NCCU - Poster Template

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Transcript NCCU - Poster Template

Template for a 72x42 poster presentation
Names, names, names, names, names, names, names
More Images
This template uses the Arial family at several text sizes.
You can use any typeface you wish but what is used here works well with this poster format.
This template uses Arial Black 88 for the title, Arial Narrow 72 for subtitles, Arial Narrow 72 Bold
It’s always good to use the largest images you have available for your poster. Avoid
The guiding hypothesis is that positive correlations exist between health behaviors,
images taken from the web and avoid copying and pasting images. Instead try to
practices, and health status and the students’ perceived risk for developing chronic
INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE to bring images to your poster. Although PowerPoint is
disease (i.e. cancer).
very forgiving when it comes to printing low resolution images, if you scale your images
for headers and Arial Narrow 30 for the text body. You can change the text body size up or down
if you need to but we recommend that you don’t go too much bigger or too much smaller. Keep in
mind that this template will print at 200% its size.
more than 200% after you bring them in, the image quality will suffer. Suggestion: An easy
way to see what an image is going to print like is to change your VIEW>ZOOM setting to
100% and look at the images up close. What you’ll see at 100% is very close to what your
•Cross-sectional convenience sample, N=146
Suggestion: If you cut and paste text from Word, or another source onto this document your text
•Data collected December 2007 – February 2008
will maintain its formatting and you will need to change it so it will match the rest of the text on
•HBCU students at least 18 years of age
this page.
•A self-administered 58-item on-line survey
images will look like when printed.
•NCI Fruit & Vegetable Screener captures fruit & vegetable
Image source:
• Many times the information you want to use in your poster exists on multiple slides in
one or more PowerPoint presentations. An easy way to extract the information and
bring it in your poster is to go to FILE>SAVE AS>ENHANCED WINDOWS METAFILE .
Data Analysis
• You will be prompted to choose whether you want to save all or only the current slide
as a Metafile
•Self-reported height and weight used to calculate BMI
•T-tests examined differences in means, Chi-square for proportions
Charts & Graphs: To bring in charts and graphs from Excel, Word or other applications, go to
• You can then go back to your poster, import the Metafiles, and arrange them on the
page as needed.
•SPSS for correlation and logistic regression
EDIT>COPY to copy your chart, come back to PowerPoint, and go to EDIT>PASTE to paste it
on the poster. You can scale the charts or graphs as needed.
Suggestion: Press the SHIFT key as you scale your charts or graphs to scale them
8% 1%
20-29 Years
1) Examines the dietary practices, physical activity, and tobacco and alcohol usage of
college students.
2) Assesses current attitudes and beliefs regarding the health information needs of
college students.
30-39 Years
40-49 Years
50-59 Years
1. Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, Dietz WH, Vinicor F, Bales VS, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and
obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. Jama 2003;289(1):76-9.
2. Nelson TF, Gortmaker SL, Subramanian SV, Cheung L, Wechsler H. Disparities in overweight and obesity
among US college students. Am J Health Behav 2007;31(4):363-73.
3. Truong KD, Sturm R. Weight gain trends across sociodemographic groups in the United States. Am J Public
Health 2005;95(9):1602-6.
4. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in
the United States, 1999-2004. Jama 2006;295(13):1549-55.
5. Huang TT, Harris KJ, Lee RE, Nazir N, Born W, Kaur H. Assessing overweight, obesity, diet, and physical
activity in college students. J Am Coll Health 2003;52(2):83-6.
6. Ford DS, Goode CR. African American college students' health behaviors and perceptions of related health
issues. J Am Coll Health 1994;42(5):206-10.
Template designed by NCCU’s Center for University Teaching & Learning / [email protected]