Unit One – Last Minute Review

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Unit One – Last Minute Review
List the 5 types of text structures.
List the 5 types of text structures.
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
List everything you know about central
List everything you know about central
Must be stated as a sentence.
The most important point the writer tries to make about
a topic.
Sometimes the central idea is not stated – you have to
make an inference.
Central idea should cover the whole text ( or whole
paragraph, or section) not a specific sentence.
What are supporting details?
What are supporting details?
Facts, examples, descriptions, etc. that tell us more about
the central idea.
Supporting details are specifc.
Define introduce, illustrate and elaborate
Define introduce, illustrate and elaborate
Introduce – the first time the writer brings up an event
or idea.
Illustrate – the writer gives a fact or example to help the
reader understand the event or idea
Elaboration – the writer goes beyond a basic explanation
and vividly, specifically describes the event or idea.
(Details about details!!)
What is an inference?
What is an inference?
When you have to take what the text says and combine
what you know about the ideas to make an educated
An inference is something that the writer doesn’t come
out and tell us, but we can figure it out based on the
information we have.
What should be included in a summary of a
What should be included in a summary of a
The big ideas from the text – not specific details that are
not important
Information should be in an order that makes sense
The summary should provide the information that is
needed to understand what the text was about.
What is AEC?
What is AEC?
Assert – state the answer
Evidence – an example from the text
Commentary – your explanation of how the evidence
supports your assertion
I know this because….
This shows that….
This proves….