Transcript Case

A 40 y.o. male presents with Rt flank
pain radiating to his groin that started
acutely last night. He has noted some
hematuria as well. On physical exam
you note Rt sided CVA tenderness.
 Given concerns for abdominal pathology
you order a CT A/P
Jason Haag
Intern Conference
Adrenal Incidentaloma
Lesion > 1 cm in diameter
Found in 4-6% on CT scans
Functioning or nonfunctioning
Adrenal Masses
Differential Diagnosis
Cold (nonsecreting) adenoma
Cortisol secreting adenoma
Aldosterone secreting adenoma
Adrenocortical Carcinoma
Metastatic Carcinoma
Pheochromocytoma (medullary)
 Step 1
○ Does the patient have an adrenal syndrome
 Step 2
○ Screening tests
 Step 3
○ Repeat imaging
Cushing’s Syndrome
Symptoms: weight gain, central obesity, rounded
facies, dorsocervical (back of the neck) fat pad,
easy bruising, thin skin, poor wound healing,
purple abdominal striae, acne, hirsutism, infertility,
depression, irritability, opportunistic infections
Signs: hypertension, diabetes, impaired glucose
tolerance, osteoporosis, osteopenia, hypokalemia,
leukocytosis with relative lymphopenia
Cushing’s Syndrome
Screening tests
 *24 hour urine cortisol
○ Values higher than 3-4 times normal are highly suggestive of
autonomous cortisol secretion. Values above normal but less
than 3-4 times normal are inconclusive.
 *Overnight 1-mg dexamethasone suppression test
○ Patient takes 1 mg dex pill at 11 PM, then fasts, then presents
to lab at 8:00 AM for measurement of serum cortisol. Serum
cortisol level > 5 mcg/dl is highly suggestive of autonomous
cortisol secretion. Serum cortisol level < 1.8 mcg/dl excludes
Cushing’s syndrome.
Primary Aldosteronism
Symptoms: Nocturia, polyuria, muscle
cramps, palpitations
Signs: Hypertension, hypernatremia,
Primary Aldosteronism
Plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma
aldosterone concentration
 Should be measured in the AM. Can be
performed with patient on any medicines except
spironolactone, eplerenone, or amiloride.
 *Aldo/PRA ratio of 20 with aldo level of 15
ng/dl is positive result
○ * This test is highly dependent on the denominator.
Consider the level of aldosterone required to achieve a
ratio of 20:1 in the case where renin level is measured
to be “1”, versus when the renin level is measured to
be “0.1”. Different labs have different sensitivities for
measuring renin activity, thus the requirement of not
only a ratio of 20: 1 but also an aldosterone level of 15
ng/dl for a positive test.
Symptoms: (in paroxysms) tachycardia,
palpitations, pallor, tremor, headache, diaphoresis.
May be precipitated by maneuvers that increase
intra-abdominal pressure (Valsalva, lifting,
pregnancy, postural), or by anxiety, or by
medicines such as reglan.
Signs: Hypertension, orthostatic hypotension,
pallor, retinopathy, fever, tremor
Pheos may be
 Benign or malignant (10%)
 Inherited (25%) or de novo
 In the adrenal gland or in other sympathetic
chain/ganglia cells outside the adrenal gland
 Typically pheos are adrenal medullary
tumors that secrete catecholamines.
 Catecholamines: epinephrine, norepinephrine,
○ - Problem with measuring spot serum
catecholamines? Episodic secretion
○ - To enhance sensitivity, can measure 24 hr urine
○ - However, measuring catecholamines can yield
false positives (too many substances – both
endogenous and exogenous – cross react w/ the
catecholamine assay).
 Metanephrines: metanephrine, normetanephrine
○ - More specific than measuring catecholamines is
measuring 24 hr urine metanephrines, which are
the breakdown products of catecholamines
 What
about measuring spot plasma
free metanephrines?
 Very high sensitivity (~98%).
 Appealing because it is just a simple
blood draw.
 May be too sensitive at the expense of
specificity. Of patients over 60 with
hypertension and elevated plasma free
metanephrines, 97% will NOT have
 24 hr urine fractionated catecholamines and
24 hr urine fractionated metanephrines.
○ Always fractionate; pheos typically secrete
norepinephrine (and normetanephrine) out of
proportion to epinephrine (and metanephrine).
 (Consider) Plasma free metanephrines
○ Must understand the test properties; high
sensitivity, low specificity – thus may lead to
excessive testing, procedures, surgeries and
health care expenditures.
Adrenocortical Carcinoma
 “Salt” – c/w Aldosteronsim
 “Sugar” – c/w Cushing’s syndrome
 “Sex”
○ androgens: hirsutism, acne, oily skin,
amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, increased libido
○ estrogens: gynecomastia, testicular atrophy
> 4 cm in size worrisome for carcinoma
 Consider excision of mass
If functional studies are normal
Recommend repeat imaging at 6-12 months
 Recommend repeat adrenal screening annually
for 4 years
 If concern for malignant potential based on
imaging the biopsy or excision
Take Home Points
1. If there is no adrenal syndrome on history and physical, and the
adrenal incidentaloma is less than 1 cm, don’t worry about it.
2. Of adrenal incidentalomas (>1 cm) without a clinical syndrome:
5.3% subclinical Cushing’s
5% subclinical pheo
4.7% adrenocortical carcinoma
2.5% metastatic carcinoma
1% subclinical aldo
3. Treating patients (the treatment is usually surgical) with
subclinical adrenal syndromes usually results in easier to
control HTN, weight loss, better DM control, lower risk of
osteoporosis, etc.
However, the major concern with discovery of an adrenal incidentaloma
is the possibility of malignant disease!
4. Of the adrenal syndromes mentioned above, the only one which
presents with signs and symptoms of hyperandrogenism or
estroginism is adrenocortical carcinoma.