Title of the presentation - United Nations Institute for

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Transcript Title of the presentation - United Nations Institute for





UNITAR Climate Change Programme

is driven by UNFCCC Decisions on capacity building: Decision 10/CP5 recognizes the need for training and support for capacity building Decision 2/CP7 outlines the needs and areas for capacity building in developing countries 2 The climate change programme seeks to build and develop the capacity of government and civil society representatives in the developing world to improve their participation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and their adaptation process.


...is targeting three Capacity Development levels

At the local level: Pilot actions ACCCA - Advancing Capacity to support Climate Change Adaptation

At the national level NAPA - National Adaptation Programme of Action

At the Regional/Institutional level C3D - Climate Change Capacity Development 3

Advancing Capacity to support Climate Change Adaptation - ACCCA

Advancing Capacity to support Climate Change Adaptation- ACCCA Objective: Empower local communities to adapt to climate change - Lack of scientific knowledge and understanding of climate change and risks was identified as major impediment for developing countries to address the impacts from climate change - ACCCA project was conceived to respond to this need to understand the impact of climate change on local communities and empower them to find adaptation solutions - Project brings together local stakeholders and the scientific community to enable and support effective adaptation decisions

Advancing Capacity to Support Climate Change Adaptation- ACCCA

3 main activities: Product: - Videos, Brochures, theatre - Raising awareness about the risks from climate change - Enhance knowledge and skills to address these risks - Identify adaptation options that will counter these climate change risks - Workshops and seminars - List of adaptation options

Objective: identify urgent and immediate needs and improve the capacity of Least Developed Countries to adapt to the present/future threats from climate change.

Targeted countries: Small Island Developing States, Francophone Africa and Asian LDC’s UNITAR provides technical support through training workshops to: - support formulation of adaptation projects - facilitate access to funding institutions for implementation of the adaptation projects/plans

Further activities: - Extending a web-based communication platform - Continued online technical support from national and regional experts through an online question/answer service - NAPA workshop/seminar providing technical assistance and an opportunity to exchange experiences - An evaluation of the process

Capacity Development for Adaptation to Climate Change and GHG Mitigation in non Annex-1 Countries

Main Objective: Improve the ability of developing countries to address Climate Change through developing adaptation measures and planning mitigation strategies.

Specific Objectives: Promote dialogue leading to sustainable development by integrating Climate Change issues into national sustainable development strategies.

Increase human and institutional capacity Contribute to mainstreaming climate change issues into development programmes Improve the negotiating position, by reducing uncertainty in decision making

Targeted countries: Countries listed in the Annex 1 of the UNFCCC Main activities: Build the capacity of 6 regional centre of excellence, located in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, Europe and North America, through trainings and courses (face to face and online), training of trainer courses, outreach and networking. Rationale: Enhancing the capacity of regional centers leads to sustainable learning and knowledge as it enables continuous learning and generates local solutions.

The Partners

Beneficiary Countries

ASIA: Cambodia,India, LaosPDR, China, Indonesia,Nepal, Sri Lanka,Mongolia , the Philipines, Thailand and Vietnam AFRICA; Angola, BurkinaFaso, Cameroon,Ethiopia,the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania,Niger,Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania,Togo, Tunisia,Uganda and Zambia The SIDS(Pacific and the Caribbean) States of Vanuatu.

Belize, Cook Islands,Federated Micronesia,Fiji,Kiribati,Mar shall Islands, Niue, Nauru , Palau, Papua New Guinea , Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu,



For further information please see: http://www.unitar.org/ccp