Isaiah – a miniature Bible - St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church

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Transcript Isaiah – a miniature Bible - St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church

The Book of Isaiah
A mini-Bible
St. Mina Coptic
Orthodox Church
Hamilton, ON
A prophet in the 8th century BC; in the Kingdom of Judah
His name means “God is salvation”
An evangelical prophet
According to Jewish tradition, born to an aristocratic “royal”
family in Jerusalem
His father being the brother to king Uzziah
Ministered in Jerusalem during the reign of Uzziah, Jotham,
Ahaz, Hezekiah
Sawed in half according to tradition
A contemporary with Micah, Amos, Hosea
Appeared at a critical time in Judah’s history, 8th
century BC
He proclaimed a message of judgment and demanded
As Isaiah was beginning his ministry, the Assyrians
were in the process of building an empire that
threatened to swallow up Israel unless God
739 BC
~50 years
690 BC
~100 years after Isaiah
Period of Isaiah’s Prophecies -- The “Days
of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah”
606, 597, 586 BC:
Judah Conquered
537 BC: Cyrus
Conquers Babylon;
the Return Begins
~170 years
After Isaiah
300-200 BC:
30-33 AD:
~720 years After
Isaiah (& 280 years
after Septuagint)
He had to choose between placing his trust in human
wisdom and power or in God to deliver the nation
from war.
The outcome was Judah’s loss of political
People were lethargic and idolatrous; They were
spiritually insensitive (1:3-6).
“The ox knows his master, the donkey his owner’s manger, but Israel does not
know, my people do not understand.”
(Isaiah 1:3)
Israel was falling down (722 B.C.)
Judah was in a downward spiral both politically and
Uzziah (790-739) – good but proud
Jotham (750-731) – good but weak
Ahaz (735-715) - bad
Hezikiah (715-686) - good
The war between Assyria and the allies
Assyria’s increasing threat to Judah
People were spiritually insensitive (1:3-6) “ The ox
knows his master, the donkey his owner’s manger, but
Israel does not know, my people do not understand.
“(Isaiah 1:3)
They suffered malnutrition of the spirit “Stop
bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is
detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and
convocations—I cannot bear your evil assemblies.”
(Isaiah 1:13)
They had lost perspective (1:21-23) “ See how the
faithful city has become a harlot! She once was full of
justice; righteousness used to dwell in her— but now
murderers! “
Isaiah was called to a huge mission!
But before Isaiah walks into this mess, God appears to him
in chapter 6 to prepare him
The problem is that people had attributed too much
humanity to God.
God was trivialized, secularized and rationalized.
What Isaiah seen in the vision (chapter 6) would contradict
their perceptions of God
God has retinue – “Seraphim” (burning ones) no earthly
reality could cope with the reality of God
God Dwells in Another Dimension: “2 Above him were seraphs,
each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces,
with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.”
(Isaiah 6:2)
“Woe is me! for I am undone (ruined), because I am a man of
unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips:
for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.
The Prophet’s Absolution– sin purged(6:6-7) one of the
seraphim came to Isaiah in his deep despair to provide
help/hope; with a live coal from the altar ; with his sin
removed, Isaiah now able to stand in the presence of God
How should this scene affect the way we look at God and the way
we should praise Him?
Words of Judgment (1-39)
- The sins of Israel and Judah (1-9)
- Immanuel (7-12)
- Judgment on the nations (13-23)
- Judgment on Judah and deliverance (24-27)
- Woes upon Israel and promise (28-35)
- Invasion of Assyria & Hezekiah (36-39)
Words of Comfort (40-66)
- Israel’s deliverance from captivity (40-48)
- The servant of the Lord (49-57)
- Restoration of Israel and the final kingdom (58-66)
- Forgiveness, comfort, and hope
- Looks forward to the coming of the Messiah
- Purpose:
To call Judah back to God and to tell of God’s
salvation through the Messiah
Isaiah’s apocalypse
Quoted at least 50 times in the NT
Predictions of future events: Israel’s captivity (39:7)
The end of death (25:8) & the resurrection of the dead (26:19)
A great number of prophecies of the Messiah
Called a miniature Bible (66 chapters = 39 + 27)
 Deliverance from sin (1)
 Through Christ (53)
 Restoration of the whole world (65,66)
Isaiah’s portrays of Christ
 The branch of Jesses, Redeemer, Savior, Sin bearer,
Liberator, Judge, etc
Names of Christ
 Emmanuel, Might God, Counselor, Prince of Peace,
King, Divine Servant, Arm of the Lord, Preacher,
The servant of the Lord, The suffering and glory of
the Servant
Details of Christ:
- His divine nature, birth, humanity, ministry, and
redemptive work, and suffering and glory
P ro p h e c y
Im m a n u e l’s b irth to a v irg in – 7 :1 4
T h e re je c tio n o f th e C h ris t a s a “s to n e o f
s tu m b lin g ” a n d “ro c k o f o ffe n s e ” – 8 :1 4
T h e b e n e v o le n c e a n d u n iv e rs a lity o f th e
M e s s ia h ’s re ig n – 1 1 :1 -1 1
T h e c o rn e r-s to n e to b e la id in Z io n – 2 8 :1 6
A p re v ie w o f J o h n th e B a p tis t a n d h is
p re p a ra to ry w o rk fo r C h ris t – 4 0 :3 -5
T h e L o rd ’s c o m p a s s io n a te a n d ju s t m is s io n –
4 2 :1 -2
A s e rv a n t o f s u ffe rin g – 5 3
C h ris t’s m is s io n to p re a c h th e g o s p e l a n d
g iv e s ig h t to th e b lin d – 6 1 :1 ,2
H e w ill b e o f th e fa m ily o f D a v id (J e s s e ) –
1 1 :1
T h e S p irit o f th e L o rd w ill re s t u p o n H im –
1 1 :2
H e w ill b rin g lig h t to th o s e liv in g in G a lile e –
9 :1 -2
F u lfillm e n t
M a tt 1 :2 2 ,2 3
1 P e te r 2 :8 ; 3 :1 4
R o m a n s 1 5 :1 2
R o m a n s 9 :3 3 ; 1 P e te r 2 :6
M a tth e w 3 :3
M a tth e w 1 2 :1 8 -2 1
J o h n 1 2 :3 8 ; A c ts 8 :3 2 -3 5 ;
M t 2 7 :1 2 -1 4 ; 8 :1 7 ; J o h n
1 :1 2
L u k e 4 :1 8
M a tth e w 1 ; L u k e 3
M a tth e w 3 :1 6
M a tth e w 1 2 :1 4 -1 6
 “Isaiah” means “Salvation is of Yahweh”
 The term “salvation” occurs 27 times
 Salvation is bestowed only by grace and by the power
of God, the Redeemer
 Salvation through the Messiah
 Political salvation  Personal & international
salvation  Salvation of the whole world
The kingdom of God coming & For the glory of God
The same theme as that of the whole Bible
Holy One of Israel (28 times)
The God of Hope - remnants
Redeemer (13 times)
God of all nations
God of unfailing love
The Call of Isaiah
Isaiah’s recognition of the
majesty of God and his resulting
Isaiah’s acknowledgement of his
sin and his resulting
Isaiah’s purification provided by
Isaiah’s willingness to do God’s
work now that he is purified
The Call of Isaiah Me
Isaiah’s My recognition of the
majesty of God and his my
resulting humility
Isaiah’s My acknowledgement of
his my sin and his my resulting
Isaiah’s My purification provided
by God
Isaiah’s My willingness to do God’s
work now that he is I am purified
Sin and wickedness always bring God’s disfavor
God is holy & loving
God wants his people to put their trust in Him, not in
anyone or in anything else
God’s zeal and aspiration for salvation
Isaiah’s entire family dedicated to the service of the