Transcript Slide 1

Right Care
Participants will meet the some of the Right Care national workstream leads and also see
practical local NHS examples of implementing the Right Care approach - by the people doing
Participants will learn about Right Care and how commissioners can improve the value of
healthcare through applying the principles of patient empowerment and “co-production”,
understanding variation in activity, spend and outcome for the populations served,
commissioning accountable integrated care – and why it leads to better value Healthcare:
Attendees can collect their free copy of the NHS Atlas of Variation 2011.
Right Care
Mobilising the patient: how using shared decision making leads to more appropriate and
sustainable care, a better patient experience and improved value, for both the patient and
the commissioner
Understand variation: commissioners and providers need to identify unwarranted variation
and benchmark against other populations in order to remove waste and shift spend to
higher value interventions
Address whole populations: to maximise value, not just those patients who appear in
clinic – and provide clinical leadership to develop the network which delivers the service to
the population and to lead innovation
Understand spend and outcome: To deliver high value healthcare, commissioners need
to manage the services they contract at programme budget levels – for example, how much
is spent on diabetes and for what outcome for the population served? How much will the
CCG spend on respiratory care and what outcomes are desired?
Devolve Pathway Design and Management: Commissioners should focus on outcomes devolving performance management (clinical outcomes delivered within budget) and
responsibility to develop integrated pathways to a provider in the programme budget
Ensure clinical and financial accountability: In order to deliver integrated care providers
need to work together and accept clinical and financial responsibility for entire programme