Transcript Slide 1


Tackling Health Inequalities:

collaboration among member states

Dessislava Dimitrova June 26, 2013

Topics of discussion

Framework for collaboration: Health 2020: European policy for health and well-being 

Practical Suggestions for regional and local implementation


Why Health 2020: despite improvement, inequalities persist

Health 2020: strategy and priorities


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2 Strategic Goals: Reducing health inequalities and improving health for all; Improving leadership and participatory governance for all.

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4 Priority Interventions: Investing in health through a life-course approach and empowering people; Tackling Europe’s major health challenges: NCDs and communicable diseases; Strengthening health systems, public health capacity, emergency preparedness, surveillance and response; Creating resilient communities and supportive environments.

Health 2020: aim and support


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To significantly improve the health and wellbeing of the population while ensuring health inequalities are overcome and a sustainable people-centered health system is established 

Political Support

Adopted by all European member states the 62 nd Committee of WHO-Europe region  Regional Developed via extensive stakeholder consultations based on academic evidence base 

Future plans

Use as a basis for the European negotiations for the Post 2015 health sector agenda

Health 2020: approach and indicators


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Adding value through partnerships Among governments; Among sectors; Among institutions;

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6 Indicators / “headline targets” Reduce premature mortality; Increase life expectancy; Reduce inequalities; Enhance well-being; Ensure universal coverage; Set national goals

Topics of discussion

Framework for collaboration: Health 2020: European policy for health and well-being 

Practical Suggestions for global and local implementation


Suggestions for implementation   

European implementation Evidence-based resources supporting policy development; EU structural fund support;

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Local implementation Conditionality for EU funding to include a focus on health inequalities; Readily available experts to draw on evidence to 1) help develop policies and analyze suggested policies outcomes; 2) to help develop specific national EU projects.


Thank you for the attention!