Student Name Here - | Competition With Honor

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Transcript Student Name Here - | Competition With Honor

Nicole Glenn
Brentwood Christian School
District 3
Mrs. Lori Morin 512-779-4779
16 Slides
This selection is a collection of my most personal
pieces. I strive to show a little bit of myself in all of my
artwork, and I think these pieces show who I am. My
photography, computer rendered, and digital work is a prime
example of where I hope to be in my future, as next year I
plan to major in visual communications.
I see art everywhere, and am influenced by it daily. I
want to make an impact on our culture, and I believe I can do
that through my artwork. By creating a visual representation
to communicate a theme, a product, a current event, or a
memory to our society, I believe that art can change the way
we view and act in the world. That is how I hope people will
respond to my work.
I created 4 of the 6 pieces my Junior and senior year,
the exceptions being Lizards Hanging Out and my On a Rocky
Shore which was completed Sophomore year.
The piece I am most proud of is my self portrait. I have
always been afraid to draw people. It was my insecurity
because I didn’t want to misrepresent anyone. Finally I
decided to draw myself. To conquer my fears. After lots of
study and practice, I was finally able to represent myself
through this image in more than just physical characteristics. I
was able to gain the confidence to know that I can do
anything through art if I put my mind to it.
Sixe: 18X22
Eternal Roses
Lizards Hanging Out on a Rock – Size: 10X8
Beginning on a
Rocky Shore
Size: 8X10
My Portrait
Sixe: 10.5X13.5
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