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Transcript LPC-EMS-SFM-Awareness-Training-Module

BC Timber Sales
Environmental Management System (EMS)
and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)
BCTS Licensees, Permittees and Contractors
EMS/SFM Awareness Training
(Target Audience is LPC Site Supervisors)
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Purpose of this Training
 To provide an overview of BCTS EMS Program
(Part A).
 To identify BCTS clients’ key roles and
responsibilities and linkages to BCTS EMS
program (Part B).
 Provide overview of Sustainable Forest
Management as it applies to BCTS operations
(Part C).
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Part A Overview BCTS EMS
Acronyms used
Why do we need an EMS?
How the EMS Works
Scope of the EMS Program
EMS Certification
Key EMS Components
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Acronyms used in this training
BCTS = BC Timber Sales
BA = Business Area, i.e.: local BCTS office
LPC = Licensee, Permittee or Contractor
EMS = Environmental Management System
EFP = Environmental Field Procedure
BMP= Best Management Practices
eERP = environmental Emergency Response Plan
SFMP = Sustainable Forest Management Plan
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Why Do We Need an EMS?
• To protect the environment
(through a systematic process).
• To promote environmental Due Diligence
(through training, monitoring, & follow up).
• To allow external evaluation of our progress (3rd
party audit process).
• Mills market their product as certified and
coming from sustainably managed forests.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
How the EMS Works
Based on a Principle of Continual
Improvement Plan, Do, Check, Respond
The Key Steps
Project Preparation - Plan
Pre-works - Plan
Following the Plan - Do
Inspecting the Progress - Check
Corrective Action - Respond
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Scope of BCTS EMS
Includes all licenses, permits and contracts awarded by
BCTS Timber Sales Managers, as well as all activities
undertaken by BCTS staff and LPCs
For the following activities:
• Planning (i.e. layout, cruising, etc).
• Harvesting (i.e. falling, skidding / yarding,
processing, loading).
• Roads (i.e. subgrade construction, surfacing,
bridge/culvert installs, maintenance).
• Silviculture (i.e. site prep, planting, surveys).
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EMS Certification
BCTS EMS Program is certified under
International Standards Organization ISO
14001 standard.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Key EMS Components
• Environmental Policy
• Field Procedures and local best management
practices (EFPs)
• Environmental Emergency Response (eERP)
• Documentation - Monitoring & Follow up
• Awareness and Training
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Environmental Policy
States guiding principles of our certification
Commits to:
 Meeting applicable laws and regulations.
 Preventing pollution and protecting environment.
 Monitoring and evaluating.
 Continually improving.
 Communication.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Environmental Field Procedures
BCTS Field procedures to minimize environmental
impacts. Know which ones applies to your job and
• EFP 01 “General” -applies to all workers.
• EFP 02 “Supervisors” -applies to project and/or onsite supervisor’s.
• EFP 03 “Developing & Planning” -applied to planning and
development activities.
• EFP 04 “Roads Bridges and Major Culverts” -applies to road
construction, maintenance inspections and deactivation activities.
• EFP 05 “Harvesting” -applies to all phases of harvesting activities.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Environmental Field Procedures
• EFP 06 “Fuel Handling” -applies to fuel handling activities.
• EFP 07 “Dryland Sort” -applies to upland dry-land sort activities.
• EFP 08 “Marine Log Handling Facilities” - applies to construction ,
maintenance & operation of log dumps, helicopter water drop zones
and direct barge loading facilities.
Check with local BCTS representatives for:
 Any local BMPs or operating procedures
 Access to copies of EFPs and BMPs. Documents may be
posted on local BA websites and/or distributed as field
cards or handbooks.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Environmental Emergency
Response Plan (eERP)
Outlines BCTS eERP preparedness and
response requirements for the following
• Forest Fires
• Hazardous Spills
• Erosion / Landslide Events
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Records and Documentation
Ensure relevant records and documentation
is available onsite and current such as:
• Project plans (TSL documents, Contracts), site
plans, maps etc.
• Training records, completed ER Drills.
• Emergency Response Plans, MSDS.
• Pre-works, Inspections, & Incident Reports.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Awareness and Training
• All workers and supervisors are required to
know their roles and responsibilities as it applies
to their activity. This includes; project plans,
EFPs, BMPs and eERP etc.
• EMS program training requirements for LPC
workers and supervisors are outlined in BCTS
training matrix.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Part B LPC Key Roles &
EFP-02 Project Supervision
What to Report
Worker EMS Tailgate Training
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EFP-02 Project Supervisors
Successful field implementation of BCTS
EMS program relies on LPC owner and or
supervisors meeting roles & responsibilities
outlined in EFP 02 “Project Supervisor”.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EFP-02 Project Supervision
Supervisors Key Role in EMS:
• Attend pre-work held between BCTS representative and
• Ensure all employees, working on the project, are trained
as per Table 008-1 LPC Training Matrix.
• Provide worker EMS tailgate training to all workers.
• Document completed training on LPC Training Summary
Table 008 -1A.
• Ensure equipment is in good working order (free of
leaks, worn hoses) BEFORE bringing it to the worksite.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EFP-02 Project Supervision
Supervisors Key Role in EMS continued:
• Conduct a pre-work with all employees, workers &
contractors using BCTS pre-work. Ensure information
from BCTS pre-work is relayed to all project workers and
sign pre-work form.
• Complete eERP before commencement of operations
• Review relevant project/site information with employees
i.e. maps, prescriptions, field marking, sensitive areas.
• Provide workers with copies of maps, plans and EFPs.
• Ensure employees understand their roles and
responsibilities to complete task.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EFP-02 Project Supervision
Supervisors Key Role in EMS continued:
• Ensure employees are familiar with eERP preparedness
and response responsibilities.
• Ensure employees understand EMS incident reporting
criteria (fires, spills, erosions/landslide events, significant
non-conformances & potential non-compliances) see
incident report form CHK-009.
• Conduct eERP Drill with employees as indicated in the
BCTS pre-work. Complete CHK-010 Test-Drill Report,
keep on-site copy and forward to BCTS as required.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EFP-02 Project Supervision
Supervisors Key Role in EMS continued:
• Ensure emergency response equipment is available and
maintained e.g. Spill kits & fire hand tools.
• Conduct operations to minimize impacts on sensitive
areas, wildlife habitat, water quality and site productivity.
• Ensure fuel tanks and fuel management conforms to fuel
handling requirements set out in Fuel Handling
Environmental Field Procedure #06 .
• Inspect equipment regularly, conduct repairs as required.
• Contain all waste daily and remove from site regularly.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EFP-02 Project Supervision
Supervisors Key Role in EMS continued:
• Operate during favourable weather conditions and be
aware of project shutdown criteria (e.g. Fire hazard
ratings, rainfall shutdown criteria or other operational
• Conduct inspections at a frequency determined at BCTS
• Monitor activities to ensure conformance to project plan
and EFPs.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
EFP-02 Project Supervision
Supervisors Key Role in EMS continued:
• Document inspections on BCTS Self Inspection Report,
• Follow-up on any corrective and preventive action(s)
identified by pre-works, inspections, incident reports and
or results or test/drills have been completed.
• Ensure documentation is updated & onsite, (i.e. preworks, inspections, eERP, training summary, test/drill
records, MSDS, incident reports).
• Be prepared to participate in BCTS certification audits.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
What to Report
Report the following to Supervisor & BCTS:
• Hazardous spills, forest fires, erosion/landslide events ,
significant non-conformances & potential noncompliances.
• Any situations that have caused or potential to cause
environmental damage.
• Previously unidentified resource or cultural
features/values, (i.e. Species at Risk, CMTs, Karsts,
special sites).
• Stop work and changes to project plans.
• Safety hazards, close-calls and accidents.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Worker Training
• LPC personnel who have completed “BCTS LPC
EMS/SFM Awareness Training” are responsible for
delivering “EMS Tailgate Training” to LPC workers.
• Document completed training on LPC Training Summary
Table 008 -1A.
• Trainers to utilize BCTS “EMS Tailgate Training” field
card and applicable EFPs, eERP etc. to promote EMS
program awareness.
• Worker training to be conducted prior to commencement
of operations.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Worker Training
Workers should be able to demonstrate knowledge of
the following:
• EMS and SFM policies.
• Applicable EFPs, local procedures and shut down
• eERP preparedness & response requirements.
• Location of eERP, emergency equipment
• What to report.
• Project plan and EMS roles and responsibilities.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Part C Sustainable Forest Management
Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)
Impact of SFM Plans
Conforming to SFM Plans
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
SFM Certification
BCTS has an SFM Policy and has implemented Sustainable Forest
Management Plans in operating areas certified under one or more
of the following SFM certification standards:
• CSA-Z809 – Canadian Standards Association. Canadian National
Standard. Internationally endorsed (PEFC). Public Advisory Groups
• SFI – Sustainable Forestry Initiative. North American Standard
developed in US but applicable to US and Canada. PEFC endorsed.
• FSC – Forest Stewardship Council. International Principles and
Criteria with Regional Standards
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
Where SFM Plans have their
Influences higher-level planning by introducing its own
criteria for forest management.
Requires data gathering and reporting to verify adherence
to SFM targets:
• Can produce changes to operational plans.
• Modification of block size and shapes.
• Introduction of additional protective measures for
resource features/values and sensitive zones.
• Changes in road locations and design, etc.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
How YOU conform to SFM Plans
1. Follow Operational Plans.
2. Follow EMS requirements;
• Environmental Field Procedures
• Emergency Response Plans (eRPs)
• Forms and Checklists
• Local Operational Controls and BMP’s
• Legislation and Regulations
• Training requirements
3. Follow Contract & License requirements.
4. Follow Legislative and Regulatory requirements.
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3
BCTS EMS Program supports:
 Protecting and minimizing impacts on
 Promotes environmental Due Diligence
 3rd Party Evaluation
 BCTS Sustainable Forest Management
 Market Access
Updated April 2012 - Version 3.3