MSSE Course Name - Georgia Institute of Technology

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Transcript MSSE Course Name - Georgia Institute of Technology

Saturday March 5
Cognitive Walkthroughs Due Today
 User Testing
 Other Evaluation Mechanisms
 Looking Ahead
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Evaluation with Users
Big investment -- big potential
 Many issues
dealing with human subjects
 which users? which tasks?
 when in the process?
 what to measure?
 how to measure?
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Dealing with Human Subjects
Your responsibility to protect subjects
distress, embarrassment
 remind them that you are not testing them
Informed, voluntary consent
understand that they can quit at any time
 explain test in lay terms
 if necessary, there is “equipment failure”
Privacy: anonymity, use of image/voice
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Which Users? Which Tasks
As close to real users as possible
if real users are scarce, try surrogates
Keep close to the real tasks
may need to shorten some for time
 may need to provide users with
background information
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
When in the Process?
Early is important
low investment
 time to change
Mock-ups and Drawings are OK
issues in how to handle user choice
Partial prototypes when necessary
 Summary: as early as possible
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
What to Measure
Process data
problems, questions, reactions
 what users are thinking
Bottom-line data
mostly later for usability measurement
 not very useful early in design
Asking users questions?
problematic -- users will answer
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Thinking-Aloud Method
User asked to think-aloud
ask questions (though not answered)
 explain decisions, identify confusion
Tester records session
avoids interfering as much as possible
• only when test would end otherwise
explain to subject that you won’t
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Eye-Tracking Testing
Technology to support monitoring
where subjects are looking and for
how long
 Challenge: easy to direct results
avoid thinking out loud
 careful presentation of tasks
 careful design to avoid distractions
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Alternative Methods
Natural testing conditions
gather performance data
 video-prompted review
Two-person tests
Field studies instead of user tests
forces “thinking” aloud
consider deployment, logging
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Gathering Field Data
How to get it?
Log high-level actions
 Log low-level actions
 Log problems
 Work products
What to get?
Detailed and statistical usage data
 Example cases
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Consider a Word Processor
many alternative solutions for
• toolbars, menus, keyboard shortcuts
relative frequencies of commands
 co-occurrence of commands with
 document statistics
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Consider a Website
maps of link traversal rates
• traffic maps
hidden co-occurrence
• web usage mining
 apparent rates of “back” from
 time on page
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Different Goals,
Different Approaches
Overall “what’s happening”
general data
 possibly lots of data
Test specific questions
targeted data
Always consider issues of user
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
General Guidelines for
User Testing
Plan ahead of time
what data to record
 what instructions to deliver
 what to do if user “falls off prototype”
 when to provide help, and what help
Know your objectives
but never lose sight of the user
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
General Guidelines
Always have a pilot study
 Get professional help for big studies
 In general, it is better if you aren’t
too much bias
 subtle clues
 stay behind one-way glass
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
When You Need
Bottom-Line Data
Need specific measurements
median time for task
 comparison of alternatives
Work out the statistics involved
Focus on one type of test at a time
statistics cookbooks
can’t time and use think-aloud
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Putting it Together
Critique this test plan
• outdoor information Kiosk for 2012
Olympics in New York (we can hope!)
• used by English-speaking Americans
• will provide information on events and
schedules, locations, transportation,
results, maps, and other useful
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Kiosk Test Plan
use prototype kiosk
recruit test users: offer $10 for up to an hour
• post at New York employment and social service agencies
users shown kiosk and 20 minute demonstration video
each user has 3 tasks and the system times them on each
finally, groups of 5-10 users will be asked
• which tasks they could not accomplish
• what problems they had with the system
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Usability Goals and
Concrete, quantitative measures of usability
learning time
 use time for specific tasks and users
 error rates
 measures of user satisfaction
Comparative usability goals
compare with prior versions or competitors
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Things to Watch
Goals should be realistic
Many goals go beyond the application UI
100% is never realistic
training, manuals
Testing goals should help improve the UI
detail--not just good/bad
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Exercise: Setting Usability
As groups, come up with three usability
goals for your project.
try to come up with markedly different goals
to give broader coverage
 discuss the feasibility of testing these goals
• what is needed for the test
• when in the process?
• how much effort, user preparation/training, etc.?
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Interface Evaluation
Goals of interface evaluation
find problems
 find opportunity for improvement
 determine if interface is “good
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
With or Without Users
Users are expensive and inconsistent
usability studies require several users
 some users provide great information,
others little
Users are users
cannot be simulated perfectly
Best choice--Both
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Evaluation Without Users
Quantitative Methods
GOMS/keystroke analysis
 back-of-the-envelope action analysis
Qualitative Methods
expert evaluation
 cognitive walkthrough
 heuristic evaluation
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
GOMS/Keystroke Analysis
Formal action analysis
accurately predict task completion
time for skilled users
Break task into tiny steps
keystroke, mouse movement, refocus
 retrieve item from long-term memory
Look up average step times
tables from large experiments
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
GOMS/Keystroke Analysis
Primary utility: repetitive tasks
e.g., telephone operators
 benefit: can be very accurate (within
 may identify bottlenecks
challenging to decompose accurately
 long/laborious process
 not useful with non-experts
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Back-of-the-Envelope Action
list basic actions (select menu item)
 each action is at least 2-3 seconds
 what must be learned/remembered?
 what can be done easily?
 documentation/training?
Goal is to find major problems
Example: 1950’s 35mm camera
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Expert Evaluation
Usability specialists are very valuable
double-specialists are even better
An inexpensive way to get a lot of
 Be sure the expert is qualified in your
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Looking Ahead
Next week: Usability Laboratory
Location: Walter Library, room B-26
No food in the lab
Focus: user testing examples
external “real” client
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005
Looking Ahead
Heuristic Evaluations
individual evaluations first
• each group member should do an individual
• you may use either the “old” or “new” heuristics
from the notes
• turn in the individual lists of problems identified
combined results
• as a group, create a merged list of issues
• turn in that list as the group work product
Then, revised prototypes (and user testing
plans) for March 26th
SEng 5115
March 5, 2005