Transcript Slide 1

2003 Paper 1 No 7

© Annie Patton

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1+4x with respect to x.

Leaving Certificate Higher 6c (i) paper 1 2003 Start clicking when you want to see the answer.

1 2 Let m=1+4x

dm dx

 4



2 1

dy dm

 1 2


 1 2  2 1


 1 2 1  4

x dy dx

dy dm dm dx

 1


4  2


© Annie Patton

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3 Show that the equation x -4x-2=0 has a root between 2 and 3.

Taking x =2 as the first approximation to this root ,use the Newton-Raphson 1 method to find x , the third approximation. Give your answer correct to two 3 decimal places.

Leaving Certificate 2003 Higher Level Paper 1 no 6(b)

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3 f(x)=x -4x-2 f(2)=8-8-2=-2 f(3)=27-12-2=13 Goes from positive to negative, hence a root between 2 and 3.



f'(x)=3x -4 f'(2)=12-4=8

u =2 2 -2 8 =2+ 1 4 =2.25

f(2.25) u =2.25 3 f'(2.25) .390625

=2.25 11.1875


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© Annie Patton

1 The function f(x)= 1-x is defined for x (i)Prove that the graph of f has no  turning points and no points of inflection.

Leaving Certificate Higher 6c (i) paper 1 2003 Start clicking when you want to see the answer.

' f (x)= (1-x)0-1(-1) = (1-x) 2 1 (1-x) 2 ' At the turning points f (x)=0 So 1 =0 1  0 (1-x) 2  No turning points 2 d y dx 2 2 = (1-x) 3  0 Hence no points of inflection.

© Annie Patton

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1 The function f(x)= 1-x is defined for x  (ii) Write down a reason that justifies the statement "f is increasing at ever value of x  '

f (x)= 1 (1-x)

2 Leaving Certificate Higher 6c(ii) paper 1 2003 Start clicking when you want to see the answer.

as 1> is always positive and


(1-x) is always positive.


f '

(x) is always positive.

Hence f(x) is always increasing.

© Annie Patton

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1 The function f(x)= 1-x is defined for x  Given that y=x+k is a tangent to the graph of f where k is a real number, find the two possible values of k.

Leaving Certificate Higher 6c(iii) paper 1 2003 Start clicking when you want to see the answer.

' The slope of y=x+k is 1. Hence f (x)=1 (1  1


) 2  (1 


) 2  1 1



2  1


2  2


 0  2)  0


 0

or x

 2 1 At x=0 f(x)= 1-0 =1 So if (0,1) is on the line y=x+k 1=0+k k=1 © Annie Patton


1 The function f(x)= 1-x is defined for x  Given that y=x+k is a tangent to the graph of f where k is a real number, find the two possible values of k.

Leaving Certificate Higher 6c(iii) paper 1 2003 Start clicking when you want to see the answer.

The second point is at x=2.

At x=2 1 f(x)=y= 1-2 =-1 Hence the point (2,-1) is on the line y=x+k -1=2+k k=-3 © Annie Patton