Welcome to Year Two - Bournes Green Infant S

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Welcome to Year Two
Year Two teaching staff:
Miss Williams & Mrs Johnson
Miss Meyer & Mrs Kyriakides
Cross Curricular link
• At Bournes Green Infant School we have tried to make our
curriculum child-friendly and have made many cross curricular links.
• In Year Two we are finding ways to make links between subjects
(Island Life, Chocolate).
• We have tried integrating French throughout the curriculum (taking
registers, sitting down etc.).
• As yet, we have not decided where our end of year trip will take
Healthy Eating
• At Bournes Green Infant School we pride ourselves on
being a ‘healthy school’.
• We have fruit snack during morning break (provided by
parents) and in the afternoon (provided by the
Government). Please make sure your child has a snack
(not too big or messy!) and a drink of water (especially
in the summer).
• We encourage parents to provided healthy lunches for
their children, as this improves concentration in
afternoon sessions (no nuts).
Physical Education
• We teach PE for two hours a week.
• As well as the two PE lessons, children have
‘Activate’ sessions in the morning.
• The range of activities planned, will also allow the
children to practise their fine motor skills, for
example, holding pencil correctly, cutting skills,
• PE safety – no earrings (tape) and hair tied back.
• Both Units PE – Tuesday & Wednesday
• We follow the Primary Framework for
• National Curriculum 2014
• Children will progress at their own level and work
is always matched to their ability (light bulbs go
off at different times!).
Teacher Assessment (SATs)
•At the end of Year 2, National Levels are published for reading, writing,
speaking and listening, maths and science.
•We carry out teacher assessment throughout the whole of Year 2 and
hand in the final results in May/June.
•These results are NOT based on one test, we only use the test papers
to underpin our teacher assessments. We judge the children every time
we listen to them read, work with them in a maths group or read a piece
of their written work.
•At present the levels are as follows:
•1 or 2c-below national average
•2b-national average
•2a-just above national average
•3-working well above national average
Strategies in Year Two
Addition & Subtraction
• We use a range of strategies and different
resources to teach children how to solve
calculations, for example:
Number lines
In my head (including using fingers)
Hundred square
Adding/ Subtracting tens and units
Using known number facts
Showing workings out (two ticks)
Multiplication & Division
• This is taught in two ways in Year Two:
– learning tables by rote (2,4,6 & 5x5=25)
– learning strategies to solve any calculations related to
multiplication and division (6 x 7 =?)
• Ways to help at home:
– Counting on the way to school (2,4,6)
– Times table CD
– Please check with us before you teach a strategy at home-it has
as it has all changed since we were at school!
• By the end of Year Two children should know their 2, 5 &
10 times table, progressing on to 3, 4 and the rest!
Problem Solving
• Once the children have mastered the strategies, they then have to
apply this knowledge to solving a problem
• To be a Level 3, children are expected to be able to solve a range of
problems involving all operations, moving on to ones involving two
or more operations (see papers we are passing round)
• For example ‘Each toy costs 25p, Jack buys 6, how much change
does he get from £2.00?’
• Spelling –
School spellings are linked to ‘High Frequency words’ that children in Years One and Two are
expected to be able to spell.
Your child was assessed in Year One and was put in the right spelling group for his/her spelling
The spellings are progressive and therefore children will not be moved up a group, unless they
consistently spell words correctly in their written work.
Please be aware that some words are phonetic (children can use their sounds to work them out)
and some are ‘tricky’ words that we just need to know.
In Year Two we have the spelling test on Friday, so please learn them!
Look, cover, write, check. Write in sand, foam, paint, chalk, different colours. Joined up writing.
High Frequency words will be corrected in children’s written work and we encourage you to do
the same (homework).
Spelling websites for home
– http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/toftwood/lcwc.html
– www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures
• Speaking & Listening –
• Speaking and Listening at Bournes Green Infant School is
integral to everything we do.
• Subject-specific vocabulary is taught in most lessons and
particularly important during Mathematics and Science.
• Children in Year 2 are beginning to understand the importance of
talk for learning and have weekly talk partners.
Reading, reading and more reading
Reading is not restricted to Literacy lessons. At Bournes Green Infant
School we read all the time and in most lessons.
Reading is not a competition, children will progress at their own level. In
our experience, when a child is moved to the next reading level too early it
can knock their confidence.
In Year 2 we expect that children will recognise most vocabulary that is
presented to them. However, being a confident reader is not just about
reading the words but also having a clear understanding of the meaning of
new phrases or words. Encourage your child to use the context clues to
work out the meaning of a word. You may even want to look words up in
the dictionary.
As well as reading a text fluently, we recognise the importance of reading
for an audience (expression, question marks, exclamation marks, speech
marks, reading ahead i.e shouted)
Reading, reading and more reading
Comprehension is key in Year Two – showing a good understanding of the
text, including reading the words and understanding their meaning
(assessment, inference skills & story hand). Please question your child! To
be a 2a or level 3, the children must be able to answer a variety of
questions (see SATs booklet going round), especially inference type
questions, e.g. “The news spread like fire” – what does this really mean?
Before moving children to the next reading level we will check that they are
reading a variety of genres.
Every week a child will read at least once to an adult, either as part of a
guided reading session or independently.
Parental guidance:
– We recommend reading with your child as much as possible at home;
reading every night really does make all the difference!
– Where to read?
– Comments in diary (initials or comments)
We want our children to enjoy reading.
Please trust us!
• Writing –
• At Bournes Green Infant School we follow the Primary Framework for
Literacy and integrating the new National Curriculum.
• We always teach a Literacy topic over two weeks or more (e.g. narrative)
– Firstly we explore the genre (guided reading, drama etc.)
– Secondly we use the genre as a model for our own writing (plan writing
with success criteria, write, review and next steps)
• We aim to encourage the children to start becoming confident writers by
the end of Year Two, using many of the techniques taught to them
throughout the year.
• As with Mathematics, children will develop their own style of writing at
different rates. All work set during lesson time will be matched to the
children’s ability and the level of support given.
• Writing is not levelled purely on handwriting and spelling, but also on
content and organisation.
Writing techniques that will be encouraged this term and developed in
following terms.
Children will be taught to:
give sufficient detail to engage the reader (do you want to read on?)
vary sentence starters
vary word choice
extend sentences through the use of connectives (and, because etc)
use descriptive language or phrases (WOW factor)
become more consistent with full stops and capital letters
use phonetically plausible attempts at spelling
begin to use a cursive handwriting style
Children may progress to:
– adding dialogue to their writing
– varying sentences construction (e.g. extended sentence followed by simple sentence
for impact)
– using simple adverbs
– using a range of connectives (e.g. sometimes, also, but etc)
– consistent use of verb tenses
– paragraphing their writing
– adding detail, humour or suspense to create interest and fully engage the reader
– using a variety of different ways to punctuate writing (e.g. exclamation marks)
In Year Two, Mathematics homework will be set every week.
The Mathematics homework is related to the topic taught in class that week. It will give
you a good indication as to whether your child has grasped the concept. It may not
however, be exactly the same level that the children have been working on in class. We
usually send out a middle level piece of work, therefore some children will need support
and others may find it easy, however there will be the challenge element.
The ‘Challenge’ does not have to be completed, however, if your child has found the main
homework manageable, it is recommended that they try the challenge. You are then
welcome to further challenge your child if they need it.
Literacy homework will consist of regular reading to an adult at home, as well as learning
weekly spellings.
From time to time, we may send home a topic-based piece of homework which will require
the children to apply some of the skills they have been developing in class.
With any homework your comments as to how your child found the homework are helpful
for the class teacher.
Parental help –
– Please do help your child read the homework and understand what they have to do
– Please do spend time helping them but without completing the task!
Independence in Year Two
• We aim to ensure that our children are independent when they go to
the Junior School.
• In Year Two we encourage children to take responsibility for their
own jumper, water bottle, lunchbox, homework, letters and P.E kits!
• Changing their reading books!
• After the Christmas Holidays we will be asking each of you for
permission, if you are happy to do so, to let your child walk round to
the front gate at the end of the day.
Holiday during term time
• Did you know if you take your child out of school for two weeks a
year, by the time they sit their eleven plus, they will have missed a
whole term of learning!
• If you take your child out for two weeks, they will miss a whole unit of
work and it may prevent them from understanding the next unit as
easily e.g multiplication/division
• Please do not take children out of school during the Harvest Festival,
Nativity or Leavers Assembly because they will miss out on all the fun
and so will you!
• At present, the same applies to the SATS term (May-June).
If someone has fallen asleep near
you, give them a nudge!
Any questions?