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Tips on How to be a
Successful High School
"We choose our attitudes."
Don’t hold of work or projects till
the last minute. Even if you think
you’ll do good, trust me, you won’t.
Use your time wisely.
 For 9th grade, it is a
very important thing
that you stay
organized, because
if your not, you will
fall behind in your
work & it’s hard to
catch up with the
rest of the class.
Try your hardest to get to class on time, get
to class fast then talk. Ha’Shaun
 Teachers also like when you turn assignments in
on time and most don’t accept late work, if they d
it won’t be worth full credit.
 Another piece of advice is turn in all work on
time, don’t procrastinate. Teachers love when
you’re in class on time and it’ll keep your
attendance up.
 Try getting all your supplies ready to go and be
ready because then you’re not wasting anyone’s
time and it’ll help you better organized and learn.
The teachers also won’t be so grumpy because
they don’t like repeating themselves over and over
 Join activities for the school or help out with
clubs, even take the advantage of redoing or doing
something for extra credit. It’ll help raise your
grade bit by bit and you’ll better yourself. Also by
joining activities, you showing school spirit,
which helps you in the long run.
Sports don’t get you a grade, the
homework you should do before it does.
Talk to your teacher when you have problems
with your work instead of just blowing it off.
It will at least let them know that you care
about your work. Daskyra
First, when you get in school, mentally tell
yourself that you are in high school, not
middle school. If you have a middle school
mind set in high school you will have the
worst year of you life.
Keep all your
notes in your
main courses
until the end
of the
period. Do
this so you
will know
what is going
to be on the
period test.
 Ask for help when
you really need it.
If you don’t then
you won’t
understand when
it comes to a test
at the end of the
semester and you
 9th graders should
be organized. If you
are not organized
you may not turn in
your work on time
or at all. If you’re a
sloppy person, then
you’ll most likely
lose your work or
put it somewhere
and not remember
where you put it.
Listen to everything your teacher says while
she’s teaching because everything’s going to
show up on the exam, and that’s 25% of
your grade, exams are really hard. Jatay
Always do
the re-do on
tests because
they will
help bring
your grade
 Listen and take notes because everything that your teacher
teaches you will be on the semester exams and tests.
 Don’t be late for class because they will
send you to ISI which you might get
suspended for two days.
Do not miss school or classes. I used to skip 4th
hour in the upperclassmen lunch and it really
effected my grades. I know it may seem fun to
skip, but it gets boring after a while.
Never be late to your classes. Why? Don’t be late
because you will go to ISI, if you go to ISI too
many times, then you qualify to be suspended.
 Attendance is very important. I can speak from
personal experiene. You need to make sure you’re
here because you can fall behind very quickly.
 School work and homework is also important. If
you don’t understand something don’t just give
up. Ask a teacher and ask about tutoring, they’re
there to help you. Marena
Attendance affects your grades. All the days
you miss school and tardiness will make
your grades look really bad. It’s really
important to make it to class. Lorraine
If you miss a day, have your parent or guardian
call in and excuse you because if your not
excused for that day, you might not be able to
get your missed work.
There’s no reason to not be successful in high
school, but a good way to stay successful is
to play sports because it helps you stay on top
of your school work. Austin
If you want to be successful in high school,
you’ve got to respect all the staff and
students in this building.
If you don’t like a teacher or the way they
do something, deal with it. I say this
because all the acting out and getting in
trouble is not going to hurt them. Its going
to hurt you and your grades. Xavier
Be around people you think will help you
grow, not hurt you. It’s important who you are
around because your bad friends might say
you did something you never did.
Have good friends and don’t do drugs. Lilly
 Stay focused. There will be a whole bunch or
people-stuff that’ll try to get in your way, so
you’re going to have your mind focused and set on
a goal.
 Determination. Be determined, make sure when
you say you’re going to do something, you do it.
Don’t give up, 9th grade is hard, be determined to
go to school and get an education.
Be yourself. Never try to fit in with the crowd
because it can get you into trouble. Jasmine
Stay away from drama. Drama can only
distract you from your schoolwork and it
will lead to fights. Jennifer
Find fast ways back to your locker to dropoff un-needed materials.
Organize your locker so you can get your
needed materials faster.
Come to school early to avoid long waits at
the metal detector. Denzel
Whenever you get lost. Look up above the
stairwells and you’ll see the classroom
numbers and which direction to go. This is
important so you’ll know where you’re going
and you’ll be on time for class. Tyesha
Getting along with the teachers is easy
because all you have to do is do your
work on time, be polite, and bring
books to class. Quin
Don’t leave your locks off with
valuables in there because they
might get stolen. Markus
When you first come to this school you
should find one route to every class. This is
important because going other ways might
take longer and students like to stand in the
middle of the hallway. Darius
 On thing at Arthur Hill is that sometimes the metal
detectors are packed, if you don’t like waiting come
at a reasonable time maybe early or after 7am then its
easy to get through.
 Another thing is if you can’t find your classes look
over the blue doors it will tell you which section
you’re at or where you need to go – it helps a lot.
My peace of advice for the new 9th grade
students for this fall is that you come to
school prepared every single day with all of
your materials. Shatoria
Try to walk away from fights and
arguments. It isn’t worth the 10 day
suspension because within those 10 days
you’ll start flunking and you might fall
behind on credits. Ashley
 Leave the middle school behavior behind. You’re
going to be in high school and the teachers don’t
mess with bad behaviors. You will get in trouble
for bad behavior. Drew
• The
is to try.
•What could be done to help you learn better
more successfully? Study more and take all
your test seriously.
•If I study more, I can
become better
The way the teachers about our learning,
sometimes more than us. Joshua
• It is an important year that helps determine
your future.
•The testing was no joke. One thing you gotta do is
listen, take notes and study. Other than that it is a done
deal – Straight up!
• Passing all classes and being on the honor roll.
• The best thing about the 9th grade was that it was a
experience and it was a challenge and that our 9th
grade year basketball season with my friends also.
• I could study more, and start ask teachers for help a
little more and to pay attention and not talk as much
in class and to not get on the teachers bad side.
Abeyant Montgomery
• To help you be more success and better is to
don’t let people distract you. Pay attention
don’t play around, be all about handling
Tysheika Dixon
your business
• What was the best thing about 9th grade?
Being in the 9th grade made me more
Kyondra Redeemer
• The thing that I like is the freedom, the
games, the band, and how much they help
you and let you do what you need to do, on
your on.
• I think that if middle school had you a little
more prepared for the independence on your
work the way it is in high school I think
people would have been more prepared.