Symposium on the Public and Private Sector Partnership

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Transcript Symposium on the Public and Private Sector Partnership

Optimizing Communication
of Weather Information and
Neil A. Stuart
WAS*IS March 2006
Brief overview of research plan
(From November WAS*IS)
• Collect informal survey information from Jeff
Craven regarding EM and Media preferences
• Coordinate formal survey information with
Jeff Lazo’s group
• Work with Kim/Keelin/Joel/Gina for WAS*IS
graphic to import into Symposium
• Steer the discussion during the AMS
Symposium toward the research topic
– What various weather providers provide
– What information and formats their users prefer
Summary of the first step
Correspondence with Jeff Craven
No consensus on how to convey uncertainty to
EM meeting scheduled in early March so no
Jeff provided 2 studies on assessing uncertainty
Standard deviations in the ensemble MOS
Best conveyed in some graphical form, maybe bars and/or
Summary of the second step
Coordinate formal survey information
with Jeff Lazo’s group
– Administrative and staffing issues
prevented the survey from being
completed and put online
Summary of step three
Work with Kim/Keelin/Joel/Gina for WAS*IS
graphic to import into Symposium
– I created an electronic version of the graphic for
comments around Christmas
– Sent it to across WAS*IS e-mail list
– Received valuable feedback from WAS*IS group
– Produced graphic and used it for introduction to
AMS Symposium
– Graphic is on the next page 
How do all the partners fit into the enterprise?
Public/Private/Military Forecasters
Sector-specific resources
Development patterns
Budget/Political Factors
Interpretations of Nature
Non-weather information
Socio-economic status
Social Capital
What actions to take:
Evacuate Y/N
Irrigate Y/N
Vacation where/when
Indoor/Outdoor function
Meteorological Data
Personal Observations
Emergency Managers
Local Government
School Districts
Ag. Extensions
Fire Department
Tourist Industry
News Media
Summary of final step
• Conducted the AMS Symposium on the
Public/Private Sector Partnership
• Attended Communications Workshop
at AMS Annual Meeting
• Attended Symposium on the
Challenges of Severe Convective
Storms panel discussion
– The Production and Communication of
Severe Weather Warnings to the Public
Important notes from the Symposium
• Evolution of the NOAA Partnership Policy
– Very important to how the enterprise evolves
– Language in policy affects perceptions of risk
within the private sector
– Too much risk for private sector when
government can provide similar service
– Can potentially hinder progress in product
development and multi-sector partnerships
– Hindering product development means less
resources for research and user feedback
– Ultimate results
• Little to no progress in tailoring products to user needs
• Limited resources to develop products to creatively
address uncertainty
Creative product development and led by
the public/government sector
• Maintenance decision support system
– Partnership between FHA and private sector
• Graphical and text interface based on
collaborative research
• Continued optimization
• National Climatic Data Center
– Provides data for all sectors
– Data can be used to solve societal impact
Creative product development and
collaboration led by the private sector
• XM Satellite Marine Weather
– Collaboration between University, private
sector and government
– Mariners with XM Satellite technology have
access to graphics and text
• National Council on Industrial Meteorology
• Commercial Weather Services Association
Support for multi-sector partnerships
in Academia
• National Weather Center
– Oklahoma encouraging universities to enhance
the local and regional economy
– Univ. of Oklahoma supports industry clusters that
compose the NWC
– Industry clusters work together
• Combine research
• Improve data
• New products and services
– New degree program at the University called
“Professional Meteorologist”
Support for multi-sector partnerships
in Academia
• Some concern about shifts in
government priorities, affecting
available funding
• Lack of money affects research and
development of products and services
• Changes in government administration
will continue to shift funding priorities
Open discussion
• Information sharing in research and development of
– Need as many organized efforts within our profession to
survey users on preferred formats of products
– NDFD has changed how information is delivered, so it is
very different process of surveying users
– The sectors can’t necessarily share what they learn about
user preferences
– Non-meteorological factors influencing product
development and user decision-making
• Psychological and social issues
• Available profit for reinvestment
• Perception of unbalanced risk in some cases hindering private
sector from creating more products and services
– Intellectual property becoming more of a problem,
especially between academia and the private sector
Open Discussion (Cont.)
• Communication within sectors perceived as improving, no
objective evidence
• Some real-time communication occurring between forecasters
and media via Instant Messaging
• Conveying uncertainty
Must coordinate across Enterprise
Will take a lot of time
Speak user’s language
Everyone has different thresholds for taking action
Providing a range of scenarios is one way to convey uncertainty
Next NRC report will address some of the issue
• Katrina changed the perception of the accuracy of weather
forecasts, and affected the Rita evacuation
• If we need the private sector to supply user information, maybe
the private sector should provide more forecasting services
• We must understand how the Enterprise acts on a higher level
before we address issues such as sector roles and services
based on user feedback
Communications Workshop
• Panel composed of Max Mayfield, CNN and TWC
• Presentations by panelists
– People take action based on recommendations from local
officials, not actual warnings
– People don’t evacuate because they don’t want their
belongings taken
– Local and national media take days of careful and
constantly updated planning to cover the impact of weather
– Coverage during event is necessary as it is part of the
“complete story”, even though it may effect viewer
perceptions of danger
– Coverage has to be part show business because of ratings
– Evacuation experiences shape future response to forecasts
and warnings, Floyd and Rita may create future problems
– The Weather Channel mission statement specifically states
not being an alarmist or sensationalist
– Rapidly increasing usage of cell phone and internet
Open Session
• “False alarms” have affected people’s perceptions of
danger, hype is not just weather, but includes
terrorism, health threats etc.
• No official study suggests live reports of severe
weather affect public perception of weather hazards
• Max Mayfield does not like some of the dangerous
behavior he has seen by the media, and it sends a
bad message
• Addressing the most vulnerable populations
– CNN and TWC suggested that it is largely up to local media
to reach the most vulnerable populations and find ways to
motivate them to take action
– Most vulnerable populations include elderly, people with
pets, special needs, and the poor, and men more than
– Must educate people off season, but then most people are
not necessarily interested to learn off season
– No clear ideas of how to reach the most vulnerable
populations, the ones who either can’t or refuse to take
Open Session (Cont.)
• Communicating uncertainty
– Still a problem communicating uncertainty
– Cone of uncertainty displays will transition to probability of
tropical storm and hurricane force winds
– Don’t know if it will be accepted
• Stricter building codes would reduce insurance
• Media wants more research into what information is
most useful to users, but little money to do research
• Consistency of message
– Usually a good relationship between the media and the NWS
but message to users not always consistent
– Media feels that they need to give those affected by
disasters a voice, and let the viewers interpret
Severe Local Storms SymposiumCommunication of Warnings
• Need the next revolutionary step in radar
technology to increase severe weather
warning lead times
• Must consider demographics when
communicating to users
• Private sector perceptions of user
preferences can be unfounded
– Can affect policy discussions
– Can affect perceptions by decision-makers
– Unfounded claims on use of NOAA Weather radio
and necessity of EAS for media notification
Severe Local Storms SymposiumCommunication of Warnings
• Inconsistency in message from government
– Tornado Warnings for hurricane eyewalls
– Conflicts in NHC forecasts and local NWS Office
– Inconsistent calls to action in statements and
• Local officials are not affected by false
alarms since they prepare for worst case
Severe Local Storms SymposiumCommunication of Warnings (Cont.)
• Private sector warning services
– Specific warnings for businesses and other specialized
– Liability for disagreeing with NWS warning is not an issue
based on many years of success
• Psychology
– Must highlight severe weather threats as far in advance as
– Must get people to think about the possibility of hazardous
weather days in advance
– Weather sources should advise of weather threats well
downstream of active warnings
– Lower end users assume that it is someone else’s job to
protect them
– Media stories of “no warning” can shape public perception
of warnings, especially if minority view
• Must put money and resources to study user needs
Severe Local Storms SymposiumCommunication of Warnings (Cont.)
• No clear solution on how to get warnings to
people at night
– Sirens are an option
– Cell phone alarms
– Promotion of NOAA Weather Radio Alarms
• Should we as a meteorological community
promote NOAA Weather Radio as an
essential piece of equipment like a smoke
• Some companies are developing new
communications tools
– Satellite radio technology
• Has project scope changed since November
– Original intent
• Investigate/document progress/research in communicating
weather information
• A focus on communicating/conveying uncertainty
– New focus
• Document current state of communication
• Suggest/recommend future efforts
• Problems and Frustrations
– Disappointed in lack of progress and creativity
– Based on perceived attitudes, few if any willing to put
effort/resources into meaningful/creative research
– Satisfied with status quo, assuming other people are
studying and addressing the problem
– Multi sector reluctance to share past/current research on
user needs
– Fundamental mistrust across sectors continues and must
be resolved
Editorial (Cont.)
• Project benefits from November
– Interaction with colleagues helped focus
the topic
– Diverse backgrounds of colleagues
provided important perspectives
throughout the week
– Formal presentations on communications
influenced direction of study
Current plan to complete project
• Document current state of communication
– Notes from AMS sessions
– Reference conclusions from first and second
forums on future role of human
– Editorialize positive and negative aspects of
current state of communication?
• Suggest methods of improving future
– More editorializing?
– Must be careful to reference as much as possible
• Publish in a Journal
Thank you for your time and attention!