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University Education in Global Dialogue
Professor Kerstin Sahlin
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Quality. Renewal. Future.
Uppsala University shall:
• Pursue research and education of
the highest quality
• Play an active role in global
society, promoting development
and innovation
• Be far-sighted and open to change
in all facets of its work
• Contribute to making our world a
better place
Education in Figures
• 40,000 undergraduate and postgraduate
students ≈ 20,000 full-time students
• 50 programmes for beginners and
45 master programmes
• 2,000 single-subject courses
• 4,000 undergraduate and
postgraduate degrees every year
• 2,000 doctoral students
• More than 20 international master programmes and
300 single-subject courses taught in English
• Agreements for student exchange with nearly
500 foreign universities in 50 countries
• Some 3,000 international research partnerships with
more than 1,000 universities throughout the world,
primarily in Europe, the U.S., and Asia
Student Exchange 2004–2008
Travelling Abroad
Uppsala University endeavours to strengthen the ties
between the academy, business and society:
Enabling the interplay between
entrepreneurship and research
Offering courses for mid-career
Facilitating contacts between
students and business
Forging contacts with alumni
The Bologna process at
Uppsala university
• The bologna process has been (and still is)
organized as a strategic development
process at UU
• Close contacts and collaboration with
Bologna-process on European and national
• The Bologna development activities are
highly decentralized (as is the governing of
education more generally), coordinated by
groups at the central university level.
Three Bologna groups at the
central university level
• Bologna 1
– Chair: Lena Marcusson, prorektor
– Feb 2003 – June 2004
• Bologna 2
– Chair: Kristina Edström, advisor to rektor
in educational matters
– October 2004 – September 2005
• Bologna 3
– Chair: Kerstin Sahlin, prorektor
– April 2008 – December 2009
Bologna 1
• Feb 2003 – June 2004
• Formulated a policy for the Bologna process at the
university (main issues below)
• Mainly structural issues
– degree-cycles. In addition to individual courses
• First cycle programmes: min. 90 cr in one subject, thesis
min. 15 cr, min. 30 cr in another subject (cr here translated
into present system)
• Emphasis on 2 year master programmes, 30 cr master
– Look at the possibility to adapt professional programs to
the two degree-cycle structure
– A research based education was emphasized
Bologna 2
October 2004 – September 2005
Relation to national criteria
– No national criteria were in place when the group started to work
– The group worked with the assumption that national criteria would be established for a three degree-cycle
(doctoral level was not dealt with in the group though)
– National criteria were clarified on the national level in June 2005
Degree and credit structure and admission criteria mainly as suggested by Bologna 1
– Still emphasis on 2 year master programmes, but open for possibilities to give 1 year master programmes in
specific cases
– First-cycle programmes should also provide students with a degree that makes them attractive on the labour
– Some courses (including generic courses) could overlap, or be classified as part of both degree cycles
Mobility: important that students can transfer credits from studies elsewhere
Faculties should suggest how subjects could be formed into disciplinary areas
Credits and grade table
– The new credit system was introduced based on the ECTS credit system.
– The group emphasized the importance of broad discussion before deciding on the introduction of ECTS grading
table. But translated grades into ECTS for students who went abroad
Guidelines for rewriting course descriptions with
– Learning outcomes
– Employability
– Progression
Special resources were allocated to faculties and departments where intense development work was performed.
(2006: 11,23 MSEK, 2007: !0,73 MSEK).
2006 - 2008
50 new first degree cycle programmes
45 new master programmes
25 master programmes in english
A few double degree programmes
Employability (internship, but not at the expense of scientific competence)
Generic courses
Rewritten course plans, supported by unit for educational training
Diploma supplements
In fall 2007, decision not to introduce ECTS grading table.
Some of the professional programmes were structured (or are being
restructured) as two cycle degree: Business administration, engineering
and teachers education.
Much focus on the “soft issues”
– Employability, not only about internship but emphasis on “beyond skills”
– Research based education
– Doctoral education not affected in terms of structure, but employability and
generic courses are also affecting the doctoral education programmes
Bologna 3
April 2008 – (December 2009)
Follow the development work
– Applications for master (first degree students from first-cycle degree in
– How will the labour market react?
– Consequences for mobility?
Listen to, react to and coordinate when needed development initiatives
by faculties and departments
Follow development at national and international level “beyond 2010”
Special issues in focus
– Educational structure
Overlap and mobility (internal within the university, national, international)
Restructuring of professional programmes
Life long learning (teachers education especially important)
Double degrees and possible joint degrees
Number of applying students, retention
Generic courses and scholarship
Research based education and research integrated education
Summing up
An international perspective should
characterize all university education at
Uppsala university
Three pillars of internationalization
- Quality
- Relevance
- Responsibility