Judicial Review

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Judicial Review Page 69 Why are frogs so happy?

They eat whatever bugs them!

Lesson Title:

Judicial Review



Essential Knowledge /Question:

What is judicial review?

Higher Level Question for Rigor: :

What problems might occur if our Supreme Court did not have the power of judicial review?

Bloom’s Taxonomy:

comprehension, knowledge, analysis


slot notes, ppt with Brain Pop, quiz, MnMs, selected Supreme Court cases discussion


judicial review, Marbury v Madison

Procedures / Instructional Strategies:

slot notes with ppt including Brain Pop, discuss several selected Supreme Court cases

Learning Styles Addressed:

auditory, visual, kinesthetic


choose how to prepare for today’s vocabulary quiz – group or alone


quiz on defined words from yesterday

Candy Questions

Give an example of when a local government might have to deal with an international issue?

Name one way that an interest group can affect public policy.

Who focuses public attention on selected issues, offers opposing viewpoints, and holds government officials accountable to the public?

Who writes town and city ordinances?

Who is the Democratic Party Chief in Virginia?

Tensions arise when the federal government mandates don’t come with adequate ____________.

What term means division of power between a federal and state governments?

Which hat is the President wearing when he gives the annual State of the Union address?

What do we call Congressional powers that are not specifically listed in the Constitution but are necessary to carry out those that are written down?

Where in the U.S. Constitution do we find the separation of powers?

http:// www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/usg overnmentandlaw/supremecourt /

The power of judicial review is an important check on the legislative and executive branches of government. (remember “checks and balances”?) The Supreme Courts of the United States and Virginia determine the constitutionality of laws and acts of the executive branch of government . This power is called judicial review.

Which court case established the principle of judicial review at the national level?

What problems could occur if our Supreme Court did not have the power of judicial review?

What document is the Supreme Law of the Land?

The Constitution of the United States of America

To what documents must state laws conform?

The Virginia and the United States Constitutions

On the left-hand side of your notebook, glue an M n Ms package and label it as Marbury v Madison to remind you of the court case that established judicial review.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=tug71x ZL7yc