Transcript Chapter 27
Chapter 27
Empire and Expansion
America Turns Outward 1
After the civil war to about the 1880’s ,the US was vary withdrawn form the
outside world, then the 1890’s came and the rise in manufacturing ,exports
,wealth and power lead them to use over sea markets to sell there goods
The “Yellow press” of Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst influenced oversea
expansion by describing exploits as manly adventures that young boys dreamt
Americas interest showed up in many different ways, James blain brought more
attention to his “big sister” policy. He wanted better relations with Latin
America. His efforts brought about some results ,in 1889 he presided over the
first pan American conference.
Even thought America was done fighting with itself didn’t mean it was done
fighting with everyone else ,they almost went to war with Germany over the
Samoan islands, where both wanted to build naval bases ,then a feud was
started between Italy and the US when 11 Italians where lynched in New
Orleans ,and the US and Chile almost went to war when 2 American sailors
where killed at Valparaiso in 1892
Spurning the Hawaiian Pear
Hawaii was well liked by America ,the islands were used as a
provisioning point for Yankee shippers, sailors and whalers.
In 1820 the first missionaries came to the island to preach of there
Hawaii became an increasingly important sugar producer
Treaties where signed in 1875 and 1887 that let them have
commercial trade gave the US pearl harbor
Then in 1890 the McKinley tariff raised the price of sugar, the US
wanted to offset this so they annexed Hawaii, this move was opposed
by the queen then in 1893 Americans in Hawaii revolted which
seemed to make Hawaii reedy for annexation
Cubans Rise in Revolt
In 1895 Cuba revolted against Spain by burning there cane fields ,
sugar mills and dynamiting passenger trains
America had an investment stake of about 50 million and a trade
stake of 100 million and it was all put at risk by the revolt
A Spanish general named “butcher” weyler came and the situation
worsened , he put civilians in reconcentration camps to stop them
from assisting rebels but the camps where unsanitary and many died
from disease
Hearst from yellow press sent the artist Fredric Remington to sketch
scenes of Cuba most of which were fictional
On Feb 15 the U.S.S Maine exploded in Havana harbor, America
thought it was Spain which lead them to attach ,turns out it was just
an accidental explosion that blew up the ship
The American public wanted war, War with Spain seemed inevitable, if
war wasn’t started the republican party and America would be split
Cuba revolt continued…
3 decades after civil
war US comes
together to release
innocent Cuba from
her chains of bondage
to Spain
Dewey’s May Day Victory at Manila
Spain had an advantage they had more men and
better arms supposable .
Feb. 25 1898 Roosevelt sent commands to take
cover the Philippines, He completely took the
island from the Spanish.
German navy ignored American blockade
regulations. Dewey made threats of war. Nothing
came of it, because of British assistants.
July 7 1898 U.S. annexed Hawaii so they could
use the islands to support Dewey supposedly.
The Confused Invasion of Cuba
Spanish sent war ships to Cuba, this panicked Americans. the fleet commanded
by admiral Cervera hid in Santiago harbor in Cuba. Better American forces
came and blockaded the harbor.
The rough riders rushed to Cuba and battled at el Caney.
American army, whose general was Nelson Miles met little to no resistance
when taking over Puerto Rico
Aug 12 1898 spain signed an armistice
America’s course (curse?) of Empire
Negotiations led to America getting Guam and
Puerto Rico and freeing Cuba.
McKinley decided to keep the Philippines, the US
paid 20 million for the islands. Filipinos wanted
freedom they saw it was un-American for them to
not be given it.
Expansionist wanted the Philippines to be the next
Hong-Kong, the senate wanted to rid themselves
of the Philippines so the treaty was passed
New horizons in
two Hemispheres
Perplexities in Puerto
Rico & Cuba
Us transformed Puerto Rico.
Supreme court let congress do
what ever they wanted with
Puerto Rico and Cuba. They
were able to do this by saying
that the residents didn’t have
the same rights as Americans
Us encouraged Cuba to write
the Platt amendment, this
amendment said that the US
could come in and restored
order if anarchy occurred, US
could trade with Cuba and the
US could have two bay to use
as naval bases
The Spanish-American
war was very short only
lasting a 113 days
The war helped US’s
north and south come
together again
“Little Brown Brothers” in the
Unlike the Cuban after the
Spanish-American war who
were freed the Filipinos
were not, so they revolted
against the US.
It was started on Feb 4
1899 it was led by Emilio
Aguinaldo but the rebellion
was put out when US
soldiers over took
The Philippine commission
was formed in 1899 it was
later led by William Taft
who became fond of the
Filipinos, he was know to
call them his “little brown
William Howard Taft
riding a carabao
his term as Governor
General of the
Hinging the open door in China
China was carved into spheres of influence by
European powers.
John Hay sent his famous open door note which asked
European nations to keep fair competition open to all
notions willing and wanting to participate this was later
known as the open door policy.
In 1900s a group called the boxers started boxer’s
rebellion, they took the capital of China, Beijing.
a multinational force stopped the rebellion.
Later on John Hay asked that China not be carved up
Imperialists or
Bryanism in 1900s?
Bryan did most of the
Roosevelt was more of an
active campaigner and was
known as the cowboy hero.
brandisher of
the big stick
Roosevelt was the youngest
president at that time, he was 45
He was born into a wealthy new
York family, he was a red blooded
blue blood, he was partially
educated in Europe and graduated
from Harvard.
He developed into a master
He became the first modern
Building the panama canal
The need of a canal through central America needed to be dealt with.
There was a minor set back though, the Clayton-Bulwer treaty said
that they needed to consent and help, but it was nullified in 1901
US would buy a 6 mile wide strip of land in panama for 10 million but
it was retracted by Colombian government who owned panama
Roosevelt was mad he wanted the construction for the canal to begin
before the 1904 campaign.
Nov. 3 1903 revolution in panama began when a Chinese civilian and
a donkey. Columbia tried to stop it but the US wouldn’t let the fleet
through after citing 1846 treaty.
1904 panama canal construction began. 1906 Roosevelt visited
panama he was the first president to leave the US.
The canal was finished in 1914 it cost $400 million
TR’s Perversion of Roosevelt on the
world stage
the Monroe
In 1904 Japan attacked
Venezuela and
Dominican republic
couldn’t pay off their
debts, so the brits and
Germans sent a bit of
force to south America
to make them pay.
Roosevelt didn’t want
them to violate the
Monroe Doctrine so he
said the US would
handle interventions in
S.A. on behalf of
Russia, Japanese started to
run short on men so they
asked Roosevelt to
facilitate a peace treaty
Both Japan and Russia met
in 1905 at New Hampshire.
Roosevelt negotiated that
Japan get half of Sakhalin.
Due to the Japan-Russian
incident America lost them
as allies
Japanese laborers in California
After the war Japanese immigrants came into
In 1906 San Francisco decreed, due to lack of space,
the Asian children should attend a special school.
To impress to Japanese Roosevelt sent his entire battle
fleet around the world for tour
The root-takahira agreement pledged the US and Japan
to respect each others territorial possessions in pacific
and to uphold the open door policy in china