Transcript Document

Religious Festivals Revision Guide

The following slides will help you revise some of the religious festivals you have studied this year

Vaisakhi is also spelled Baisakhi Vaisakhi is celebrated to commemorate the year Sikhism was born as a collective faith (1699)

Vaisakhi is one of the most important dates in the Sikh calendar Vaisakhi marks the creation of the Sikh community – the Khalsa

It is the Sikh New Year festival and is celebrated on April 14th Some Vaisakhi recipes include:  Vegetable pullao  Tarka dal   Guava kulfi with tropical fruit salad Mango lassi Gudwaras (Sikh temples) are decorated and visited. Parades, dancing and singing happen throughout the day

Vaisakhi is one of the most colourful events in the Sikh calendar

The Easter Story Jesus was nailed to a crucifix on what we now call Good Friday. After his death, his body was placed inside a tomb and the entrance covered by a huge rock. Two days later – on Easter Sunday – Jesus had risen from the dead and his body was no longer inside the tomb Christians celebrate Easter to mark the day Jesus was resurrected from the dead.

Easter Sunday is also known as resurrection day

Easter cross foods Easter eggs, buns Simnel cake (a type of fruit cake) are all eaten hot and at Easter is celebrated between late March and April Easter celebrates the beginning of new life and is often symbolised by eggs, flowers and young animals Christians celebrate Easter by visiting special church services and offering prayers. A Paschal candle or Christ candle is lit as it represents life and eternal light.

Eid al-Fitr is an Islamic festival celebrated by Muslims Tues 30/8/2011 The festival begins when the first official sighting of the new moon is seen in the sky Muslims celebrate Eid to mark the end of Ramadan - a month of fasting (refraining from eating, drinking, smoking and sex during the daylight hours.) Muslims celebrate Eid to thank Allah for the help and strength he gave them in practising self control through Ramadan.

Eid al-Fitr recipes include:      Chickpea curry Butter mutton with puri Arabian spiced rack of lamb with couscous Pumpkin Halwa Indian rice pudding Eid is celebrated with special services out doors and inside of Mosques, processions through the streets and a celebratory meal eaten during the day time.

People wear their best or new clothes and decorate their homes with lanterns and lights.

The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance, although the actual legends that go with the festival are different in different parts of India Homes, shops and public places are decorated with rows of small oil lamps to guide Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, into home and businesses Diwali is a 5-day festival celebrated by the followers of Hinduism Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights The festival is celebrated on the 26 th October this year In Britain, as in India, the festival is a time for:  spring-cleaning the home  wearing new clothes   exchanging gifts (often sweets and dried fruits) and preparing festive meals decorating buildings with fancy lights.

 huge firework displays often celebrate Diwali Diwali is also known as Devali and Daapavali in different places across the world

Wesak is the most important of the The festival is celebrated with much colour and fun. Homes are cleaned and decorated and many Buddhists will visit their local temple for services and teaching. Gifts are taken to the altar to be offerred to Buddha If there is food it is usually vegetarian as Buddhists try not to harm animals Buddhist festivals Wesak is celebrated on the full moon in May Wesak celebrates the Buddha's birthday, and, for some Buddhists, also marks his enlightenment and death Wesak was on Tuesday May 17 th this year Celebrations vary from one country to another. In Thailand and Indonesia special Wesak lanterns are made of paper and wood.

In some countries caged birds are released to symbolise letting go of troubles and wishing that all beings be well and happy

Vaisakhi is also spelled Baisakhi Vaisakhi is celebrated to commemorate the year Sikhism was born as a collective faith (1699)

Vaisakhi is one of the most important dates in the Sikh calendar Vaisakhi marks the creation of the Sikh community – the Khalsa

It is the Sikh New Year festival and is celebrated on April 14th Some Vaisakhi recipes include:  Vegetable pullao  Tarka dal   Guava kulfi with tropical fruit salad Mango lassi Gudwaras (Sikh temples) are decorated and visited. Parades, dancing and singing happen throughout the day

Vaisakhi is one of the most colourful events in the Sikh calendar

Passover was celebrated on April 19 this year Pesach is celebrated to remember how the children of Israel left slavery behind them when they were led out of Egypt by Moses over 3000 years ago Passover is known as Pesach in Hebrew th The Passover festival lasts for 7 days. The first and last days are days of rest Families travel many miles to be together at Passover Passover is also known as The Festival of Freedom and The Festival of Spring The first 2 nights of Passover are celebrated with the Sedar meal. During the evening, the story of how the Israelites fled from Egypt is retold from a book called the Haggadah. Certain foods are on the table to represent specific parts of the Passover story