Establishing a Uniform System of Accounts (USoA) for the NESI

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Establishing a Uniform System of Accounts
(USoA) for the NESI
The USoA establishes the regulatory accounting
reporting framework for all licensees in the
It enables the Commission to monitor the
financial health and compliance with set
performance benchmarks/KPIs.
The USoA provides for the ring-fencing of
accounts of licensed utilities from those of
unregulated business.
Challenges To Establishing The USoA
Adapting the FERC version to suit our local
Getting the buy-in of key stakeholders who will be
responsible for implementation?
Reporting and enforcement issues?
What new items need to be added to our license terms
and conditions to ensure and improve compliance ?
Are our requirements often vague?
What training programmes are required to facilitate
compliance by licensees?
Does NERC have resources to analyze the submissions?
Do licensees have adequate/qualified staff to perform
the analysis we require?
3 day workshop for USoA
• No feedback/comments from participants
• Desk officers of licensed utilities did not
attend the workshop
• Participants from the Successor Companies
Going forward
• Set up Industry Working Group with
representations from all Sectors of NESI
• Incorporate other operating licensees
• Ensure only the key officers responsible for
accounts preparation are invited
• Send out draft chart of accounts and draft
NESI USoA for review before next stakeholder
Going forward cont’d
Memo to Commission requesting approval of draft
USoA to go for public consultation
Get a team1 to work on developing a draft template
for transiting to the proposed system
1 week
Draft document is uploaded to NERC website for
stakeholder comments2
2 weeks after Commission approval
Desk officer collates comments and sends them out
to the team for review
At expiration of 21days on website
Going forward cont’d
Team produces a final report with a covering memo
requesting approval for a consultation meeting
Stakeholder consultation meeting
1 week
Team produces a final report for Commission to
make rule
2 weeks
New comments are reviewed and incorporated.
After 2weeks
2 weeks
Training workshops for utilities with the assistance
of a consultant who may act as expert facilitator.
Train Commission’s accountants on USoA so that it
first becomes an accepted in-house document
before the industry adopts it.
Commission should take responsibility for taking
action on the advice of staff as relates to
compliance and enforcements.
The regulator first needs to be accountable if it
demands accountability from the industry.
Be consistent: decide, take action.
Make the website electricity-user friendly.
Group members