The Big Idea - History of Technology

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Analyze how different cultures develop their own technologies to satisfy
their individual and shared needs, wants, and values.
Explain that most technological development has been evolutionary, the
result of a series of refinements to a basic invention.
Explain that the evolution of civilization has been directly affected by,
and has in turn affected the development of tools and materials.
Explain that throughout history, technology has been a powerful force in
reshaping the social, cultural, political, and economic landscape.
Explain that early in the history of technology, the development of many
tools and machines was not based on scientific knowledge but on
technological know-how.
Explain that the Iron Age was defined by the use of iron and steel as the
primary materials for tools.
Explain that the Middle Ages saw the development of many
technological devices that produced long-lasting effects on technology
and society.
Explain that the Renaissance, a time of rebirth of the arts and
humanities, was also an important period in the history of technology.
Explain that the Industrial Revolution saw the development of continuous
manufacturing, sophisticated transportation and communication
systems, advanced construction practices, and improved education and
leisure time.
Knowledge of the history of technology
helps people understand the world
around them by seeing how people of
all times and places have increased
their capability by using their unique
skills to innovate, improvise and
• Technology is the application of
knowledge, tools and skills to solve
problems and extend human
• Human innovation in action that
involves the generation of knowledge
and processes to develop systems that
solve problems and extend human
• How did the following items influence
the lives of the people that first used it?
• In small groups (teacher assigned):
– Brainstorm how a technological
advancement influenced history.
• The plow, irrigation systems, cannons,
printing press, steam engine, radar,
– Think and answer the following….
• What did people do before the
• Why is the advancement important?
• How did it change history?
• What were the benefits to people?
• What is History?
– A chronological record of significant events often including
an explanation of their causes.
• Throughout history, technology has been a powerful
force in reshaping the social, cultural, political, and
economic landscape.
• Early in the history of technology, the development of
many tools and machines was not based on scientific
knowledge but on technological know-how.
Flexibility and Discretion
Clan Oriented
A very personal place;
Like an extended family;
Mentoring; Nurturing;
Internal Focus and Integration
Market Oriented
Results Oriented;
getting the job done;
values and achievement
Adhocracy Oriented
Dynamic and entrepreneurial;
People take risks;
Values innovation and
External Focus and Differentiation
Heirarchally Oriented
Favors structures and control;
Coordination and efficiency;
Stability is important
Stability and Control
• 500,000 BC – 10,000 BC
• Earliest known stone tools
– Stone axes, bone needles
• Impact of technology
– Improved health
– Enhanced security
– Enabled humans to increase
• 10,000 BC – 4000 BC
• Development of
composite tools
– Leatherwork, basketry,
fishing tackle
• Domestication of animals
• Impacts of Technology
– Farming, domestication of
animals, beginning of
settled communities.
• 4000 BC – 2300 BC
• Development of agriculture, year round
• Pottery, polished stone tools, spinning and
weaving tools, wooden and stone plows, sickles.
• Impacts of Technology –
– Dependable year round food, division of labor
that spurs invention and innovation
• 2300 BC – 700 BC
• Earliest civilizations - the
development of metallurgy,
mainly the combining of copper
and tin to make bronze.
• Bronze jewelry, tools, and
• Impact of Technology - Stone
tools were gradually replaced
by metal ones. Enabled
humans to alter their
environment at a great rate
• 700 BC – 450 AD
• The use of iron as the main metal.
• Iron dagger, iron chisels, small figurines,
ornamental jewelry, swords, axes, spearheads.
• Impact of technology
– Military dominance for uses of iron weapons
and the use of iron bladed plows enabled
humans to cultivate heavier soils and
increase food production
• 450 –1400 AD
• The period of European history between fall
of Rome and the Renaissance
• Wheeled plow, improved harness for horses,
horseshoes, stirrups, waterwheels, crank,
windmill, cast iron, cannons, mechanical
clock, compass, ocean-going ships.
• Impact of technology - The rise and decline of
serfdom and feudalism, the rise of the money
economy and capitalism, the expansion and
contraction of economic activity, and the
beginnings of urbanization and
• 1400-1750 AD
• The transitional movement in Europe between
the middle ages and modern times, marked by
a humanistic revival of classical influence
• Telescope, microscope, thermometer, clocks,
• Impact of technology - Instrumentation
enabled early scientists to observe and
quantify natural phenomena.
• 1750-1950 AD
• The cultural stage characterized by the first use
of complex machinery, factories, urbanization,
and other economic and general social changes
from strictly agricultural societies.
• Steam engine, electricity, automobile, airplane,
radio, television, telephone, and rocket.
• Impact of technology - The Industrial Revolution
gave rise to urban centers requiring vast
municipal services, created a specialized and
interdependent economic life, and provided the
economic base for the rise of the professions,
population expansion, and improvement in living
• 1950 AD–Present
• Starting in the 1950s and continuing today in
which the gathering, manipulation, classification,
storage, and retrieval of information is central to
the workings of society.
• Transistor, integrated circuit, computer,
communication satellite, digital photography,
artificial heart, nuclear power plant, space
• Impact of technology - As information becomes
more widely available, increasing numbers of
individuals and organizations will be in a better
position to make decisions that “experts” now
make, decentralizing decision making and
empowering more people.
Percentage of Population
Technology Reshapes Society
Percent of Agricultur
Examine the following graph.
Percent of Industrial
How has the nature of Percent
Information Workers
changed over time?
1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
Throughout history, technology has been a powerful
force in reshaping the social, cultural, political, and
economic landscape.
•Title – creative and accurately describes the
•Content Facts – Accurate for all events on the
•Graphics – effective and balanced use of
graphics and text
•Dates – accurate dates for each event
•Organization – set up to cover relevant time
period. Contains appropriate yearly
•Resources – contains 11 to 15 events related
to technology
•Documentation – 4 sources of information
•Objective – Clearly stated and appropriately
•Knowledge gained – Accurately answered all
questions, related content and processes.
Finished Timeline
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