Transcript Slide 1

NAP Pre-Assessment
North Yorkshire Scouts
Important points about this training:
 It is not for complete novices
 It does not attempt to teach any of the
“practical” skills of camping, such as tent
erection, cooking; or how to lead activities
 It may enable leaders to be “fast-tracked”
in the sense of the NAP Scheme
 It is based on preparation before the
training session, as well as on both learning
and “sharing” experience on the day of the
NAP Training File
As part of this training, you will be given several copies of
documents, including the following:
Factsheets on the NAP scheme from HQ (120432, 120433)
Camp/Holiday Information Form
Home Contact documentation
Nights Away Notification Form
An example of a Risk Assessment
A base map for the camp layout exercise
Nights Away
An adult’s guide to camping, holidays,
expeditions and sleepovers, 2002
 This the “Bible” for “Nights Away”, and you
should have access to a copy in your Group
 Throughout this short course, reference will be
made to specific sections of NA2002
 Some forms are available from the Info Centre,
most conveniently by downloading them
NAP: Introduction
There are several ways of satisfying the training requirement in
preparation for a NA assessment:
Completing full Mod. 16 training (usually at least one weekend;
possibly two)
Undergoing some preliminary training, usually through the NAA
Satisfying the NAA that further training is not needed
A NA assessment, therefore, may or may not require training in
advance, and, moreover, it is for the NAA to decide if a practical
assessment is necessary. If the latter is not thought to be necessary, the
assessment is generally known as “fast track”
NAP: Introduction
It is important to note that completing Mod.
16 in the Adult Training Scheme does not
generate a NAP
However, obtaining a NAP by any means
should enable a leader to have his/her
training validated for Mod. 16 training
The holder of a NAP does not have to be a
warranted leader
NAP: Introduction: the
Nights Away Adviser (NAA)
This person, who must be suitably
experienced and qualified, is appointed by
the DC to advise and assess in matters
concerning the NAP.
He/she makes recommendations to the DC on the
“technical” side of the NAP, and is not concerned
with issues of “character” and “trust” with respect to
the suitability of leaders to be in charge of
youngsters overnight.
A NAA would normally have a NAP, although at present it
is not a requirement.
NAP: Introduction
A NAP is issued by the DC, for a given period of time,
subject to agreed review, at a particular level, currently:
Green Field
(this may change in the future with the addition of a fourth
category relevant to “remote camping”)
You should note that there is no such thing as a
“Beavers Sleepover Permit”
NAP: Introduction
We now look at the NAP documentation in detail, using
the relevant fact sheets from HQ.
What are the practical steps a leader must take to
obtain a NAP?
How much “paperwork” is involved?
(at this point we can briefly examine the “Event Passport” system
applicable to Explorer Scouts as well)
NAP: Introduction
A leader who is given a NAP is in a position of trust because
looking after other people’s children is a grave responsibility.
What qualities do you associate with such a leader?
A leader in charge of Scouts at a NA event is said to be “in loco
What does this mean, and what does it imply?
Different types of residential
As a group, discuss the differences between a
“night away” in a building of some sort; on a
campsite; and on what is called a “green field”. Do
these differences lead to any particular problems?
Why is a “green field” NAP a “higher level” permit
within Scouting?
Planning a Nights Away Event
(Pages 22-28 in NA2002)
 define the purpose for which the event is
being organised, taking in to account the
needs of the young people
 draw up a timetable for the planning of
the event
 select a suitable venue/location and gather
local information (pre-event visit)
 select the most appropriate form of travel
Planning a Nights Away Event
“draw up a timetable for the planning
of the event”
In pairs, or individually, spend 5 minutes
doing this exercise for short camp or other
overnight experience with your Scout
section. You may like to use bullet points.
Planning a Nights Away Event
A pre-event visit is absolutely
essential if you are not totally familiar
with the venue/site in question
Why is this?
Can you state precisely the
several reasons for such a visit?
Ensuring the effective
administration of an event
(pages 32-37 in NAP2002)
 ensure overall costs and individual fees are
calculated, based on best predicted
 appropriate banking arrangements are
made, bills are paid promptly and final
accounts are produced
 parents/carers are informed and
permission sought in advance
 the home contact system is set up
Ensuring the effective
administration of an event
Tasks/check list
 Do you have a covering letter to parents on file?
 Copy of the Permission to Camp Form is to be found in
Appendix 7 of NAP220
 Are you confident you know how to operate the
Scout Association’s “Home Contact” system?
 What are the main features of the above system, and
why is it so important?
Preparing and co-ordinating a
programme of activities
(Pages 42-85 in NA2000)
 the resources needed, including human,
material and financial, are available at the
right time
 the needs and characteristics of the young
people concerned are taken in to account
 the Scout Association’s safety rules for
the activities to be undertaken are
 a balanced programme is developed,
allowing for alternatives for adverse
Preparing and co-ordinating a
programme of activities
 What “safety rules” might be applicable to a NA
 Would these include the safety rules for, say, canoeing
at camp, if you are not the instructor for the canoeing
 Please share the NA/Camp “Balanced Programme” you
have prepared in advance of this training session with
the rest of us
Choosing and preparing the event
team (Pages 96-101 in NA2002)
 identify the number of support team
members required for the event and the
range of skills and experiences needed
 ensure roles and responsibilities are
adequately covered (e.g. catering, First Aid,
quartermaster, programme co-ordinator)
 effective briefing of and communication
between support team members
Choosing and preparing the event
 Do you know what leader/adult: child ratios are
applicable to NA experiences for the different
 Do you know what particular skills and
“qualifications” are needed for your NA? Can you
list some of these? Do you also know that Activity
Permits are necessary for a large number of
outdoor activities?
 How often would a “briefing” take place before,
during, and after the NA event?
Choosing, organising and
maintaining the right equipment
(Pages 104-137 in NA2002)
 ensure the equipment required for an event
is obtained in good time
 ensure the equipment is checked and that
any damage or defects are dealt with
before use or on return
 the equipment meets safety standards
and is appropriately insured
 equipment is used correctly and stored
Choosing, organising and maintaining
the right equipment
 Present a list of kit/equipment you would need
for the NA event you have in view for your
 How in practice do you ensure that “safety
standards” are met?
Ensuring the health, happiness and
safety of self and others
(Pages 140 -161 in NA2002)
 recognise the limits and capabilities of both young
people and support team members
 undertake appropriate Risks Assessments for
the event
 ensure control of and adequate supply of
medication and of emergency aid cover or
medical equipment
 be aware of safety regulations and emergency
procedures at the venue e.g. evacuation routine
 know the steps to be taken in the event of an
accident, including the need for keeping records
 ensure adequate provision for maintenance of
personal hygiene and privacy.
Ensuring the health, happiness
and safety of self and others
Do you have to be in possession of a current First Aid qualification to run a
NA event? What is the recommendation for First Aid provision at a NA
Share with the group the Risk Assessment you have produced
in preparation for this training session
Demonstrate the sort of First Aid Kit you would expect to have
with you on a NA experience
How would you deal with varying needs for personal
medication amongst the youngsters in your group on NA?
Organising good catering
(Pages 164-198 in NA2002)
Provision of good meals is at the heart of any NA
experience! The organisers of a camp, in particular, need
to be proficient in the area of catering/cooking/and kitchen
Such “proficiency” does not, however, need to be part of the
leader’s repertoire, and delegation of effective responsibility
for this aspect of NA is quite acceptable.
Organising good catering
a menu is planned that takes account of all the
activities scheduled, the time of year and any special
dietary requirements
hygiene standards are met in the handling,
preparation and storage of food
there is a safe and suitable source of drinking
water and of fuel
responsible disposal of waste material is carried
Organising good catering
Individual presentations on this aspect of the training
Making best use of the venue
(Pages 200-205 in NA2002)
 make good use of surrounding facilities and
 plan the allocation of space and equipment
 ensure all participants know the house or site rules
 plan ahead for departure from the venue and ensure
it is left in an acceptable condition
 ensure borrowed or hired equipment is returned in
good order, on time, and with thanks
Making best use of the venue
On the sketch map provided, plot a layout for a Cubs or Scouts
Camp. There are 6 adults on the camp, 20 youngsters, both
girls and boys. The camp is “green field”, and there are both a
river and a road on the edge of the camping area. Be quite
specific about who sleeps where, and with whom!
You need to make a careful note of the scale of the map, and
the spacing of the tents
Other Aspects of the NAP Scheme
 Restrictions
 Review
 Changes in the terms of the NAP, as
agreed between DC and leader from
time to time
 Ongoing dialogue with the NAA
 Links with Mods. 10 and 17 in the
Adult Training Scheme
Course Completion Certificate
A certificate can be provided on request.
This might usefully be shown to the NAA of your District,
along with the file of information that the course will
have generated, and may be relevant to the award of a
NAP in due course.
Remember that this course does not “qualify” you to run
a NA event, nor does it entitle you to a NAP!