MOTIVATION - Bilkent University

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Transcript MOTIVATION - Bilkent University


I) II) Processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. Content Theories of Motivation Contemporary Theories of Motivation

I) Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Self-Actualization Esteem Social Safety Physiological

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Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological: Hunger, thirst, bodily needs Safety: Security & protection from physical and emotional harm Social: Affection, belongingness, acceptance, friendship Esteem: Internal (self-respect, autonomy, achievement) & External (status, recognition, attention) Self-Actualization: Growth, achieving one’s potential, self-fulfillment

Hierarchy of Needs

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As each of these needs becomes satisfied, next need becomes dominant Satisfied need no longer motivates Higher (satisfied internally) versus lower (satisfied externally) order needs

II) Theory X and Theory Y

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After viewing the way in which managers dealt with employees Under Theory X:

People inherently dislike work, whenever possible, will attempt to avoid it.

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They must be coerced, controlled or threatened with punishment to achieve goals They will avoid responsibilities & seek formal direction whenever possible Place security above all other factors

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Under Theory Y

People can view work as natural as rest or play They will exercise self-direction & self control if they are committed to objectives They can learn to accept responsibility Ability to make innovative decisions is widely dispersed throughout the population

Theory X versus Theory Y

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Theory X: Lower needs dominate individuals Theory Y: Higher order needs Theory Y assumptions are more valid than Theory X.

Participative decision-making, responsible & challenging jobs, good group relations

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III) Two-Factor Theory

One’s attitude toward work can determine success or failure => “What do people want from their jobs?”; Situations in which employees felt exceptionally good or bad about their jobs.

Opposite of “satisfaction” = “no satisfaction” Opposite of “dissatisfaction” = “no dissatisfaction”

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Hygiene Factors

Company policy & administration Supervision Relationship with supervisor Work conditions Salary Relationship with peers Personal life Relationship with subordinates Status Security

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Achievement Recognition Work itself Responsibility Advancement Growth

Contemporary Theories: I)McClelland’s Theory of Needs

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Need for achievement: (nAch) Seek situations attaining personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems Receive feedback on their performance

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Not gamblers, dislike succeeding by chance Interested in how well they do personally

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Prefer tasks of intermediate difficulty Perform best when they estimate that they have a 50-50 chance of success =>Run own business, manage self-contained unit

McClelland’s Theory of Needs

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Need for power: (nPow) Desire to have impact, to be influential & to control others Prefer to be placed into competitive & status-oriented situations To be more concerned with prestige

McClelland’s Theory of Needs

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Need for affiliation: (nAff) Motive strive for friendship Prefer cooperative situations rather than competitive ones Desire relationships that involve a high degree of mutual understanding

II) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

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Introduction of extrinsic rewards (pay etc.) for work effort that was previously intrinsically rewarding tends to decrease overall motivation. Individual experiences a loss of control over his/her own behavior => previous intrinsic motivation decreases.

Verbal rewards versus tangible rewards

III) Goal-Setting Theory

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Specificity of the goal acts as an internal stimulus If factors (acceptance of goals) are constant => more difficult the goal, the higher level of performance (direct attention to the task, energize us, persistence, discover strategies) Self-generated feedback (monitoring own process): more powerful Goal commitment, task characteristics & national culture influence goal-performance relationship.

IV) Management by Objectives

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Setting goals that are tangible, verifiable & measurable Individual => Departmental => Divisional => Overall organizational Four ingredients are common:

Goal specificity

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Participation in decision-making Explicit time period Performance period

V)Self-Efficacy (Social Learning) Theory

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An individual’s belief that he/she is capable of performing a task How to develop self-efficacy?

Enactive mastery: gaining experience with the task

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Vicarious modeling: seeing someone else doing the task Verbal persuasion: someone convincing that you have the skills to have success But intelligence & personality are absent!

VI) Equity Theory

Comparing inputs (effort, experience, education, competence) and outcomes (raises, grading, recognition) to those of others O/I A < O/I B => Inequity of under rewarded O/I A = O/I B => Equity O/I A > O/I B => Inequity of over rewarded O/I A : Person (you) O/I B : Relevant others

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When perceived inequity

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Change inputs (don’t exert as much effort) Change outcomes (lower quality) Distort perceptions of self (I work harder than everyone else) Distort perceptions of others Choose a different referent Leave the field

VII) Expectancy Theory

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Theory focuses on these relationships: Effort - performance Performance - reward

Rewards – personal goals People will be motivated to exert a high level of effort when they believe that:

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Effort will lead to a good performance appraisal A good appraisal will lead to rewards

Rewards will satisfy the personal goals