation occurs through a Creation Method.
• Create a new class that will become your factory.
• Apply Move Method to move the Creation Method to the factory. If
the Creation Method is static, you can make it nonstatic after
moving it to the factory.
• Update the instantiator to instantiate the factory and to call the
factory to obtain an instance of the class. |
Repeat this step for any instantiators that could no longer compile
because of changes made during previous step.
• Data and methods from the other classes are still being used in
the instantiation. Move whatever makes sense into the factory, so
it handles as much of the creation work as possible. This may
involve moving where the factory gets instantiated and who
instantiates it.
Replace conditional dispatcher with
• Conditional logic is used to dispatch requests and execute actions.
• Create a Command for each action. Store the Commands in a
collection and replace the conditional logic with code to fetch and
execute Commands.
• Consider when needed more runtime flexibility. Clients need to
dynamically configure dispatcher with new requests or handler
• A bloation of code grows with complexity of dispatcher.
• Provides a simple mechanism for executing diverse behavior in a
uniform way.
• Enables runtime changes regarding which requests are handled
and how.
• Requires trivial code to implement.
• Complicates a design when a conditional dispatcher is sufficient.
Replace conditional dispatcher with
command - mechanics
• On a class containing a conditional dispatcher, find code that handles a
request and apply Extract Method on that code until you have an
execution method, a method that invokes the code's behavior.
• Repeat step previous step to extract all remaining chunks of requesthandling code into execution methods.
• Apply Extract Class on each execution method to produce a concrete
command, a class that handles a request.
• Look for duplicated code in concrete commands. Consider Form template
• Define a command, an interface or abstract class that declares an
execution method that is the same for every concrete command. Find
answers to the following questions.
– What parameter(s must be passed to a common execution method?
– What parameter(s could be passed during a concrete command's
– What information could a concrete command obtain by calling back on a
parameter, rather than having data passed direcly to the concrete command?
– What is the simplest signature for an execution method that is the same for
every concrete command?
Replace conditional dispatcher with
command - mechanics
• Consider producing an early version of your command by applying
Extract Superclass or Extract Interface on a concrete command.
• Make every concrete command implement or extend your command
and update all client code to work with each concrete command via
the command type.
• On the class that contains the conditional dispatcher, define and
populate a command map that contains instances of each concrete
command, keyed by a unique identifier (e.g., a command name) that
may be used at runtime to fetch a command.
• On the class that contains the conditional dispatcher, replace the
conditional code for dispatching requests with code to fetch the
correct concrete command and execute it by calling its execution
method. This class is now an Invoker.
Move accumulation to visitor
• A method accumulates information from heterogeneous (different
datas, different interfaces) classes.
• Move the accumulation task to a Visitor that can visit each class to
accumulate the information.
• Double dispatch.
• We cannot refactore classes to common interface.
• Accommodates numerous algorithms for the same heterogeneous
object structure.
• Visits classes in the same or different hierarchies.
• Calls type-specific methods on heterogeneous classes without typecasting.
• Complicates a design when a common interface can make
heterogeneous classes homogeneous.
• A new visitable class requires a new accept method along with a
new visit method on each Visitor, problems when visitor have to
cooperate with large class hierarchy.
• May break encapsulation of visited classes.
Move accumulation to visitor
An external accumulation method, which gather information from heterogeneous classes,
exists on a class that isn't one of the heterogeneous classes.
In the accumulation method, find any local variables that are referenced in multiple places
by the accumulation logic. Convert these local variables to fields of the host class.
Apply Extract Method on the accumulation logic for a given accumulation source, a class
from which information is accumulated. Adjust the extracted method so it accepts an
argument of the accumulation source's type. Name the extracted method accept(…).
Repeat this step on accumulation logic for the remaining accumulation sources.
Apply Extract Method on the body of an accept(…) method to produce a method called
visitClassName(), where ClassName is the name of the accumulation source associated
with the accept(…) method. The new method will accept one argument of the accumulation
source's type.
Repeat this step for every accept(…) method.
Apply Move Method to move every accept(…) method to its corresponding accumulation
source. Each accept(…) method will now accept an argument of the host's type.
In the accumulation method, apply Inline Method on every call to an accept(…) method.
Apply Unify Interface on the superclasses and/or interfaces of the accumulation sources so
the accept(…) method may be called polymorphically.
Generalize the accumulation method to call the accept(…) method polymorphically for
every accumulation source.
Apply Extract Interface on the host to produce a visitor interface, an interface that declares
the visit methods implemented by the host.
Change the signature on every occurrence of the accept(…) method so it uses the visitor
Move accumulation to visitor
An internal accumulation method, which gather information from heterogeneous
classes, exists in the heterogeneous classes.
Create a visitor by creating a new class. Consider using visitor in the class name.
Identify a visitee, a class from which the visitor will accumulate data. Add a method to
the visitor called visitClassName(…), where ClassName is the name of the visitee.
Make the visit method's return type void, and make it take a visitee argument.
Repeat this step for every class in the hierarchy from which the visitor must
accumulate information.
On every visitee, apply Extract Method on the body of the accumulation method so it
calls a new method, which will be called the accept method. Make the signature of
the accept method identical in all classes, so every accumulation method contains
the same code for calling its accept method.
The accumulation method is now identical in every class. Apply Pull Up Method to
move it to the hierarchy's superclass.
Apply Add Parameter to add an argument of type visitor to every implementation of
the accept method. Make the accumulation method pass in a new instance of the
visitor when it calls the accept method.
Produce a visit method on the visitor by applying Move Method [F] on a visitee's
accept method. The accept method now calls a visit method that accepts an
argument of type visitee.
For example, given a visitee called StringNode and a visitor called Visitor, we'd have
the following code:
Repeat this step for every visitee.
Move accumulation to visitor
You don’t have an internal or an external accumulation method.
Create a concrete visitor by creating a new class. Consider using visitor in the
class name.
If you're creating your second concrete visitor, apply Extract Superclass on your
first concrete visitor to create your abstract visitor, and change message
signatures on all visitees (defined in next step) so they accept an abstract visitor
instead of your first concrete visitor. When applying Extract Superclass, don't pull
up any data or methods that are specific to a concrete visitor and not generic to
all concrete visitors.
Identify a visitee, a class from which the concrete visitor must accumulate data.
Add a method to the concrete visitor called visitClassName, where ClassName is
the name of the visitee. Make the visit method's return type void and make it take
a visitee argument.
Add to the same visitee (from previous) a public accept method that takes as a
parameter the concrete visitor or, if you have one, the abstract visitor. Make the
body of this method call back on the concrete visitor's visit method, passing a
reference to the visitee.
Repeat previous steps every visitee. You now have the skeleton of your concrete
Implement a public method on your concrete visitor to obtain its accumulated
result. Make the accumulated result be empty or null.
Move accumulation to visitor
In the accumulation method, define a local field for the concrete visitor and
instantiate it. Next, find accumulation method code where information is
accumulated from each visitee, and add code to call each visitee's accept
method, passing in the concrete visitor instance. When you're done, update the
accumulation method so it uses the concrete visitor's accumulated result instead
of its normal result. This last part will cause your tests to break.
Implement the method bodies for each visit method on the concrete visitor. This
step is big, and there's no single set of mechanics that will work for it because all
cases vary. As you copy code from the accumulation method into each visit
method, make it fit into its new home by
– Ensuring each visit method can access essential data/logic from its visitee
– Declaring and initializing concrete visitor fields that are accessed by two or
more of the visit methods
– Passing essential data (used in accumulation) from the accumulation method
to the concrete visitor's constructor (e.g., a TagAccumulatingVisitor
accumulates all Tag instances that match the string, tagNameToFind, which
is a value supplied via a constructor argument)
– Compile and test that the accumulated results returned by the accumulation
method are all correct.
Move accumulation to visitor
• Remove as much old code from the accumulation method as
• You should now be left with code that iterates over a collection of
objects, passing the concrete visitor to the accept method for each
visitee. If some of the objects being iterated over don't have an
accept method (i.e., aren't visitees), define a do-nothing accept
method on those classes (or on their base class), so your iteration
code doesn't have to distinguish between objects when it calls the
accept method.
• Create a local accept method by applying Extract Method on the
accumulation method's iteration code. This new method should take
the concrete visitor as its sole argument and should iterate over a
collection of objects, passing the concrete visitor to each object's
accept method.
• Move the local accept method to a place where it will more naturally
fit, such as a class that other clients can easily access.