Jeopardy - Alleghany County Schools

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Transcript Jeopardy - Alleghany County Schools

Literature Terms III
Q 11
Q 16
Q 21
Q 12
Q 17
Q 22
Q 13
Q 18
Q 23
Q 14
Q 19
Q 24
Q 10
Q 15
Q 20
Q 25
Final Jeopardy
Question 1
Language that conveys a certain
idea by saying just the opposite;
intended to hurt or wound.
Answer 1
What is – sarcasm ?
Question 2
A work that makes fun of
something or someone .
Answer 2
What is – a satire ?
Question 3
Imagery that has to do with something
you can see, hear, taste, smell, or feel.
Answer 3
What is – sensory imagery ?
Question 4
A comparison that uses “like” or
“as”; a stated comparison of unlike
things .
Answer 4
What is – a simile ?
Question 5
A monologue in which a character
expresses his or her thoughts to the
audience and does not intend the
other characters to hear them .
Answer 5
What is – a soliloquy ?
Question 6
A 14-line poem written in iambic
pentameter .
Answer 6
What is – a sonnet ?
Question 7
A section of poetry separated from
the sections before and after it; a
verse “paragraph” .
Answer 7
What is – a stanza ?
Question 8
The use of one thing to represent
another .
Answer 8
What is – symbolism ?
Question 9
The central idea of a work.
Answer 9
What is – theme ?
Question 10
The author’s attitude toward his or
her subject; i.e. pessimistic, angry,
or optimistic .
Answer 10
What is – tone ?
Question 11
A line of action secondary to
the main story .
Answer 11
What is – a subplot ?
Question 12
The narrative point of view,
whether it’s first, second, or
third person .
Answer 12
What is – voice ?
Question 13
The repetition of first consonants
in a group of words .
Answer 13
What is – alliteration ?
Question 14
The point at which the action in a
story or play reaches its emotional
peak .
Answer 14
What is – climax ?
Question 15
Ten-syllable lines in which every
other syllable is stressed .
Answer 15
What is – iambic pentameter ?
Question 16
Language that means exactly
what it says .
Answer 16
What is – literal language ?
Question 17
Giving an inanimate object human
Answer 17
What is – personification ?
Question 18
The main character of a novel,
play, or story .
Answer 18
What is – the protagonist ?
Question 19
A technique in which an author
gives clues about something that
will happen later in the story .
Answer 19
What is – foreshadowing ?
Question 20
The use of description that helps
the reader imagine how something
looks, sounds, feels, smells, or
tastes .
Answer 20
What is – imagery ?
Question 21
A long poem narration the adventures
of a heroic figure .
Answer 21
What is – an epic ?
Question 22
The means by which an author
establishes character; by directly
describing the appearance and
personality or by showing it through
action or dialogue .
Answer 22
What is – characterization ?
Question 23
A reference to something or someone,
often literary .
Answer 23
What is – an allusion?
Question 24
The use of identical phrase structure
within a sentence .
Answer 24
What is – parallelism ?
Question 25
A huge exaggeration .
Answer 25
What is – hyperbole ?
Final Jeopardy
The point of view of a piece of
writing in which the narrator refers
to himself as “I” .
Final Jeopardy Answer
What is – first person point
of view ?