Transcript Slide 1

CSSCX- Nov. 5
Note: Items for this agenda were solicited from CSSC members
1. Discussion and action steps for improving communication (between
school/university; between governance groups; etc....)
2. Review draft of by-laws
3. How and what the PD money should be spent on by the schools?
4. How to access this PD money in each county? How we will
communicate with the counties on this as well about PD spending?
5. Liaison budget - We would like a breakdown of the liaison
budget? How is that money to be dispersed etc.
6. Sept 19th payment questions- need decision about compensation
for schools that sent teams to the September event that were not a
team of 5.
7. Other items:
Pam Pitrolo asked about progress on gaining Dean’s Commitment to
CSSCx Members In Attendance
Toni Poling - TEC
Melissa Kent - TEC
Johnna Bolyard – Liaison sub
Sharon Hayes Liaison
Sheila Benson/Jason Smith – Liaison
Sarah Steel- Program Coordinator
Diane Yendol-Hoppey- Director
Mary Lynn Westfall- PEC
Cindy Oliver- PEC
Pam Pitrolo -TEC
Discussion and action steps for improving communication
(between school/university; between governance groups; etc....)
– Meeting minutes from all groups will be distributed via email by Lisa Barnette.
– Meetings without a staff assistant present will be recorded and transcribed.
– Meeting minutes will be posted on the website by Jason & Logan (work study student) after each meeting.
– We decided not to change the CSSCx meeting schedule yet, but discussed the importance of having
representation from entire executive committee and that substitutes would be encouraged for those that have
conflicts (e.g., WVU and PDS faculty teaching classes, other meetings, etc…)
– We also discussed that when we work on the by-laws that we include the role of each group, the nature of the
decision making within the group, communication vehicles that will be used as well as the nature of these
meetings (e.g., for example having open CSSCx meeting; the process for coming to consensus at CSSCx)
– We decided that we would have our first afterschool CSSC meeting at 4:30 PM on November 30th; Meeting place
is yet to be decided; Lisa Barnette will help us arrange site. The agenda for this meeting will include:
• Update on liaison
• PD money should be tied to actualizing the NCATE PDS Standards. Schools are responsible for documenting
and justifying spending.
• Work on by-laws
• Site-based group discussion/planning/sharing
• We will decide on schedule for future meetings
• CSSCx will plan an agenda with most important items first and a manageable agenda;
– CSSCx meeting schedule for greatest participation;
– We discussed the importance of including WVU 5 Year Program Faculty and the TEC in the collaborative planning
of the Teacher Education Meetings; Sarah will be working on this enhanced communication effort.
Discussion of By-laws
Section on "shared" and "site-based decision making”
We discussed the need for the by-laws that we create to meet the following demands: (1) facilitate
communication and decision making, (2) help us meet the NCATE PDS Standards, (3) have buy in
from all areas of the partnership including existing governance, public school faculty beyond the
governance group, Deans, Chairs, and superintendents.
1-We have completed a mission and vision this summer that will be used in the draft of the preamble.
2-Mary Lynn is leading a task force that will work on the shared decision making and site based
management. This will be reviewed and discussed at the next CSSC meeting on November 30th. It
will be very important to have representation from all parts of the partnership in order to craft this
important guiding work.
3-At the CSSC meeting on November 30th, we will identify what structures would have to be in place to
actualize these definitions.
4- In the future, these and other items will need to be addressed.
We will put together the roles important to actualizing the NCATE PDS Standards. This would include the
purpose, composition, and responsibilities of each group.
We will define the meetings and communication structures that need to be in place for a successful
We will need to define a selection process for each role as well as a term of service.
We will need to identify a process for making changes in these by-laws.
We will need to specify the roles of committees and procedures that they follow.
We need to have agreement on the by-laws from all parties and approval from legal.
How do we spend PD Money?
We discussed how and what the PD money can be spent on by the schools and how to
access this PD money in each county?
We named the guiding expectation for using the PD money at the PDS is that PD
money should be tied to actualizing the NCATE PDS Standards. This means that
the money shouldn’t be spent on items that are unique from what a non-PDS
school might engage in as a part of their PD efforts. Rather, this money is to be
used to collaboratively strengthen each PDS partnership.
PDSs are responsible for documenting and justifying their spending. This
documentation will need to be provided to Joan by June 1st so that we can use the
information to prepare for the WVPTQ Report. Joan is working on a simple
documentation form.
We will develop a set of examples for those who are still concerned about types of
appropriate spending.
Each school should check with their county office to identify the appropriate
spending process.
Liaison Role & Liaison Budget
What is the breakdown of the liaison budget? How is that money to be dispersed etc. ?
We discussed the tension that some of the TECs are voicing related to the amount they are being paid in
comparison to the budget amount dedicated to liaison work. The group shared that some liaisons aren’t
currently doing as much work as the TECs. We discussed the importance of holding liaisons accountable for
their work just as we are holding those in other roles accountable for their work. We also discussed the fact
that all PDSs need a liaison who is a regular part of their site-based team and is visible in their school.
We clarified that faculty liaisons that are currently paid for activities do not receive payment for activities
that they don’t do;
We will discuss at the liaison meeting how the role needs to be adjusted to match the NCATE PDS Standards;
The liaison group will create a proposal for supporting the liaison role to be presented to the Chairs and
We currently have multiple types: Faculty Liaison (paid per activity); Adjunct Liaison; Graduate Student
Liaisons (in load); CFIR (in load); Sarah/Diane (in load);
We are still looking for a liaison for East Park Elementary. Please let us know if anyone knows a quality
educator who would be interested in this position.
Pressure placed on us by the importance of actualizing the NCATE PDS Standards has created an expectation
that requires that a liaison/university teacher educators are regularly present and a part of the work at each
Diane explained that we are currently exploring ways to fund the expenses associated with the liaison role
on the university side;
Sarah suggested that it was important for liaisons to identify ways to share their successes with their chairs
as well as the way that liaison work can also support their research agenda;
Diane reminded the group that the liaison presence and work in school can be strengthened by finding
researchable opportunities for liaisons to do research with and in partnership with the schools rather than
research on schools. The site team would benefit by meeting with liaisons to identify important shared
researchable questions that can improve teacher and student learning.
Sept 19th Payment Question
We had a long and tense discussion about this at CSSCx. We did not have complete agreement but we did have close to a
majority endorsing this difficult and messy decision. Drawing on the email below, we decided that we could not provide
compensation for schools that sent teams to the September 19th event that were not a team of 5. We will be more careful
in the future in defining and outlining the expectations. Additionally, it is important to note that this was not WVPTQ PDS
grant money. We do encourage the schools to use PD money to honor the work done as the Renewal Workshop connects to
Guidelines from Email: Renewal Workshop, 8:00 AM-1:00 PM, September 19, 2009, Location- East Fairmont High
School We are excited to over this Saturday workshop which will provide support to school-based teams interested in
aligning their work with the NCATE PDS Standards as a part of our Benedum Collaborative PDS Renewal Process. Given
that this is how the state has asked us to report our work in obtaining continued support this really is in our
partnership’s as well as each school's best interest to participate. There will be three sessions organized by the five
NCATE PDS Standards which are the West Virginia Partnership for Teacher Quality funding benchmarks. Each school
that sends a team comprised of a: principal, professional development coordinator, teacher education coordinator,
liaison, and two mentor teachers will receive a $500.00 mini-grant to support the PDS Renewal Process at their
school. Substitutes, with the exception of the administrator, can be used providing they are willing to work with the
team across the 2009-2010 school year. Additionally, PDSs can use their partnership money to pay the participants
who attend this workshop.
Another thing that is also important to note is that the $500 was to be used as a mini-grant to work on renewal rather than
stipends to pay individuals for attending. We do wish we had a different answer that would make everyone happy but the
group agreed that changing the rules for payment after the fact was going to lead to many other schools being upset as well
because they knew they didn't have a complete team to send. We will do better in the future.
HRE Commitment to PDSs
Pam Pitrolo asked if we had a response from the Dean about her commitment to the 31
Diane explained that the HRE Administration is committed to the partnership and recognizes
the importance of the Benedum PDS Network. However, the administrative team also
recognizes that in order for the partnership to actualize the PDS standards, the college will
need to commit additional resources as well as work with our partners to identify decision
making structures that recognize the unique accountability responsibilities of each partner.
We have two pieces that need clarified in order for the HRE Administrative team to respond:
(1) How does the partnership define shared decision making and site-based management?
and (2) What resources are available to provide a university liaison to each school? These are
two areas that we are currently exploring and clarifying.
Specifically, the Professional Education Council of HRE is in the process of reviewing
resources as well as the demands of the NCATE PDS Standards to determine the financial and
human resource commitment that the college can make to authentically respond to the
demands of the NCATE PDS Standards with particular attention to the liaison role. A task
force of CSSCx is working on drafting a definition of shared decision making and site-based
management for review by CSSC as well as the County and College Administration teams.
Document Trail…
• To continue our shared mission, documents
are going to be attached to each set of CSSCx
meeting m
What are Professional Development
A professional development school is an innovative partnership between teacher education programs
and P–12 schools designed to improve both the quality of teaching and student learning.
Professional development school partnerships have a three-fold mission: (1) the preparation of new
teachers, (2) faculty development, (3) inquiry directed at enhanced student achievement.
Professional Development Schools have assumed an increasing presence across the United States as
colleges of education, supported by calls from various organizations (Holmes, 1986, 1990; NNER;
AACTE), press to move teacher education towards partnership with public schools.
Two decades ago, Professional Development Schools (PDSs) were initiated to build a new culture of
shared professional learning between schools and universities that would better meet the unique
needs of today’s students, teachers, and prospective teachers (Holmes, 1986; Holmes, 1990;
Levine, 1992).
Championed as strong and viable vehicles for both educational change and enhancing our teaching
force (Darling-Hammond, 1994; Goodlad, 1990), Darling-Hammond characterized PDSs as “a special
case of school restructuring: as they simultaneously restructure schools and teacher education
programs, they redefine teaching and learning for all members of the profession and the school
community” (p. 1).
PDS networks have grown in number as well as configuration without requiring the partnership
accountability necessary to realizing the goals that underpin PDS work (Brindley, 2009; YendolHoppey, 2009).