National Conference Unified Assessment In Wales

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Transcript National Conference Unified Assessment In Wales

Thursday 22nd April 2010
MRC Llandrindod Wells
Background …
• The National Leadership and Innovation Agency
for Healthcare (NLIAH) are hosting the first
National Chronic Conditions Management (CCM)
Community of Practice (CoP). This event will
provide a forum for the three Regional CoP’s to
come together to share ideas and good practice,
as well as hear from relevant and engaging
keynote speakers.
• This full day programme will consist of plenary
sessions from keynote speakers, accompanied
by a rolling programme of workshops designed
to provide an opportunity to showcase local CCM
projects and achievements.
Who should attend …
• Anyone with an interest in CCM! The CCM
agenda is vast and varied – the wider the
audience, the more informed and fruitful the
• As always, there’s a warm welcome for
colleagues from all sectors including: existing
CoP members, frontline health & social care
managers, third sector colleagues and local
authority colleagues.
Workshop categories …
 Self Care & Management
 Primary Care
 Integrated working /
Pooled budgets
 Telehealth and Telecare
 Public & Patient
 Health & Social Care
Support Workers eg
‘Generic Workers’
Case Management
Core CCM Teams
Care Co-ordination
Directory of Services
Successful Use Service
Improvement Tools eg
PDSA, DMAIC, Process
If you have a local CCM project or example of good practice within
any of the listed workshop categories, we’d love you to showcase
Share your achievements with colleagues across all sectors. If you
would like to showcase your work, please get in touch with Carys
Jones at NLIAH by 1st February 2010:
–  01443 233332 or via email
–  [email protected]
Booking Details
• To book a place at the conference please
contact the event coordinator Lisa
Conway, at the National Leadership and
Innovation Agency for Healthcare
(NLIAH) on:
– 01443 233329 or via email
– [email protected]
• When booking please let us know of any
special dietary or access requirements
you may have.