Ludington Renovation Update

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Ludington Renovation Update
April 1, 2009
Ludington Renovation Update
Pre-Design/Design Development
LEED and Green Elements
Cost Estimates and Funding
Operational Impact
Next Steps
Ludington Renovation Update
Pre-Design/Design Development
Pre-Design/Design Development
(Feb/Oct 2008) VITETTA Carried Out
Pre-design / Design Development
Activities at all 6 Libraries
30 Stakeholder Meetings
Space Programming & Design Charrettes
Pre-Design/Design Development
(November 2008) VITETTA Delivered
Design Packet – 6 Renovations
Floor Plans
Cost Estimates
Pre-Design/Design Development
(Dec 08 – Jan 09) VITETTA Completed
Ludington Design Development
Improvements in Functionality & Aesthetics
on the Bryn Mawr Avenue Side
» Entrance Vestibules Smaller
» True Air Locks
Pre-Design/Design Development
Addition wraps 10,400 sq ft around two
sides of the building
Exterior – Schist Echoes 1926 Stone Work
Pre-Design/Design Development
Ludington Library - Lancaster Avenue
Pre-Design/Design Development
Ludington Library – Bryn Mawr Avenue
Pre-Design/Design Development
Major Improvements – Service & Efficiency
Some Self Checkout Units
Book Return Room
Convenient Internet “Cafe” Set Up
Reading Porch & Vending Machine Area
Business Resource & Health Resource Centers
Popular Materials Marketing
Pre-Design/Design Development
Main Floor Plan
Pre-Design/Design Development
Major Improvements – Youth Services
Young Adult Activity Room
Special Tutoring Areas
Early Literacy (Computer) Stations
Improved Collection Access
Pre-Design/Design Development
Second Floor Plan
Pre-Design/Design Development
Fully Accessible Basement Areas
Friends of Ludington Used Book Store
Periodicals Storage Area
Technology Center (Staff Only)
Lower Merion Library Foundation Office
Pre-Design/Design Development
Basement Level Plan
Pre-Design/Design Development
Major Improvements – Accessibility &
Deferred Maintenance
Two Accessible Entrances – North & South
ADA Accessible Aisle Widths
Upgraded ADA Restrooms & Parking Spaces
HVAC & Waterproofing Upgrades
12 Additional Structural Deficiencies
Pre-Design/Design Development
Major Improvements – Safety
Sight Lines for Staff on All Floors
Basement Areas Locked Down
RFID Security Check Points
Improved Lighting
Video Surveillance
Pre-Design/Design Development
(Jan – Mar 2009) Meetings with Twp Staff
Land Development Committee
Fire Marshal Review
B&P Storm Water Management
Zoning (Bryn Mawr)
Cost Estimate
Pre-Design/Design Development
(Feb - Mar 2009) Site/Design Meetings
Interior Design – Palette & Shelving
Landscaping Review
Ludington Renovation Update
LEED and Green Elements
LEED and Green Elements
Ludington was Not Designed for LEED
This was a Matter of Project Timing
LEED Requires Administrative Tasks & Fees
LEED and Green Elements
However - According to VITETTA
Principal Jim Keller
“Ludington, by very nature of the
renovation is 75% sustainable.”
LEED and Green Elements
20 Potential Green Elements Were
Reviewed for Inclusion
Sustainable Building Materials
Glazing, Lighting & Mechanical Systems
Porous Paving Materials
Exterior Sun Control Devices
Solar Energy Systems
LEED and Green Elements
Some Green Elements Included – Others
will be Add Alternates
Township To Decide Cost/Benefit at Bid
LEED and Green Elements
Green Roof (Over the Addition) Possible
– Not as an Add Alternate:
A Green Roof = $490,000
Change Construction Documents $7–12,000
Conventional Roof = $325,000
Net Additional Cost = $175,000
Ludington Renovation Update
Cost Estimates and Funding
Cost Estimates and Funding
(Feb – Dec 2008) Capital Campaign in
Start Up/Quiet Phase
Campaign Committee Identified
Prospect Lists Generated
Solicitation Began
Cost Estimates and Funding
(September 2008) VITETTA Submitted
Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates
Ludington Project $10,649,000
Cost Estimates and Funding
Campaign Personnel Used the Estimates:
Create “Naming Opportunities”
Write Private Sector Grants
Six Grants Submitted / Six were Funded
BUT Funding Lower Than Hoped For
Cost Estimates and Funding
(Jan – Mar 2009) Campaign Changed
Strategy to Counteract Economy
Public Campaign To Begin Earlier
Public & Private Campaigns Last Longer
Dialogue with Local Library Boards Concerned
about Fundraising Levels
Cost Estimates and Funding
(February 11, 2009) Ludington Cost
Estimate Meeting
Explain Order of Magnitude Estimates
Look at Areas for Cost Reduction & Saving
Cost Estimates and Funding
(March 18, 2009) Ad Hoc CIP Meeting
LEED and Green Elements
Campaign Update
Stimulus Package Potential
Cost Estimates and Funding
Stimulus Package
Does Not Include “Public Libraries” Per Se
Educational Priorities & Infrastructure Upgrades
May Have Opportunities
Municipalities Advised to Converse with
Legislators About Projects
Cost Estimate and Funding
(April 2009) Independent Cost Estimate
from Becker and Frondorf
Ludington Renovation Update
Operational Impact
Operational Impact
Proposed Ludington Project Time Span
12-14 Months
IF Library is Closed for 12 Months
Operational Impact
Phasing the Project May Add 6 to 12
Safety Issues
Parking Issues
20 – 30% Added to Cost
Operational Impact
Three Options to Address Operations
Stay Open & Phase Construction
– Not Recommended
Close Completely / Public Use Other Libraries
Offer a “Mini” Operation in Bryn Mawr
Operational Impact
Analysis of these options will be offered
when the Library Committee meets again.
Ludington Renovation Update
Next Steps
Next Steps - Ludington
(Township Manager) Moving Ludington
forward requires a positive evaluation of:
Independent cost estimate
Fund raising effort
Township’s fiscal condition
Bidding climate
Next Steps - Ludington
May 20th or June 6th – Library Committee
Respond to questions from April 1st
To hear additional concerns from the public
Receive staff reports & recommendations
Next Steps Ludington
Invite Questions