Transcript Slide 1

Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Learning Objectives
• To provide awareness and
understanding of chapter leadership
roles and responsibilities
• To enhance chapter management
and effectiveness
• To explore the interrelationship of
these roles
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
National Structure
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Regional Structure
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Chapter Structure
Chapter President
Chapter Executive Board
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Delta’s Governing Documents
Corporate Charter
Constitution and Bylaws
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (10th
Edition, 2000)
Chapter Management Handbook
Chapter Rules of Order
Chapter Policies and Procedures
National Code of Conduct
Protocol and Traditions
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Administrative Resources & Tools
Membership Intake Program
Pyramid Study Guide
Administrative Procedures for
Membership Intake
Chapter Mailings/Updates
Financial Information Booklet
Chapter Compliance Submission List
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Chapter Role Definitions
What do you think are the
roles and responsibilities
of your office?
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
The Chapter
Parliamentary Procedure
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
What Is Parliamentary Procedure?
A set of rules for maintaining
order in an organization that:
• Provides an approved and uniform
method of conducting meetings in a
fair, orderly and expeditious
• Allows everyone to be heard and to
make decisions without confusion.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
What Are
Robert’s Rules Of Order?
 The foremost authority on parliamentary
 Used to ensure that meetings are fair
and efficient
 Provides common rules and procedures
for deliberation and debate in order to
place the whole membership on the
same footing and speaking the same
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Why Should I Know
Parliamentary Procedure?
 Time tested method used by Delta
Sigma Theta to conduct business
 Empowers you as a member of
your chapter
 Prepares you to be more effective
when participating in your business
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Key Players In
Parliamentary Procedure
 President
 Secretary
 Parliamentarian
 Members
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
The Parliamentarian…
 acts as a consultant in that she advises the
president and other officers, committees, and
members on matters of parliamentary
procedure in accordance with Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws,
Local Chapter Rules of Order and Policy and
Procedures, and Robert’s Rules of Order,
Newly Revised (10th Edition, 2000).
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
The Parliamentarian .
 calls the attention of the chair to
any error in the proceedings that
may affect the substantive rights of
any member.
 may serve as the chairperson of
the Chapter Rules of Order and
Policies and Procedures
Roles & Responsibilities—Parliamentarian,
Officers RolesChapter
and Responsibilities
Committees and Committee Chairpersons
Parliamentarian, Leadership
Committees and
Committee Chairperson
D e l t a SDelta
I g mSigma
a T hTheta
e t a Sorority,
S o r o Inc.
r I t y, I n c.
The Parliamentarian’s Relationship
To The Chapter President
President should appoint the
President should confer with the
Parliamentarian before the meeting opens in
order to anticipate any problems;
After the Parliamentarian has expressed an
opinion on a point, the President has the duty
to make the final ruling and has the right to
follow or disregard the Parliamentarian’s
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
The Rights of the Sorority Supercede
the Rights of the Individual Soror.
All Members are Equal and Their Rights
are Equal.
A Quorum must be Present to do
The Majority Rules.
Silence is consent
Two-thirds vote rules
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
One question at a time and one speaker
at a time.
Debatable motions must receive full
Once a question is decided, it is not in
order to bring up the same motion or
one essentially like at the same meeting.
Personal remarks in debates are always
out of order.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Basic Parliamentary Procedures
Seek recognition by raising your hand.
Wait to be recognized by the chair.
State your motion.
Chair restates your motion.
Chair opens the floor for debate.
Chair puts the question to a vote.
Chair announces the vote.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Parliamentary Procedure
to Expedite Business
President should assist sorors in
phrasing/framing motions;
President should restate the motion on the
floor when discussion is wandering;
President should state that the report will be
filed for audit because it is not adopted; only
the Annual Auditor’s Report is voted on;
Committee Reports are not adopted; only
their recommendations for action should be
acted upon;
Use general consent whenever possible.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
 Main Motions
 Subsidiary Motions
The motion to Amend is the most frequently used and
most important of the subsidiary motions. The motion
to Amend also can cause the most confusion in a
To Amend a motion means to change the wording of a
motion to make it clearer, more complete, or more
acceptable before voting upon the motion.
 Incidental Motions
 Privileged Motions
 Restorative Motions
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Roles & Responsibilities—Parliamentarian,
Officers RolesChapter
and Responsibilities
Committees and Committee Chairpersons
Parliamentarian, Leadership
Committees and
Committee Chairperson
D e l t a SDelta
I g mSigma
a T hTheta
e t a Sorority,
S o r o Inc.
r I t y, I n c.
Types of Committees
Executive Committee
Executive Board
Standing Committees
Special Committees
Ad Hoc Committees
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Duties Of Committees
 To clarify the chapter’s goals and objectives
for projects or programs
 To develop a plan
 To implement that plan
 To regularly report to the chapter
 To make recommendations to the Executive
Board and then the chapter
 Take action after receiving chapter approval
 To evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Committee Chairperson
 Appointed by President, except
Nominating Committee Chair
 Works closely with Chapter President
and is a member of the Executive Board
 Has major responsibility for carrying out
programs, directives, interests and
 Any duties as prescribed in the local
Policies & Procedures
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Duties Of The Committee Chair
Reports on the work of the committee
Recruits members
Communicates with members and
coordinates their activities
Submits written reports at Executive
Board and Chapter meetings
Submits evaluation report at end of
chapter year
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Duties Of Committee Members
Attend scheduled and special meetings
Represent the committee as requested
Provide specialized information to
Give advice and guidance; suggest new
areas for study
Promote and interpret the purpose and
program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Roles & Responsibilities—Parliamentarian,
Officers RolesChapter
and Responsibilities
Committees and Committee Chairpersons
Parliamentarian, Leadership
Committees and
Committee Chairperson
D e l t a SDelta
I g mSigma
a T hTheta
e t a Sorority,
S o r o Inc.
r I t y, I n c.
Committee Reports
 A written copy should be provided to the
Executive Board, chapter members and
Recording Secretary.
• Heading—name of committee, chapter
and date
• Summary of activities
• Recommendations
• Name of chair and date
 The report should be distributed in advance
(when possible) to members.
 The presenter should summarize key findings
when giving oral report during meeting.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Committee Reports
 The report should present and discuss
recommendations in detail.
 It is not necessary to move the report be received
 An informational report with no recommendations
or motions does not require a vote.
 A report with recommendations needs a motion
to adopt the report with recommendations or
adopt the recommendations.
• Motion may be made by Chairperson (or soror making
• No second is required.
• Chapter accepts recommendations and will take action
on them.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Committee Reports
 Committee members may submit a minority
report after the committee report (may include
recommendations also)
 Both committee and minority reports are main
motions and open to subsidiary motions (if
recommendations are included)
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Don’t let anything stop you.
There will be times when you’ll be
disappointed, but you can’t stop.
Make yourself the very best that
you can make out of what you are.
The very best.
Sadie T. M. Alexander
Please complete all evaluation forms.
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.
Thank you for attending our
Please complete all evaluation
forms and return to the facilitator
Officers Roles and Responsibilities
Parliamentarian, Committees and Committee Chairperson
D e l t a S I g m a T h e t a S o r o r I t y, I n c.