Transcript Document

Name: ________________________________________________________
General Pointers to Remember….
• You MUST answer Question 2 from Section A and Question
6 from Section B
• Try to answer or at least have a go at ALL of the questions in
the two topics we have studied
• Know your command words. Here are a selection:
Describe – give details about something
Explain – give reasons for something
Outline – give brief details
List – bullet point information
Define - explain what something means
Compare - look for ways in which features or places are
Complete - add to a map or graph to finish it off
Mark - put onto a map or diagram
Annotate - add notes or labels to a map or diagram to
explain what it shows.
• Know your key words! The list of keywords for each topic is
included in this booklet.
• Remember your Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG).
The last question in A Tourist’s World is predominantly where
this is assessed. This makes this question really worth 10
marks (not 6) and can mean the difference between a grade D
and a grade C!
• Lastly……GOOD LUCK!!!
Farming and the Countryside – Key Words
Biodiversity—the number and variety of living species found in a
specific area
Food Miles—the distance a food is transported from the place of
production to where it reaches the consumer. The greater the
distance, the more fuel is used
Organic Farming—an environmentally friendly form of agriculture
that relies on methods such as crop rotation, green manure, compost
and biological pest control rather than chemical fertilisers, pesticides
and GM organisms
Biofuel—fuel derived from biological material such as palm oil
Honeypots—a place of special interest or appeal that attracts a large
number of visitors and tends to become overcrowded at peak times
Commuter—a person who travels from their home area to their place
of work, on a daily basis
Rural-Urban Migration—the movement of people from the
countryside into towns and cities
Urban Fringe—countryside that is being quickly lost to urban growth
Accessible Countryside—-a rural area beyond the commuter belt
but within day –trip reach
Recreation—activity during leisure time, to help one feel better
Diversification—spreading business risks by adding new activities
and removing complete dependence on the one original activity
Counterurbanisation—the movement of people and employment
from major cities to smaller settlements and rural areas located just
beyond the city, or to more distant smaller cities and towns
Suburbanisation—the outward spread of urban areas, often at lower
densities compared with the older parts of a town or city
Commuter Belt—a countryside area with settlements that are used
as dormitories by urban-based workers and their families
Tourism—leisure time activity involving at least one overnight stay
away from home
A Tourist’s World – Key Words
Life Cycle—the process of change experienced during a life
cycle. The idea also applies to products and tourist resorts
Self-Catering Holiday—a holiday in which the accommodation
costs do not include food
Educational Holiday—a type of holiday that involves learning
Adventure Holiday—a type of holiday that involves activities
such as bungee jumping and snorkelling
Package Holiday—a holiday in which travel and accommodation
are put together by a tour operator and sold as a cheap package
Mass Tourism—the large scale movement of tourists to popular
The Butler Model—a model showing the sequences of changes
experienced by holiday resorts
Leisure—use of free time for enjoyment
Eco-Tourism—a form of tourism that tries to minimise the
environmental impacts of the tourists, by using local providers
and resources and by keeping profits within the local area
Resort—a settlement where tourism is the main function
Consumer Culture—a culture in which there is an emphasis on
the purchasing of goods and services
Disposable Income—the amount of money which a person has
available to spend on non-essential items, after they have paid
for their food, clothing and household running costs.