Transcript chapter

Chapter 2
Search for Mr. Hyde
“brow” – forehead
“holograph” –
“burthen” – burden
“Damon and Pythias” – from Ancient Greek mythology.
They symbolise trust.
“besieged” – surrounded by
“labyrinth” – maze
“bondage” – to be owned by someone, like slavery.
“inclination” – preference or feeling
“a propos” – relevant / fitting the occasion
“troglodytic” – ancient dwellers. Reclusive and unfriendly.
“flags” – short for flagstones, which are flat stones often
used for flooring
“pede claudo” – translates to ‘on limping foot’
What does Mr. Utterson
examine when he returns
• The will of Dr. Jekyll
Why is he more bothered by
this document after hearing
Mr. Enfield’s story?
• He is troubled more about the will
because he has heard the story of
Mr. Hyde trampling the young girlMr. Hyde is no longer just a name
on a paper-He realises his friend is
mixed up with a bad person.
Who does Mr. Utterson visit?
Describe him
• He visits Dr. Lanyon- He is a hearty
man with a red face and white hairHe is a loud person- very animated
What is Mr. Utterson and his
• They are old friends- went to school
and college together.
What does the doctor say
about his and Dr. Jekyll’s
• He hasn’t seen Dr. Jekyll for ten
years since he began to become
“Wrong in the mind” (working on
Why was Mr. Utterson’s mind
so uneasy throughout the
• He does not understand why Jekyll
is friends with Mr. Hyde- he needs
to put a face with a name to try to
understand what his friend sees in
• Nightmare
What does he decide to do?
• He decides to wait for Hyde and
meet him.
• “If he be Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr.
What does Mr. Hyde give to
Mr. Utterson?
• He gives him his address in Soho.
Describe the encounter
between Mr. Hyde and Mr.
• It is very short-Utterson sees Mr.
Hyde’s face but Hyde accuses
Utterson of lying about having
mutual friends and shuts the door
Describe Hyde (in Mr.
Utterson’s point of view).
• Hyde- pale & dwarfish- seems
deformed- spoke w/a husky
whisper- is evil.
When Mr. Utterson goes to Jekyll’s home,
describe the mood and the relationship
between Jekyll and Hyde.
• It is a pleasant home but Utterson is
so upset he makes the room seem
dark and uneasy
• “… a menace…..”
What does he learn about Jekyll and
Hyde from Mr. Poole?
• Jekyll has given Hyde a key so he
can come and go as he pleases—
the servants are told to obey
Hyde—Hyde does not come into the
main part of the house—he only
goes to the laboratory
• Dr. Jekyll is never there when Hyde
At the end of the chapter, what does Mr.
Utterson conclude about the
relationship between Jekyll and Hyde?
• He feels Jekyll is troubled by Hyde
for something he may have done in
the past – He feels Hyde will
murder Jekyll if he finds out about
the will.
Rational versus Supernatural
• The Victorians were as a whole,very
rational and scientific, discarding
ideas of the supernatural.
• See how many quotes you can find
to show references to these
contrasting ideas.