Transcript Slide 1

Page 1
Out of the seemingly endless blue abyss, a pin prick of green slowly emerged. I
desperately veered towards it hoping with all my heart it was the place. As I grew
closer, I saw a towering canopy of thick, green vegetation. The crystal-clear, blue
shards of the water shimmered under the dazzling light of the blazing sun.
“ This is your destiny, Hope,” my father had murmured, “ find the treasure and
bring it back to England for me.”
With trembling hands I clutched the map my father had handed me that fateful
day. Slowly, I stepped onto the soft golden sand. The enchanting smell of exotic
fruits drifted around in the soft breeze. Cautiously, I ventured into the lush jungle
the towering cluster of trees brought a stretch of welcome shade. The unnatural
croak of an unusual frog echoed through the dense undergrowth. Out of the blue
I came across a rickety rope bridge that led to a moonlight lagoon. However, I
could canoe down the treacherous river into unknown territory.
Click here to cross the rope bridge
Click here to canoe down the river
Page 2
My heart pounded violently in my delicate chest, as I daringly crept onto the first
rung of the treacherous bridge. I hope with all my heart that this bridge was not as
old as I believed and would not snap under my puny weight. Legs like jelly, I
stepped onto the next slightly bent rung, my sweaty palms gingerly released the
rope to allow me to move. CREAK! SNAP! It was falling. I ran. I jumped. Ahhhhhhh
safety. I was on the other side Safe … for now… I approached the worryingly
welcoming pool of peaceful water. “ This is to good to be true.” I thought. Shaking I
stepped into the almost haunting moonlight the murky water glistened enchantingly
, a group of small ripples meandering the surface was the only movement.
Suddenly a shadow broke the spell that was gripping me tightly. I turned like a bolt
of lightning to see a menacing, gruesome PIRATE! “RUN!” I thought. I bolted away
trampling through the undergrowth. Then I skidded to a holt. A gargantuan
waterfall!!! I drew my dagger and readied myself …
Click here to fight the pirate.
Click here to jump down the water fall.
Page 3
Lush, green leaves reached desperately across the river forming a dense shelter, for
my canoe. Lazily, the green lagoon whispered, “ I know your secretssss,” grimacing
my heart froze as I forced myself to row on. A splash. From the bushes near by. As I
drifted further towards it ,I noticed shapes in the distance. A village! Signs hung from
the trees, “ Get out! Beware! Don’t come near the village of the ULUABULAS!” I had
to get out of the boat. Cautiously, I crept passed the village breathing a huge sigh of
relief. “ Where should I go now?” I thought. Then, out of the corner of my eye I
spotted a dark, gloomy cave. However, just across the river were some slippery
stepping stones leading the other side.
Click here to enter the cave.
Click here to cross the stepping stones.
Page 4
In awe I watched the ferocious man drawing his very own hooked blade nearing me
ready for battle. CLANG! Our weapons clashed together I pulled away only to
charge at him my dagger out stretched. Then he fell I had done it I killed him! A grin
on my face I strode away to here a shot I looked down to see a patch of blood
appear. Then I fell the moisture of the leaves soaked my shirt then black. That was
when it hit me I had been shot. I was dead. No I couldn’t be.
Click here to start again.
Page 5
Frantically, I took the plunge, the air whistled around my fast cascading body. I
began to grow dizzy but then I hit the icy water. A searing pain emerged in my left
leg I looked down and realised that I had sprained my ankle. “ I cant let this beat
me.” I thought. Like a solider I carried on swimming through the waterfall to find a
large cave. I hauled myself inside slowly. From the other end of the cave, I saw a
dim light shining on to the ceiling, creating small shadows. ”owwww!” My leg was
killing me but I had see what was making the unusual light! Staggering, I limped
towards it. The treasure! I found it!
You find the treasure and go back home!
Well done!
Click here to have another go!
Page 7
Reluctantly I entered the pitch black cave. A breeze lingered in the air. Where
did it come from? Then I spotted an opening in the distance. frantically, I sped
towards it. In the horizon, a path led to a mysterious puzzle. Forward. Left.
Backwards. I stepped on the puzzle rungs. A volt opened , displaying an old
chest filled with gold and treasure!
You return home full of happiness and glory.
Click here to have another go.
Page 6
Looking into the deep, cold water, I took my first shaking step. Like fur, slippery
rocks were covered in thick bushy moss. As a log-like creature appeared from the
murky depths, I flung myself onto the next step. A crocodile! Panicking, I hurried
across the stones. Suddenly my foot slipped! I fell into the water. While my body
floated down the river, the crocodile neared closer…
You were eaten by the crocodile and never seen again!
Click here to start again.