PECTIN POWER - Harvard Business School Club of DC

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The Basic Concept.

This breakthrough technology will fulfill the world’s energy needs without emission of greenhouse gasses in a manner that is not only environmentally friendly, but even ecologically beneficial. It depends on a natural cycle and feeds the system that creates it.

Our fuel cells are composed of honey on one side, marmalade on the other sugar cane bagasse, apple cores and/or orange peels. – the two sides being separated by a natural cellulose membrane composed of Historical Background.

Our observant researchers determined that on the marmalade side there was an excess of pectin, and on the honey side there was a pectin deficit. The flow of pectin through the barrier layer by osmosis (where the movement of each pectin molecule leaves behind a vacuum which another pectin molecule rushes to fill) works like a fruity semi-conductor. This powerful force toward the achievement of pectin equilibrium of the whole system turned out to create a proportionately greater flow of ions than occurs in a hydrogen fuel cell.


The Miracle Right Under Our Noses .

Previously the extent of this force had not been noticed because the phenomenon occurred on a small scale – being most commonly observed in baked apples. After early laboratory experiments we decided to build to scale, and we determined that a marmalade and honey fuel cell the size of a small office building is sufficient to supply electric power to a mid-sized city of approximately 500,000 inhabitants. The full energy cycle consists of three seasonal 4-month cycles (measured from loading of materials until achievement of equilibrium). Once equilibrium is achieved, the contents of the fuel cell are emptied out and used as fertilizer in the very fields and orchards that produce the fruit, honey and other components that form the raw materials of the marmalade/honey fuel cell.


Perfecting the Technology Finding appropriate locations for fuel cells presented something of a geographical challenge in the early days because the first raw material for the honey was found in the in temperate climates, while the fruit for the initially used jam or marmalade was grown in the tropics. After some experimentation it was determined that the most economic way of proceeding is to minimize transport costs by creating an all tropical cell (based on citrus, sugar cane and jungle honey) or an all temperate solution (apples, peaches and pears with buckwheat honey, for example). For some time natural fuel cells were denounced by Al Qaeda as a diabolic abomination, but then a "Moslem" apparatus based on pomegranate conserve and mint tea was developed, and this approach to energy generation was deemed in accordance with divine scripture. Unfortunately, for inhabitants of the Antarctic and those within the Artic Circle, most raw materials must be imported (although experiments with a seal blubber and algae fuel cell show some promise, we understand)

Low Production Costs.


The preparation of fuel cell components is minimal because It turns out that coarse marmalade works best and the wax of the honey raw material can be left in without harming its efficiency - and indeed this even has a beneficial stabilizing effect.


Compatibility with Nature.

In effect, instead of re-charging the fuel cell, we allow Mother Nature to do that for us by growing another charge for the power plant – sun, rain, photosynthesis, and our friends the bees prepare the necessary raw materials to re-load. The complete yearly cycle has one set of applied materials functioning in the fuel cell, one set of harvested materials being prepared for use in the fuel cell, and one set of discharged materials being re-applied to the land on which they were grown – the three four month cycles that comprise the year of electric power. Instead of the acrid smell and danger of corrosion present in conventional fuel cells the marmalade and honey unit produces only the most pleasant and benign effects, the delightful esters being preserved and microbes of putrefaction being arrested by the slight acidity of the overall mixture. An exhausted marmalade/honey fuel cell provides sweet-smelling fertilizer for ten thousand hectares of arable land.


The Siting of Plants.

The NIMBY (not in my back yard) phenomenon that has made it difficult to advantageously site industrial and nuclear plants gives way to a PIMBY (please in my back yard) and even a PIFY (please in my front yard) effect as neighbors scramble to secure living accommodations near marmalade/honey fuel cell sites. Persons living in the vicinity of our plants describe the pleasant aromas as “sometimes like being in a toffee kitchen”, “sometimes like being in apple blossom or orange blossom bubble bath”. The fuel cells pump life-confirming esters into the air and create joyous bedroom communities where the atmosphere of a permanent honeymoon reigns.


Impact on World Peace. These peace-inducing effects have not gone unnoticed by statesmen, and treaty negotiations are now underway to require the establishment marmalade/honey fuel cells in the world’s trouble spots from Kosovo to Darfur to the Gaza Strip. It seems that just everyone wants to get on our bandwagon these days.


Turning the Corner.

Like any young business we have had growing pains and strains induced by competitors. Our greatest challenge came when the mercenary armies of the Oil, Coal and Nuclear Power companies attempted to eliminate our bee population, realizing that these hard-working creatures were indispensable to our power cycle and hence our weak link. We managed to defend our treasured allies sufficiently until the tide turned. Fortunately the power of our business model was too great, and when we began to accumulate successes, everyone wanted to be our father.


A Real Disruptive Technology.

Since wealth, power, and might make right, once the lobbyists and politicians came over to our side, the game was up for the opposition.

With George W. Bush and his neocon Texas Rangers backed against the Rio Grande and Richard Cheney and his Haliburton guerillas living in caves in Yellowstone National Park where they heave been cornered by troops of the Wyoming National Guard (recently returned from Iraq), flower power now seems inevitable - particularly since Michelle Obama is a strong supporter (who has set-up a demonstration project next to her organic garden), and her husband is packing the Supreme Court to in order to enable judicial safeguarding of eco-friendly energy for the foreseeable future.



The profitability of our fuel cells is off the charts. Our electricity production costs are one-twentieth of the cost of carbon-fuel plants, and one-tenth the cost of nuclear (because our construction costs are quite low for the simple buildings that house our fuel cells). We have no environmental costs, and we even earn environmental credits in addition to the revenues from the sale of electricity, which we price at half the price of conventionally produced power.


We are issuing shares in our company as a public service to give our customers a chance to share in the cornucopia produced by fruit power, the natural confluence of energy and happiness, and the blessings of a benign universe © 2010 Bob Kolodney