The Expanding Nation (Age of Jackson)

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Transcript The Expanding Nation (Age of Jackson)

Growth of a New Nation

Chapters 6 through 10 Washington Jefferson

Age of Washington

No Political Parties

Set many Precedents

New Departments


Whiskey Rebellion

$$ US in Debt $$

Alexander Hamilton

Establish Credibility, Cater to Rich

Hamilton’s Financial Plan

Tariffs, Excise Tax, Bonds

Consolidate State Debts

Deal: Financial Plan for Capitol

National Bank

Strict Interpretation

Jefferson, Madison

Loose Interpretation


“elastic clause” ... necessary and proper

Political Parties


Hamilton...Upperclass, Bank, Loose Interpretation


Jefferson & Madison... Common Person, NO Bank, Strict Interpretation

President Adams

Election of 1796

XYZ Affair

Result…Military & taxes

Alien & Sedition Acts

Election of 1800

Fed: Adams Rep: Jefferson

Results ... House of Representatives

Key Man ... ????

Got Milk??

Who shot A. H.?

Age of Jefferson

Style & Accomplishments

Supreme Court Gains Power

Judiciary Act of 1801

“Midnight Judges”

Marbury v. Madison 1803

John Marshall’s Stamp

Problems with England Blockade and Impressment

Chesapeake Affair 1807


Madison ... Embargo Act of 1807 ... Non-Intercourse Act

War Hawks

Battle of Tippecanoe 1811

War of 1812

 Battle of York  Battle of Washington DC  Battle of Fort McHenry  Treaty of Ghent  Battle of New Orleans – Andrew Jackson

Expansion: Louisiana Territory

Westward Expansion

Louisiana Purchase

Spain / France / US

$15 Million

Jefferson - “Strict Interpretation”

Elastic Clause

Lewis and Clark

Spirit of Nationalism

Foreign Policy

Florida & Monroe Doctrine

The American System

Erie Canal, National Road


Francis Lowell

Western Frontier

2nd Great Awakening

Revivals ... Emotion

“Splintering off” religions

South & West

Increase in Reforms

Humanitarian Reforms

Women’s Movement

Horace Mann

Sarah Bagley

Dorthea Dix

Frederick Douglass

Election of 1824

(all Republicans)

John Quincy Adams (Mass)

Andrew Jackson (Tenn)

Henry Clay (Ky)

William Crawford (Ga)

Results of 1824

41 37 Jackson Adams Crawford Clay 99 84 Jackson - “Plurality” Winner

Lets Make a Deal

House Decides

Top 3 ... Clay out

Crawford - Stroke

The Winner is ...???

Party Split

Jackson’s Followers Democrats - Democratic Republicans ...

Adams/Clay Followers Whigs - National Republicans ... later

Election of 1828

The Age of Jackson

“Old Hickory”

Hated: Rich, Bank, Indians

Spoils System

Kitchen Cabinet

Jackson and Indians

Indian Removal Act 1830

Cherokee Nation (Ga)

Worcester v. Georgia

John Marshall

“Trail of Tears”

President Jackson

Tariff Issue

Doctrine of Nullification - S.C.

Bank Issue

Nicholas Biddle

Jackson Veto increases Power

Manifest Destiny - Texas

Texas and Independence

Stephen Austin v. Santa Anna

“Remember the Alamo ”

Sam Houston at San Jacinto

Lonestar Republic

Mexican - American War 1846-48

Polk’s Offer

General Z. Taylor

War Message

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo