Meaning of Research

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Transcript Meaning of Research

Meaning of Research
1) Research refers to a search for knowledge.
It is a movement ,a movement from known to
2) Research is a voyage of discovery research
is a scientific and systematic search for
pertinent information on a specific topic.
3) In fact research is an art of scientific
In brief Research is the process of
Systematic and In-depth study or search
for any particular topic, subject or area of
Investigation, backed by the collection ,
compilation, presentation and
interpretation of relevant details or data.
Research being a fact-finding process,
influences business decisions.
Clifford woody “Research comprises defining and
redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or
suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and
evaluating data ;making deductions and
reaching conclusions; and last carefully testing
conclusions to determine whether they fit the
formulating hypothesis.
D.Slesinger and M.Stephenson in the
Encyclopedia of Social Science define Research
as “The manipulation of things concepts or
symbols for the purpose of generalizing to
extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether
that knowledge aids in contribution of theory or
in the practice of an art.
Objectives Of Research
To Gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to
achieve new insights into it
(Studies with this object in view are termed as
exploratory or formulative research studies)
To portray accurately the characteristic of a
particular individual, situation or a group.
(Studies with this object in view are known as
descriptive research studies)
To determine the frequency with which
something occurs or with which it is associated
with something else.(diagnostic research)
To test a hypothesis of a casual relation ship
between variables.
(such studies are known as Hypothesis-testing
research studies)
Motivation of Research
1) Desire to get a research degree along with
its consequential benefits.
2)Desire to face the challenges in solving the
unsolved problems,i.e. concern over
practical problem initiates research.
3) Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some
creative work.
4) Desire to be of service to society.
5) Desire to get respectability
Significance of Research.
Research inculcates scientific inductive
thinking and it promotes the development of
logical habits of thinking and organization.
The role of research in several fields of applied
economics, whether related to business or to
the economy as a whole, has greatly increased
in modern times.
Research provides the basis for nearly all
government policies in our system.
Research has its special significance in solving
various operational and planning problems of
business & industry.
Research is equally important for social
scientists in studying social relationships and
in seeking answers to various social problem
In addition to what has been stated above, the
significance of research can also be understood keeping
in view the following points.
1) To those who are to write a master or PhD thesis,
research may mean careerism or a way to attain a high
position in social structure.
2) To professionals in research methodology, research
may mean a source of livelihood.
3) To philosophers and thinkers, research may mean the
outlet for new ideas and insights.
4) To literary men and women research may mean the
development of new styles and creative work.
5) To analyst and intellectuals, research may mean the
generalizations of new theories.
Qualities Of Good Research
Good Research is systematic.
Good Research is logical.
Good Research is empirical.
Good Research is replicable.