Early Childhood Education: Mathematics, Science, and

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Early Childhood Education:
Mathematics and Science
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Mathematics Standards
Science Standards
ECE teaching methods to foster cognitive
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
Key Characteristics
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
via senses
use mental symbols
Thinks unidirectionally
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(NCTM) recommends that maths be taught in
concrete contexts that allow children to problem
Number and Operations
 Understand whole numbers
Joining and separating sets (Addition/Subtraction)
Geometry: Identify shapes and describe spatial relations
 Above, below, next to
Develop effective and efficient strategies for
solving mathematical problems
Counting, Cardinality, Comparison (More/Less)
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Maths Activities
Classify objects based on relevant
People in class
Bottle caps
Leaves, rocks, etc.
Seriation: Ordering from small to large
Patterns: Recognize and create patterns
based on number, space, colors
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Two components
Scientific Content: Scientific knowledge
Scientific Process: Methods used by scientists to
gather information
Three domains
Physical sciences: Physics and Chemistry
Life sciences: Biology, Botany and Zoology
Earth and space science: Geology and
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Scientific Process
Scientific process is more important for young
children than science content
Identify a problem
Collect data
Generate possible solutions
Test solutions
Draw conclusions
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Scientific Attitudes to Foster
Objectivity: Look at both sides of an issue
before making a decision
Wait until all data has been gathered to make
a judgment
Critically evaluate the data
Mistakes are acceptable
Respect for the natural environment
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Introduction to Teaching
Young children learn most effectively by
manipulating real-world materials because they can
discover facts and relationships
Cognitive development is not limited to formal class
lessons but occurs as children interact with adults,
peers, and the environment
Rote teaching has been demonstrated to be
ineffective, particularly for young children
The constructivist approach is a more beneficial
teaching method for fostering cognitive development
(DeVries & Kohlberg, 1987)
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Revision from Psych of
Learning: Constructivism
Young children actively engage in creating meaning
based on their interactions with the environment
Young children construct new understanding based
on their prior knowledge
Young children construct knowledge through
personal experiences and social interactions
Two fundamental aspects of a constructivist
Children create understanding of the world through
manipulating objects
Children create understanding of the world by interacting
with people around them
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Constructivist ECE Classroom
Provide a real-world context for learning
Provide opportunities for children to
investigate and experiment within the domain
Provide opportunities for children to work
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Teacher’s Roles in
Educational Experiences
Encourage student inquiry
Nurture students’ natural curiosity
Ask students to explain their understanding of a concept
before teaching
Tailor teaching strategies to student responses by
providing experiences that contradict students’
Promote dialogue
Ask open-ended questions
Allow wait-time after asking questions for students to think
Ask students to explain their answers
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Montessori Method
Classroom is organized into centers
Children individually choose their activities
and work at their own pace
Teachers prepare the environment and
support students in their chosen activities
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Project Approach
A nursery teacher asked the children to collect as many old balls as
they could from home, friends, relatives, and others. They collected 31
different kinds of balls, including a gumball, a cotton ball, a globe of the
earth, and an American football. The children formed groups to
examine specific questions. One group studied the texture of each ball,
another measured the circumference of each ball with pieces of string,
and a third tried to determine what each ball was made of. As the
children studied their balls, new questions arose, groups shared
information, and children learned concepts in science and
(Semi-Quoted from Katz, 1994 as cited in Henniger, 2008)
Project Approach
Project: In-depth investigation of a specific topic
Goal: Find more about the topic from a multicurricular perspective
Select a project topic
Generate a list of questions with the students to be
Divide students into groups to answer each question
Have each group share their general findings with the class
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
ECE General Curriculum Goals
Goals of curriculum in early childhood
Critical Thinking: Critically examine information
to determine what is useful in decision making
Problem solving: Recognize and solve problems
Play fosters problem solving in a nonthreatening
Promote lifelong learning
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
According to a constructivist perspective,
develop an activity that can be realistically
taught in a Nigerian setting
Important questions to ask
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
What are the two key elements of a
constructivist ECE classroom?
What are the most important objectives for
young children to learn in mathematics?
What are the most important objectives for
young children to learn in science
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos