Ch.17 Review - Somers Public Schools

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Ch.17 Review

The Progressive Era (1890-1920)

Terms & People to Know

  Muckrakers- writers that exposed the ugly side of America  Progressivism- idea that new ideas and honest, efficient government could bring about social justice.

Lincoln Steffens- famous muckraker who was the managing editor of



Terms & People to Know

 Jacob Riis- muckraker and photographer. Exposed the poor conditions of cities.

 Ida Tarbell- muckraker who exposed Standard Oil’s ruthless tactics of establishing a monopoly. (Led to the break up of Standard Oil).

Terms & People to Know

 Social Gospel- Walter Rauschenbusch’s idea that following the Bible’s teachings will improve society.

 Settlement House- community center that provided social services to the urban poor.

 Jane Adams- leading figure in the settlement house movement. Established Hull House (Chicago).

Terms & People to Know

   Florence Kelley- lawyer. Helped form the National Child Labor Committee. Helped found the National Consumers League (NCL) and the Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL) which advocated for women’s rights.

NCL- labels on goods WTUL- min. wage and 8 hr. work day in factories for women.

Terms & People to Know

 Keating-Owens Act (1916)- banned child labor.

 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire- killed 146 workers in NY. Exposed how poorly built factories were.  Robert M. La Follette- Reform governor of Wisconsin. Established a direct primary system.

Terms & People to Know

  Initiative- people put a proposed law on the ballot.

 Direct primary- an election in which citizens themselves vote to select nominees for upcoming elections.

Referendum- allows citizens to approve or reject laws passed by legislatures.

Terms & People to Know

 Recall- voters have the power to remove public servants from office before the term is over.

 Temperance Movement- promoted the practice of never drinking alcohol.  Margaret Sanger- founded the American Birth Control League.  Ida B. Wells- founded the National Association of Colored Women (NACW).

Terms & People to Know

  Suffrage- right to vote.

 Carrie Chapman Catt- urged women to join the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).  National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage (NAOWS).

Alice Paul- formed the National Woman’s Party (NWP)- urged strikes.

Terms & People to Know

 19th Amendment- Congress passed in 1919, right to vote granted to women.

 The Niagra Movement- demanded equal rights for African Americans and better education.

 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)- aimed at helping middle class blacks struggle against political and social injustice.

Terms & People to Know

    Urban League- aimed at helping lower class, poor blacks. Supplied clothes, jobs, food, etc.

Anti-Defamation League (1913)- Created in response to growing anti-Semitism.

Mutualistas- assisted Mexican-Americans. Provided loans, legal help, insurance, etc.

Teddy Roosevelt- 25th president. Progressive who wanted to strengthen the role of the fed. Government.

Terms & People to Know

  Hepburn Act (1906)- strengthened the ICC to help control transportation costs.

 Square Deal- Teddy Roosevelt’s idea of preventing the wealthy and powerful from dominating, controlling the smaller businesses.

Meat-Inspection Act (1906)- fed. Agents will inspect meat packing plants.

Terms & People to Know

    Pure Food and Drug Act- monitored foods and medicines and banned the shipment of impure or mislabeled food.

National Reclamation Act- gave the fed. Government the power to decide where and how water would be distributed. New Nationalism- program to restore the government’s trustbusting power (Roosevelt) Progressive Party- Roosevelt’s party in the 1912 election.

Terms & People to Know

    Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)- won election of 1912.

New Freedom- Wilson’s program that placed strict government controls on corporations. 16th Amendment- implementation of a graduated income tax.

Federal Reserve Act (1913)- placed national banks under the control of a Federal Reserve Board.

Terms & People to Know

 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) monitored business practices that could lead to monopolies.

 Clayton Antitrust Act- strengthened earlier antitrust laws.

Questions/Concepts to Consider

     What were the effects of social progressivism? (i.e. Living Conditions, Working Conditions, Children, Women, etc.) What were some of the Municipal Reforms? (Government Reforms and Election Reforms) What tactics did women use to gain the right to vote?

What did Roosevelt think government should do for citizens?

What steps did Wilson take to increase the government’s role in the economy?

Questions/Concepts to Consider

 How did the Progressive Party impact the election of 1912?