Transcript Slide 1

Paper 1 - Theory (Chapter 6 Including 2014)
Exam Questions and Answers
Paper 1 - Theory
Explain what is meant by the following terms.
One from: is using e-mails pretending to be the target's
bank Fake email to get personal details
One from: is installing malicious code on a pc or server to
redirect to fake websites redirecting users to websites
which look authentic to get personal details
(Is the sending/receiving of) unsolicited/junk emails
Paper 1 - Theory
Describe three ways to evaluate the reliability of information found
on a website.
Check the last part of the URL (for example .gov, .ac, .ed, .sch should be
reliable/.org, .co, .com less reliable).
See if responsible bodies have endorsed the site e.g. NGFL
Check the date of the last update
Are any advertisements present
Are there links to and from the website to and from well known reliable
Checking the author’s credentials
Paper 1 - Theory
The internet has given rise to a number
of developments, including blogs and
Describe three differences between a blog
and a wiki.
(a) Give two features of a blog.
• Usually single author
• readers can add comments but not edit
• Reverse chronological structure
• Usually personal
• External links
Give two features of a wiki.
• Usually many authors
• Structure determined by content and
• Usually objective
• Internal and external links
• Contributors can edit entries
Blog usually has a single author/ a Wiki usually
has many authors
Blog is usually in reverse chronological structure/
a Wiki has a structure determined by content
and users
Blog is usually personal/someone’s opinion/ a
Wiki is usually objective
Can’t edit a blog/ a Wiki can be edited/ Can only
add comments to a blog
Paper 1 - Theory
Online banking and ATMs are used by many customers.
Give three advantages to the bank of using online banking
• Fewer cashiers/security staff needed – less spent on wages
• Fewer branch offices needed – less spent on rates/rent/utilities
• Less actual cash handled – fewer robberies
• Cheaper to advertise
• Lower postal charges
• Have access to a wider customer base
Give three advantages to the customer of using online banking.
• Less danger of mugging
• Don’t have to waste time travelling to bank
• Don’t have to spend money on travelling
• Can bank at any time of day or night/can bank when banks are closed
• Can use it anywhere if there’s an internet connection
• Can ask for a loan over the Internet without being embarrassed
Can’t edit a blog/ a Wiki can be edited/ Can only add comments to a blog
Paper 1 - Theory
Hackers try to defraud online banking customers by pretending to be their bank. Name and
describe two methods by which they do this.
Hackers send an e-mail (appearing to be from the bank) asking for a customer’s (account)
details/includes a website link so customers details are gathered
Installing malicious code on a pc or server causing users to access websites which look
authentic/websites are used to gain bank details/redirects a genuine website’s traffic to hacker’s
Paper 1 - Theory
Marie has purchased a laptop computer. She wants to use it for internet shopping.
Give four advantages to Marie of using internet shopping.
Less danger of mugging
Can shop when shops are closed
Doesn't have to spend time queuing/going around different shops/travelling to shop/can
compare prices at different shops more easily
Can look at wide range of shops
No travelling expenses/don’t waste fuel
Easier to search and find what you’re looking for
Give four disadvantages to Marie of using internet shopping.
Lack of socialising/social contacts
Hackers may intercept data and defraud customer/steal identity
Deprived of personal touch
Phone bills can increase
Without broadband other family members cannot use the phone
Cannot see/feel goods in reality/goods delivered may not be the same standard as those ordered
More vulnerable to phishing/pharming
More vulnerable to viruses
Goods may not be delivered/can’t check the standard of goods before buying
May be hidden costs such as delivery charges
Paper 1 - Theory
Ali wants to back up his data.
(a) Give two reasons why making backups is necessary.
• Data could be corrupted on original medium
• Data could be accidentally amended/overwritten on original medium
• Data could be accidentally deleted from original medium
• Data could be maliciously deleted from original medium
Ali thinks that making backups will prevent his data from getting viruses.
Describe what a virus is and explain why Ali is wrong.
Virus is a piece of programming code
Which replicates itself...
Can fill up storage medium making it unusable
Deletes data/change data
Makes software/operating system unusable
If the original medium has a virus the backup will have it as well/backup will have no effect on
the hard disc so it is still susceptible to viruses
Paper 1 - Theory
Discuss the use of blogs and social networking sites as means of communication.
Blog is public/anyone can see it
Blog is online diary/personal opinions
Viewers can only add comments on blogs/authors can reply to comments
Only author can edit blog
Social networking sites might only be available to friends of user
Social networking site enable users to send messages to small group of ‘friends’ to arrange
Friends can respond more quickly to messages within the group to confirm availability
Easier to share photographs with others
Social networking sites can lead to seclusion from society
Social networking sites can lead to cyber bullying
Paper 1 - Theory
A bank is looking into a variety of security measures to protect its customers’ data. It is
worried that hackers may gain access and cause viruses to infect the system.
Explain what is meant by a virus and what it does.
A piece of programming code/software/program/script
It replicates itself
Attaches itself to files
Corrupts/deletes files/data
Can corrupt or erase the contents of the hard disk
Can completely fill the hard disk/memory making it unusable/slows down operations
Makes software/operating system unusable
One mark is available for an accurate description of method of transmission
Paper 1 - Theory
Explain what is meant by software copyright.
Lawful protection....
......given to authors/software companies and publishers
Relates to the software the author/publisher/company created/published
Prohibits purchaser from making unlimited copies/lend it to others/change the software/sell it
without the company’s permission
Explain how software manufacturers attempt to prevent copyright being broken.
Encryption of the execution code requires a key to run
Use of a dongle
Registration system requiring the typing in of a registration code
“Guards” are hardware or software modules that monitor the running program and
ensure that it has not been tampered with in any way
Activation code which can be used only on a limited number of machines
Paper 1 - Theory
Many workers now use computers a lot in their work and this can cause them to suffer
from RSI.
Name two other possible health problems and for each one describe a different precaution
which could be taken to help prevent it.
• Headaches: Use anti-glare screen (headaches/eyestrain)
• Eyestrain: Take regular breaks
• Backache: Use straight backed chair/ergonomic/maintain good posture
Paper 1 - Theory
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to customers of Internet shopping compared to visiting
stores to do their shopping.
Less danger of mugging
Don’t have to waste time travelling/queuing
Don’t have to spend money on travelling to
Greater choice of goods
Can shop when shops are closed
Easier to search and find what you are
looking for
Comparison websites will find you the
cheapest option
Goods may be cheaper as shops have less
staff to pay/less premises to rent
Don’t have to pay car parking charges
Don’t have to pay for shopping bags
Vouchers/special deals are often only
available online/online discounts
Lack of socialising/social contacts
Hackers may intercept data and defraud
Deprived of personal touch
Cannot see/feel goods in reality
More vulnerable to phishing/pharming
Goods sometimes don’t arrive/substitute
goods may be sent/take longer to arrive/may
be delivered to wrong address
Shipping charges
ISP costs/Possible high connection charges
Initial cost of equipment/phone line
Postal costs of returning item
Paper 1 - Theory
Describe the effects on people’s lifestyles of the use of microprocessor-controlled devices
in the home.
Microprocessor controlled devices do much of housework
Do not need to do many things manually
Do not need to be in the house when food is cooking
Do not need to be in the house when clothes are being washed
Can leave their home to go shopping/work at any time of the day
Greater social interaction/more family time
More time to go out/more leisure time/more time to do other things/work
Are able to do other leisure activities when convenient to them
Can lead to unhealthy eating due to dependency on ready meals
Can lead to laziness/lack of fitness
Can encourage a healthy lifestyle because of smart fridges analyzing food constituents
Microprocessor controlled burglar alarm provides a sense of security
Do not have to leave home to get fit
Manual household skills are lost
Paper 1 - Theory
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, in terms of cost, to
customers of using the Internet for home shopping.
• Don’t have to spend money on travelling to shops
• Goods may be cheaper as shops have less staff to pay/less premises to
• Don’t have to pay car parking charges
• Don’t have to pay for shopping bags
• Vouchers/special deals are often only available online
• Comparison websites will find you the cheapest option/can compare
prices more easily
• May have to pay delivery charges
• Postal costs of returning items
• Initial cost of equipment/phone line
• ISP costs/Possible high connection charges
Paper 1 - Theory
Explain what is meant by phishing and pharming.
Phishing involves fraudster sending an e-mail…
…whereas pharming involves fraudster/hacker installing
malicious code on a pc or server
Both involve trying to obtain personal details
• Email appears to be authentic
• Is sent by a fraudster posing as a bank/organisation
• User is redirected to bogus website
• User accesses websites which look authentic
• But belong to the fraudster/hacker
Paper 1 - Theory
An online bank keeps customer account data on their computers.
(a) Give one way a hacker can use customer accounts to defraud the bank.
Can transfer money out of account/Can create bogus account/Can transfer money into bogus account
(b) Give three reasons why, despite the risk of hacking, the bank still operates on-line banking.
Fewer bank employees, so less paid out in wages
Fewer banks needed – less spent on rates/rent
Less actual cash handled – fewer robberies
Less money spent on security staff
More customers attracted by lower interest rates on loans/higher interest rates on saving
Describe four drawbacks to young people using social networking sites
May make friends with inappropriate people
Cannot be sure the person you are communicating with is the same as the images you have seen.
Can become preoccupied with sites and not do other tasks/perform poorly academically
Can swap coursework/homework inappropriately
Lose person to person social skills/spend less time with family/friends
Prone to cyber bullying
Continual use results in lack of exercise, causing health problems
Paper 1 - Theory
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks to teachers and students of using the Internet to carry
out research.
Internet is not regulated
Danger of accessing inappropriate websites.
Can take long time to find required information
Have to have internet connectivity/computer/phone line/modem
Internet tends to be up to date
Internet has vast amounts of information/wide range of information
Can access biased/inaccurate/unreliable websites
Lack of expertise can lead to inefficient searching
Easy to plagiarise information
Paper 1 - Theory
Internet banking allows customers to transfer money from one account to another and pay bills.
(a) Describe two transactions that internet banking does not allow you to make
(Cannot) deposit cash
(Cannot) withdraw cash
(Cannot) deposit cheques with most banks
When logging on, as well as typing in their username and passwords, customers have to provide an
answer to a security question. Tick two examples of a security question.
Give two drawbacks to the bank of introducing internet banking
• Initial cost of hardware/software (is expensive)
• Need to retrain staff
• Loss of customers/more difficult to sell other services – due to lack of personal touch
• System maintenance may be/is expensive/cost of system maintenance.
Paper 1 - Theory
Teachers should always make a backup of their worksheets.
(i) Describe what is meant by a backup.
• It is a copy of data
• Leaving the original intact
• Stored away from the original
Explain why backups are necessary.
Data could be corrupted on original medium
Data could be accidentally amended/overwritten on original medium
Data could be accidentally deleted from original medium
Data could be maliciously deleted/edited from original medium
Give two methods of preventing viruses other than by using virus protection software.
• Do not download software/music/games from unknown/untrusted sources/(only) download files
from reputable sources
• Do not open email (attachments) from unknown/untrusted sources
• Do not use media from unknown sources
Paper 1 - Theory
Many bank customers do their banking using the Internet at home. Many transactions can
now be done without having to travel to the bank.
(a) Describe three types of transaction which they can do from home.
Customers can pay bills
Customers can amend/create standing orders/direct debits
Customers can order a new PIN
Customers can stop a cheque
Customers can see recent/pending transactions
Customers can apply for a loan
Have access to up-to-date bank statements/can check account balances
Can transfer funds between the customer’s different accounts
Can amend personal details
(b) Identify one type of transaction which they cannot do from home.
Withdraw cash/pay in cash
Paper 1 - Theory
Many bank customers do their banking using the Internet at home. Many transactions can
now be done without having to travel to the bank.
Give three benefits to the bank of internet banking.
Fewer bank tellers so less paid out in wages
Less actual cash handled – fewer robberies
Have access to a wider customer base
Fewer branch offices needed – less spent on rates/rent/utilities
Less money spent on security staff
Give three drawbacks to the bank of internet banking.
Initial cost of hardware/software is expensive
Need to retrain staff
Loss of customers/more difficult to sell other services due to lack of personal touch
System maintenance may be expensive/costs of system maintenance
Paper 1 - Theory
A school is going to install a new computer system that uses WiFi. The headteacher is very concerned
about the problems that the introduction of such a system will cause.
The safety issue of students tripping over trailing cables has been minimised by using WiFi, and the
risk of electrocution has been minimised by the use of automatic circuit breakers.
(a) Give two other safety issues which might occur and for each one describe a method of
preventing it.
• Issue – heavy equipment falling injuring users
• Prevention – sturdy tables/place heavy equipment in centre of tables
• Issue – fire might be caused
• Prevention – CO2extinguisher/don’t overload sockets/have fans/cooling system
Describe what a virus is and explain how viruses cause problems for computer users
• A piece of programming code/software/program/script
• It replicates itself
• Attaches itself to files
• Corrupts/deletes files/data
• Can corrupt or erase the contents of the hard disk
• Can completely fill the hard disk/memory making it unusable/slows down operations
• Makes software/operating system unusable
Paper 1 - Theory
Describe what a virus is and explain how viruses cause problems for computer users
A piece of programming code/software/program/script
It replicates itself
Attaches itself to files
Corrupts/deletes files/data
Can corrupt or erase the contents of the hard disk
Can completely fill the hard disk/memory making it unusable/slows down operations
Makes software/operating system unusable
If hackers get into the system, they may plant spyware. Describe what is meant by
Software that gathers data from computers without the user realising
It monitors and records all key presses
It sends this information back to the hacker who sent it out
Used to gain personal details of users
Paper 1 - Theory
Describe three ways in which personal data held on computers can be misused. For each
way explain a different method for helping to prevent it.
Data could be amended
Use a username and password so that only the person who knows these can access the data
Use biometrics so that only that person who has those characteristics can access the data
Use a firewall which prevents unknown computers accessing a network
Data could be deleted
Use a username and password so that only the person who knows these can access the data
Use biometrics so that only that person who has those characteristics can access the data
Use a firewall which prevents unknown computers accessing a network
Data could be read and passed on
Encryption so that data is unreadable to unauthorised users
Paper 1 - Theory
The use of microprocessor-controlled devices in the home affects an individual’s leisure time,
social interaction and the need to leave the home.
Advantages to the individual when microprocessorcontrolled devices are used in the home.
Disadvantages to the individual when
microprocessor-controlled devices are
used in the home.
Microprocessor controlled devices do much of housework
Do not need to do many things manually
Do not need to be in the house when food is cooking
Do not need to be in the house when clothes are being washed
Can leave their home to go shopping/work at any time of the day
Greater social interaction/more family time
More time to go out/more leisure time/more time to do other
Are able to do other leisure activities when convenient to them
Microprocessor controlled burglar alarm provides a sense of
Do not have to leave home to get fit
Can encourage a healthy lifestyle because of smart fridges
analyzing food constituents
Can lead to unhealthy eating due to
dependency on ready meals
Can lead to laziness/lack of fitness
Manual household skills are lost
These may malfunction and, because the
individual has left the device unattended,
this can lead to fires/damage to the house