Certificate 2 in Multimedia - Welcome to VITTA

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Transcript Certificate 2 in Multimedia - Welcome to VITTA

Certificate III in Interactive Digital Media

Year 1, 2009

What is VET?

 Vocational Education and Training  Different to normal teaching in a school: – industry based – assessment is based on competence – you should have Cert IV in Workplace Training and Assessment

VET Certificate III in Interactive Digital Media

 AIMS – To provide participants with the knowledge and skills for the achievement of units of competence that will enhance their employment prospects within the Media and Screen industries – Enables participants to gain a recognised credential at the end of the second year of the course

Units of competency

CORE UNITS     BSBCRT301A – Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills (40 hrs) CUFND301A – Work effectively in the screen and media industries (20 hrs) BSBOHS201A – Participate in OHS processes (20 hrs) CUFDIG303A – Produce and prepare photo images (20 hrs)

Units of competency

ELECTIVES- Must select a minimum of 2, to a minimum of 80 hours         CUFSOU301A Prepare Audio Assets (30 hrs) CUFDIG201A Maintain Interactive content (30 hrs) ICAU3126B – Use advanced features of computer applications (40 hrs) CUFANM303A- Create 3D digital models (75 hrs) CUVCOR08B- Produce drawings to represent and communicate the concept (60 hrs) CUFSOU301A- Implement copyright arrangements (20hrs) CUFRES201A- Collect and organise content for broadcast or publication BSBDES201A- Follow a design process

The training package

      Available online -www.


.gov.au Select your elective units Use the details of each of the units of competence in the training package to design your curriculum You must be thorough in teaching the units so that it is all aspects are covered Work out what software is going to be used for the units Hours for units

Analysis of the units of competence CORE

Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills

 Through the way that you write your brief  Problem solving tasks   Group work where perhaps give each member a role in the development of a product and they need to work together to complete it Other examples….

Participate in OHS processes

         Research project- create an OH&S brochure in publisher for an organisation and design the logo etc OH&S poster for a workplace Case studies Walk around the school and identify hazards Terminology Test Flash animation – 30sec advertisement for OH&S in a workplace Reporting hazards in the workplace to staff

Resources- websites eg: worksafe

Work effectively in the screen and media industries

 Team work, group assignments  Ability to meet deadlines  Ability to complete all aspects of assessment to gain competence and not having to resubmit work

Produce and prepare photo images


 Scanning, using digital cameras  Image manipulation  Variety of tasks- portfolio  Variety of skills eg: layers, stamping, filters, erasing etc  Cross competency- Could link in with the OH&S poster


Produce and prepare photo images

   Based on the Canon Photo5 competition.

Students are given 5 objects and need to take a photo for each. These need to be then compiled on a webpage.

Encourages creative thinking, which later links to


Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills

Analysis of the units of competence ELECTIVES

Prepare Audio Assets


Recording music, making sounds, mixing, fading in and fading out and other music effects.

Software- Audacity, Garage Band Ideas- skill development tasks and then creating a radio show Cross competency- could link with copyright unit

Maintain Interactive content

    HTML tags, code, page layout, the HTML skeleton Updating a webpage using Dreamweaver Hyperlinks, inserting images, email links, using tables, etc.

Resources and ideas- Notepad, browser, internet and Dreamweaver- updating a webpage using notepad, creation of a digital resume/portfolio using Dreamweaver after being given a template

Use advanced features of computer applications

  An integrated project involving a number of skills from all of the competencies to make a large complex Media product

For example- A website with a Flash animation or banner with music, video and manipulated images. High level of skills required to produce a professionally presented product.

Create 3D digital models

Not recommended as this unit does not help prepare students to do the ¾ sequence

Produce drawings to represent and communicate the concept

      Character creation Storyboards Theory of images, file types, how to compress and when and why we do it for different mediums etc Use of a variety of hardware and software to create images for clients from a brief

Resources- digital cameras, graphics tablets, Photoshop, Fireworks, Flash, Photostory Eg: comic, basic children's book

Implement copyright arrangements

 Understanding of copyright laws  Follow copyright laws  Test  Video resources  Copyright council website- resource  Link with Web and Audio units

Collect and organise content for broadcast or publication

 Not recommended- believe that the Audio unit is better suited to the ¾ sequence than this unit- up to you!

Follow a design process

 Stages of design and development  Following design principles  Following a brief  Comic book, animation, web design, etc  Link in with the drawing unit or web unit

BSBDES201A Follow a Design Process   Students are asked to follow the design process

(Clarify, Explore, Select and Present, Implement and Evaluate)

to create a logo and stationary for a company or business.

They will also consolidate their Illustrator skills.

Different approaches that work

 Combining elements from different competencies to make them more engaging  Examples: Animation for OH&S, Animation with Audio, etc.

 Being very organised, as classes take a good deal of planning  Working out the order of your units so that they complement or work in with each other

Flexible Option

Certificate II links: Certificate III: Year 1 Suggested Skills CUFDIG303A

Produce and prepare photo images


Follow a design process

Already part of Certificate II

Photoshop and digital photography Illustrator


Maintain interactive content

Already part of Certificate II



Work effectively in the screen and media industries


Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills


Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge

Already part of Certificate II


techniques Apply critical thinking

Already part of Certificate II


Collect and organise content for broadcast or publication


Participate in OHS processes

Already part of Certificate II


Work Effectively with Others (easily built into any group task.) Flash-Animation (larger assignment) Flash – Animation (small ‘learning’ tasks) Flash – Webpage (interactivity) Video Editing

Sample planner

 See example

Writing a brief

     Outline the Media product that the client would like created and any relevant background information List the elements that the client would like included List any parameters that the producer needs to work within, such as size, length, deadline Provide a detailed assessment criteria sheet so that developers know what to include and how the marks are going to be allocated Provide them with planning time first to get them into the habit of being organised and coping with time management, as this is a requirement in scored assessment tasks in the second year of the course

Group work

     Devise an approach that suits you Do it at times as it promotes teamwork in the workplace Do not always let students choose who they work with, allocate them a partner at times and this simulated the real workplace! It improves communication and delegation skills Make sure that it is

not the only

assessment for competencies and that there is an individual component to the competency as well

How much time on each unit

 This is the question……!!??

 Nominal hours  Your school timetable allotment

Being an RTO or working with one

  As your own RTO, you need to make sure that your records are updated annually and that you meet regularly with the staff involved. Validation of work is needed annually as is industry experience. You are responsible for the course and developing all your own resources.

Working under an RTO they will provide support and assistance for the course as well as resources for you to use in the classroom. They are ultimately responsible for maintaining compliance.

Keeping records

     Make sure that you keep detailed records of attendance, marks, work that needs to be submitted for assessment to gain competence etc. Ensure that your course resources are very detailed as well as your assessments as these will be audited. You must have detailed documentation for every unit of competence.

Best to have it electronic if you can so that you can easily update it annually. Version control is a must.

Tracking Student Assessment

Industry experience

  Staff who teach VET subjects now need to have some industry experience or liaise with industry each year. Try to plan a day a year at a workplace for professional development, visit students on work experience placements and attend industry talks or dinner where you can. PixelEd has an industry dinner each year.

Students who are doing IDM are encouraged to have a work experience placement in a media/multimedia workplace but it is not mandatory.

Modes of assessment

          Tests Research – essays, report or PowerPoint presentation Webpages Flash animations Image generation Photostory presentation Movie Stop-motion animation Audio files And the list goes on!

Reporting- grades or no grades?

 As a VET subject only Competent and Not competent need to be reported however, grades can be useful on some assessments to help the students to understand the standard of their work better and which aspects that they could improve on.

 Some tasks can also be resubmitted if an aspect of the assessment has been missed so that they can gain competence.

Rules for students

  As the classroom is run as a workplace they must behave in a professional manner, so following school policies or setting class/workplace rules, eg, that they: – May not arrive late – – – – – 90% attendance record Do not waste time Follow instructions Do not distract others Be respectful of others as well as property Students need to be deemed competent in all aspects of the course to continue into the second year of it