Pursuit of Spiritual Growth

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Defending Our Faith
Providing rational and logical responses to difficult
“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always
be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks
you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect,”
1 Peter 3:15
Is Jesus the great “I AM”
BABSF 2008
Questions for the Month
Did Jesus Christ Really Exist?
 Was He God as He claimed?
Examine the logical options to get to fact.
Did he rise from the dead?
Examine the evidence of the resurrection.
Is Jesus the only way to heaven or are
there many roads that can lead us there?
No time for this topic this session.
Credentials of Christianity
There exists no document from the ancient
world, witnessed by so excellent a set of
textual and historical testimonies . . .
Skepticism regarding the historical
credentials of Christianity is based upon an
irrational bias.
Clark Pinnock
Mcmaster University
Authenticity of New Testament as Historical
Sir William Ramsay, who spent 15 years
attempting to undermine Luke credentials
as a historian, and to refute the reliability of
the New Testament, finally concluded (After
papyri discovery): "Luke is a historian of
the first rank . . . This author should be
placed along with the very greatest of
historians. "
Found in Josh McDowell’s Essay
Evidence of JC being God.
Jesus was unique by who He was, what He did, what he
claimed about Himself (and heaven), and what he did to
substantiate those claims.
 His prophesied coming (birth, life, death)
– The odds of all these coming true is phenomenal.
 His supernatural birth (virgin birth)
 His miraculous deeds.
– healing, casting out demons, and resurrecting people
 His distinctive teaching
 His confirmatory actions (We will focus on this point!!)
– Resurrection proved who is claimed (I AM) to be and his teaching.
Evidence of the Existence of JC
 “Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the
extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of
one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus...” The Annals and
the Histories by P. Cornelius Tacitus 44. (Can be found in
SJ library)
 “At the time lived Jesus, a holy man, if He may be called,
for he performed wonderful works, and taught men, and
joyfully received the truth. And he was followed by many
Jews and Greeks. He was the Messiah.” Antiquities of the
Jews, In A.D. 67 y Flavius Josephus.
– He further authenticated that Jesus was tried by Pilate, accused by
powerful Jewish leaders, was crucified and was seen alive three
days later – “restored to life”.
 Jesus lived as flesh and blood and walked on this earth!!
Evidence of the existence of JC
Christ’s Literal existence never doubted – even by enemies of
the faith. List of some of the 19 ancient sources that
identifies JC as a real person -- Historian Will Durant
 Thallus (historian, wrote in A.D. 52; references to Christ’s
 Cornelius Tacitus (Called greatest historian of Ancient
Rome, Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate)
 Gaius Suetonius (Roman Historian)
 Emperor Tranjan & Hadrian
 Lucian of Samosatata (Greek, A.D. 170)
 Mara Bar-Serapion (Syrian writer in A.D. 70 wrote “Jews
executed their wise King”)
 Phlegon (A.D. 80; Jesus’ suffering and the darkness that
occurred at the time of His death)
 Plinius Secundus (A.D. 112, wrote about Christian belief
of Jesus as deity)
JC Left His Mark on the World
 Our dates are based on him,
– A.D. Anno Domini (Julian Cal. In the Year of the Lord
 Our country was founded because of his
persecuted followers.
 Our weekends were affected by him,
 Our laws were mandated by his Word.
 Jesus Christ has left his mark on every aspect of
our lives! Can anyone have any doubt that Jesus
really existed?
 Bottom Line: Jesus was a real man, real flesh and
blood existence, real as you and me.
Claims of Christ’s Deity.
 Polycarp (AD70-155). Bishop of Smyrna.
Disciple of John the Apostle. "O Lord
God almighty...I bless you and glorify you
through the eternal and heavenly high
priest Jesus Christ, your beloved Son,
through whom be glory to you, with Him
and the Holy Spirit, both now and
forever" (n. 14, ed. Funk; PG 5.1040).
Son is Linked with the father and the HS.
Claims of Divinity by Jesus Christ
I am the father are one. John 10:30-30
Who do the people say the Son of Man is. "You
are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of
Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by
man, but by my Father in heaven. (Math
Jesus claims his name is “I AM” (John 8:5658) from Ex 3:15.
Jesus claims he is God and the same God who led
Moses and Created all of eternity. He is the eternal
God who said name is “I AM”.
Jews wanted to kill JC since he claimed to be
God and not because he was good man or
Logical Conclusions based on JC claim.
He was crazy and a lunatic
No evidence of madness in his saying, actions, and understanding
of human nature.
never anything but sane, kind, humane, wise and self controlled
Liar, cheat and Conman
Not supported by facts. Effected entire world for good.
Foolish to die for no gain. Did not get rich and died poor.
Liars don’t make good martyrs. – why die for false cause
Had purest and noblest character known in history.
Jesus is God and our Messiah
Above claims of lunatic or liar are opposite to public life JC lived.
Historical evidence leaves us with the only logical conclusion, that
Jesus Christ is Lord and God.
Even Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte said, "I know men, and I
tell you that Jesus Christ was not a man... I search in vain in
history to find a man that can compare with Jesus Christ, and
there is none!“
Have you decided if JC is who he says he is or a liar or
Resurrection: Conclusive Proof
 It all hinges on the Empty Grave and the
Resurrection. Great moment in history.
– Most debated because of the consequence.
 Read 1 Cor 15:12-19.
– This physical act proves his teaching and His claims of
being God.
– If not true our faith is futile and we are still in sin.
– The resurrection is the crux of our faith.
– We know the grave is empty so what evidence is there
for the resurrection??
• Jews and disciples claimed the tomb was empty.
– Rule out all natural reasons for the empty grave and
that only leaves us with the supernatural means.
Arguments against Claim of Stolen Body
 Disciples Can’t get past Roman Guards
– Can’t slip by up to 16 guards on shift of 4 and move mortared stone.
– Guards life at stake. Rule and Authority of Romans at stake.
– To keep the dead body would be the end of Christianity.
 All disciples will to die for what they experienced.
– Peter was crucified upside down,
– Andrew was also crucified,
– Simon was crucified too,
– the first James was beheaded,
– the second James was sawed alive in pieces,
– Bartholomew was flayed alive with knives,
– Thomas was speared in India,
– Jude was killed by arrows,
– Matthew was killed in Ethiopia,
– and Phillip.... was killed ........in Hieropolis.
 Liars don’t make good martyrs.
– People don’t knowingly die for a lie. (911)
– Not one recanted the story despite gruesome and agonizing deaths.
Credibility of the disciples of Jesus
“It was therefore impossible that [the disciples]
could have persisted in affirming the truths they
have narrated, had not Jesus actually risen from
the dead and had they not know this fact as
certainly as they knew any other facts … The
resurrection of Christ is the most verifiable fact of
ancient history. ”
Simon Greenleaf
Founder of Harvard School of Law, after through
investigation of whether or not Christ rose form
the dead.
Other Theories of Empty Tomb
 Wrong Tomb
– Jews and Romans can point to the correct one if they had the body.
 Moved by Jews of Romans
– No sense since the body of Jesus kills Christianity
 Hallucination
– Can pass your it to other. Over 500 saw Christ at one time.
– Illusions can’t be touched, can’t tell you where to fish, can’t cook
meals, and can’t eat food. All of which JC did.
 Swooned
– Crucifixion means death. Great suffering. JC was dead and proven
by Roman guards..
– Even if he was not he will not be able to walk and escape from
tomb and convince disciples he is risen.
Proofs Against the Swoon Theory
“[Jesus] couldn’t possibly have faked is death,
because you can’t fake the inability to breathe for
long. Besides, the spear thrust into his heart would
have settled the issue once and for all. And the
Romans weren’t about to risk their own death by
allowing him to walk away alive. The Swoon
Theory is a fanciful theory without possible basis
of fact.”
Dr. Alexander Metherell,
Expert on the medical, archaeological, historical
and biblical evidence surrounding the crucifixion
and death of Christ
Supernatural Explanation
 No other credible natural cause of empty tomb leads to
the supernatural explanation.
– Can’t proven 100%, but there is more then enough evidence to
make it a very rational and logical decision.
 Evidence of the Resurrection
– Many eye witness
Act 1:3 – God provided the highest level of proof possible.
Even Paul said there was people still alive in the 500,
This is technical or infallible proof God gave us. (Acts 1:3)
– All the apostles willing to die for their belief
– The dramatic growth of the church form first Sunday and moving
to Christological framework – worshiping on Sunday.
 Grave was empty because Jesus Christ really rose from
the dead. He is RISEN!!!!!
 DO you believe! Our faith is not blind faith but a faith
based on logic and rational thinking.
 He is our savior so have faith and receive redemption and
Recorded Resurrection Appearances of Jesus
To Mary Magdalene (John 20:11)
To “the other” woman (Matt 28:9-10)
To Peter (Luke 24:34)
To two disciples (Luke 24:13-32)
To 10 apostles (Luke 24:33-49)
To Thomas & other apostles (John 20:26-30)
To seven apostles (John 21:1-23)
To all the apostles (Matt 28:16-20)
To all the apostles again (Acts 1:4-9)
To 500 brethren at once (1 Cor. 15:6)
To James (1 Cor. 15:7)
To Paul (1 Cor. 15:7)
Authenticity of the Resurrection Story
“I know of no one fact in the history of
mankind which is proved by better, fuller
evidence of every sort than the great sign
that Christ died and rose again from the
. . . Thomas Arnold
Professor of history at Rugby University in
Oxford, England
We have outlined the facts in a logical way. How do you
evaluate the overwhelming historical evidence and logical
implications? What is your decision about the fact of
Christ's empty tomb? What do you think of Christ? Who is
he to you and do you believe his claim to be God?
On the basis of all the evidence for Christ's resurrection
and considering the fact that Jesus offers forgiveness of sin
and an eternal relationship with God, who would be so
foolhardy as to reject Him? Christ is alive! He is living
today. Ask him to forgive you of all your sin and to abide
in your heart. If you do you will experience life at its
fullest and the journey of life has just started.
 Alex McFarland:
 Niel Mammen:
10 most objections to Christianity
The historical evidence of the
resurrection of JC.
 Josh McDowell: Evidence of the resurrection.
 Lee Strobel:
The Why Campaign