Robotics in the Classroom

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All Hail our Robot Overlords
Jeanette Hencken,
Nicholas Kirschman
Christine Nobbe
WGHS Students
Economic Competitiveness for our students and our country
A = Art / Design, essential to Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
Integrated and Hands-on
Maker Movement – the global DIY in which people solve their own
Hacking, 3-D printing,
 - Christine prefers the 9 min version of the video
What is a robot?
A machine with unique
* computer-controlled
and autonomous
(or semi-autonomous)
* sensors
* moves around or
moves part of itself to
do programmed job
* power supply
Why should you spend
+ $15,000 on toys for your
Why robotics?
The BIG Idea
Develop 21st century
skills applicable to any
field using motivational
 Critical Thinking &
Problem Solving
 Collaboration
 Creativity &
 Communication
 Craftsmanship
Connected to NGSS and CCSS
Next Generation Science
Standards – HS Technology
Common Core State
Standards HS Literacy & Math
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources
of information presented in diverse
formats and media (e.g., quantitative
data, video, multimedia) in order to
address a question or solve a problem
Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis,
and conclusions in a science or
technical text, verifying the data when
possible and corroborating or
challenging conclusions with other
sources of information
Synthesize information from a range of
sources (e.g., texts, experiments,
simulations) into a coherent
understanding of a process,
phenomenon, or concept, resolving
conflicting information when possible
Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Analyze a major global challenge to specify
qualitative and quantitative criteria and
constraints for solutions that account for
societal needs and wants.
Design a solution to a complex real-world
problem by breaking it down into smaller,
more manageable problems that can be
solved through engineering.
Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world
problem based on prioritized criteria and
trade-offs that account for a range of
constraints, including cost, safety, reliability,
and aesthetics, as well as possible social,
cultural, and environmental impacts.
Use a computer simulation to model the
impact of proposed solutions to a complex
real-world problem with numerous criteria
and constraints on interactions within and
between systems relevant to the problem
Model with mathematics
Programming Options
HS Industrial Tech Class
After School Club at All Levels
Integrated Elementary Gifted
MS or HS Engineering or
Science Class
Potential Pitfalls
Help, I don’t know anything
about robots and
It’s really hard to stay ahead –
always new hardware,
programming languages,
updated robots…
It takes time! Writing
curriculum, staying (a bit)
ahead of the kids, finding
mentors, planning events…
Doesn’t this cost a lot of
money? How do I get funding
to get started and to maintain
the program?
See handout
Thank you for your time.
Please contact us for help setting up a
robotics program in your school.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] @NobbeChristine
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
– Alan Kay, US Computer Scientist