Transcript Hard water

Hard water
LI – to know the causes,
effects and cures for hard
Hard water is hard
to lather and forms
a scum with soap
It is caused by the
presence of
dissolved calcium or
Detergents are not
affected by hard
There are 2 types
of hardness;
temporary and
Hardness is tested
for using soap
The greater volume
of soap needed the
harder the water
Temporary hardness
Temporary hard water is formed by rain water
reacting with the limestone.
Rain water is slightly acidic due to the presence of
dissolved carbon dioxide
Rain water is a weak solution of Carbonic acid,
Calcium + Water + Carbon = Calcium
hydrogen carbonate
CaCO3(s) + H2O (l) + CO2(g) = Ca(HCO3)2(aq)
Features of hard water
Stalactites and stalagmites are found in
limestone regions. These are formed
by the decomposition of the calcium
hydrogen carbonate inside the
limestone caves
Temporary hardness
Temporary hardness can be removed
by boiling
Calcium hydrogen carbonate
decomposes on heating
Ca(HCO3)2 = CaCO3 + H2O + CO2
Limescale is formed when temporary
hard water decomposes
Permanent Hardness
Permanent hard water is caused by
Calcium or magnesium sulphate
Calcium sulphate and magnesium
sulphate is slightly soluble and dissolve
when rain water runs over the rocks
like granite
Permanent hard water is not softened
by boiling
Q: Explain why water in limestone
regions is hard when limestone is
Rain water contains dissolved carbon dioxide
which makes it acidic (carbonic acid). The
acidic rain water reacts with the calcium
carbonate (limestone) and forms soluble
calcium hydrogen carbonate.
CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) = Ca(HCO3)2(aq)
Hard water can be good
and can be a nuisance
Good points
Tastes better
Contains calcium
which is good for
teeth & bones
Good for tanning
Bad points
Wastes soap
Leaves a fur inside
kettles so harder to
Leaves limescale
inside pipes
Curing Hardness
Boiling – removes temporary hardness
Adding washing soda (sodium
carbonate) –removes both types of
Ion exchange –changes the calcium
ions for sodium ions
Equations for curing
hardness - Higher
Ca(HCO3)2 = CaCO3 + H2O + CO2
Washing soda (sodium carbonate)
Na2CO3 + CaSO4 = Na2SO4 + CaCO3
Ion Exchange
Ca 2+ swapped for 2Na+
Exam questions - Higher
Explain in terms of ions how
washing soda softens water
A: The calcium ions from the hard
water reacts with the carbonate ions
from the washing soda to form
insoluble calcium carbonate
Exam questions - Higher
Q: Explain in terms of ions how an ion
exchanger softens water
A: The calcium ions from the hard
water are swapped for sodium ions
from the exchanger
The water no longer contains calcium
ions and therefore is no longer hard