Multi Tiered System of Support - Southwest Plains Regional

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Priority Initiative for KSDE Multi Tiered System of Support

Random Acts of Improvement

plan improve evaluate implement

Focus the Data-Focus Improvement

improve plan evaluate Guiding Principles Vision Mission Purpose Values and Beliefs Standards implement

Kansas MTSS

• MTSS is a coherent continuum of evidence based,


practices to support a rapid response to academic and behavioral needs, with

frequent data based monitoring

for instructional




each Kansas student to achieve high standards.

Kansas Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) Behavior

• Student centered planning • Customized function-based interventions • Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design


• More intense supplemental targeted skill interventions • Customized interventions • Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design • Supplemental targeted function-based interventions • Small groups or individual support • Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design • • • Supplemental targeted skill interventions Small groups Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design • All students, All settings • Positive behavioral expectations explicitly taught and reinforced • Consistent approach to discipline • Assessment system and data-based decision making • All students • Evidence-based core curriculum & instruction • Assessment system and data-based decision making

KSDE - July 2007 Draft

What does MTSS mean?

• Coordinating efforts and techniques – Classroom teacher – Parents – Specialists – Special Education – Counselors – Paraprofessionals

How does everything fit?


Goals of MTSS

• • Use school


in ways that help figure out what it takes for each child to be successful


support early each year and putting supports in place oriented: knowing who needs • Implementing evidence


for all students tailoring interventions based on a student’s needs • Using

progress monitoring

to make a change with efforts data to know when

Tier 1

• All students • Evidence-based core curriculum and instruction • Assessment system and data-based decision making

Tier 2

• Supplemental targeted skill interventions • Small groups • Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design (every other week)

Tier 3

• More intense supplemental targeted skill interventions • Customized interventions • Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design (weekly)

Special Ed is a last resort not a first response.

Innovation Configuration

• 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Critical components of MTSS Consensus building Assessment  Screening  Diagnostic  Progress monitoring Curriculum  Core  Supplemental Instruction  Core  Intensive/explicit Data-based decision making  School-wide  Small group  individual

Southwest Plains Can Help

• Trained MTSS facilitators to the door assistance • MTSS modules designed specific to district’s needs •

Series of Workshop at SWPRSC

• October 9, 2008 • December 12, 2008 • February 17, 2009