Transcript Slide 1

Search for the Orange Amulet
An Aztec Adventure
By Ben, Louis and Adam
You are a famous explorer and
treasure hunter-archaeologist. You
have been contacted by the President
of a small South American country
who needs your services. He has
been told that there is an ancient
Aztec temple deep in the jungle which
is rumoured to contain an artefact –
‘The Orange Amulet’ which will bring
peace and prosperity to country. It
has been lost for centuries. He warns
you that it will be a difficult journey
with many dangers.
You agree to go on a quest to find
it for him.
You set off on your journey. After a long, uncomfortable bus ride, you have to
continue on foot. You have to cross a raging river. You hope there are no piranhas
in it! The rope bridge looks like it will collapse if you step on it.
How will you cross the river?
Jump off and swim ?
Walk across?
The bridge holds. On the
other side, you see a
tiger prowling towards
you, its got sharp teeth
and looks fierce.
What do you do?
Run away
Get out your sword and
fight the tiger
You swim and a piranha starts to swim after
you and almost bites you. You only just escape
but then a giant Parana bites your head off
and you die!
Go back to the
You slice the tiger in half and blood squirts everywhere.
Then you see a key and a map near the heart of the
tiger. You pick them up. There is a monkey he picks you
up and takes you up his tree.
You run away but you weren't looking
and you got knocked out. A monkey
takes you to the top of a high tree.
Jump out of the tree
Talk to the
You'll die if you jump out of the tree.
Go back and make a wiser decision.
Go back and make a wiser
You start to talk to the monkey and he
tells you where the Orange Amulet is and
he gives you the key to unlock the box.
Journey to the box
After a tiresome journey, you see some light
through the palm trees.
You follow it and the light leads you to a box.
You unlock the box with the key.
What’s in the box?
You open the box and it reveals an orange
amulet! The President can buy anything
he wants with the amulet. You go back to
England and live happily ever after.